- 贺老师
- 2025-03-11 08:27
- 606
- 手机版
这是我当时的清单。还做了个分类,放在4个包裹里抱进去的。你可以参考下。房产证我看不需要的。别人说的对,开银行存款证明就可以了。签证申请材料目录Visa Application documents ListPACK 1-护照 Passport-身份证 Identification Card-I-20表格 I-20 Form-DS-156, 157, 158表格 DS-156, 157, 158 Forms-Sevis费收据 Sevis Fee Payment Receipt-签证费收据 Nonimmigrant Visa Application Fee Receipt-签证照片 Visa Photos-空白备用DS157、158表格、相片、笔、固体胶PACK 2-个人简历 Resume-学习计划 Study Plan-个人陈述 Personal Statement-GMAT, TOEFL成绩单 GMAT&TOEFL Score Report-大学本科成绩单(密封盖章) Sealed Undergraduate Transcript -毕业证,学位证翻译件 Transcript of Graduation Certification, Degree Diploma-毕业设计(论文)摘要 Abstract of Graduation Project(Thesis)-ASU录取信 Admission Letter From ASU-MACC项目介绍 Introduction To the MACC Program of ASU-感兴趣教授的介绍 Introduction To the Interested Professors-G U录取信 Offer Letter From G U-D U录取信 Admission Letter From D UPACK 3-资金列表 Asset List -银行存款证明书 Certificate of Deposit-经济担保书 Financial Guarantee Affidavit-父母工资及工作证明 Certificate of Employment and Income -房产合同及买房收据 House Contract and Buying Receipt-其他投资 Other Investment-家庭合影 Photos of the Whole FamilyPACK 4-毕业证,学位证原件 Original Graduation Certification, Degree Diploma-主要奖状原件 Original Honor Certificate-存单存折原件 Original Deposit Receipts and Books-房产证原件 Housing Property Ownership Certificate-户口本 Hu Kou Ben-车证及购车发票 Motor Vehicle Register Certificate and Buying ReceiptPACK 2材料目录documents List of PACK 21. PACK 2 材料目录 documents list of PACK 2 2. 个人简历 Resume3. 学习计划 Study Plan 4. 个人陈述 Personal Statement5-6. GMAT, TOEFL成绩单 GMAT&TOEFL Score Report 7. 大学本科成绩单(密封盖章) Sealed Undergraduate Transcript8. 毕业证,学位证翻译件 Transcript of Graduation Certification, Degree Diploma 9. 注册会计师全科通过证 Certificate of Passing all courses of Chinese CPA Exam10. 毕业设计(论文)摘要 Abstract of Graduation Project(Thesis) 11. 工作证明 Certificate of Employment12. ASU录取信 Admission Letter from ASU13-16. MACC项目介绍 Introduction to the MACC Program of ASU17-18.感兴趣教授的介绍 Introduction to the Interested Professors 19. GU录取信 Offer Letter from G University20. DU录取信 Admission Letter from D UniversityPACK 3材料目录documents List of PACK 31. PACK 3 材料目录 documents list of PACK 32. 资金列表 Asset List3. 银行存款证明书 Certificate of Deposit4. 经济担保书 Financial Guarantee Affidavit5. 父亲工资及工作证明 Father’s Certificate of Employment and Income 6. 母亲工资及工作证明 Mother’s Certificate of Employment and Income7. 父亲聘用合同 Father’s Employment Contract8. 父亲投资合同 Father’s Investment Contract9. 投资回报银行进账单 10. A公司营业执照 Business License of A Co., Ltd.11-12. 2006,2007年财务报表 Financial Statements of 2006,200713. B公司营业执照 Business License of B Co., Ltd.14-15. 2006,2007年财务报表 Financial Statements of 2006,200716. 母亲高级职称证书 Mother’s Senior Engineer Certificate17-18.母亲工作奖状 Mother’s Working Honor Certificates19-20.C公司投资证明 Certificate of Investment on C Co. Ltd.21-23.投资回报银行进账单 24-25.房产合同及买房收据 House Contract and Buying Receipt26. 车证及购车发票 Motor Vehicle Register Certificate and Buying Receipt 27. 家庭合影 Photos of the Whole Family28. 户口本 Hu Kou Ben
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