


Presentation College, Windsor 更新时间:2025-03-24 08:47

学校地址:[维多利亚州] 187 Dandenong Road,Windsor Victoria 3181

PCW prides itself on 138 years of sustained commitment to compassion, inclusion, social justice and education for all. The College reflects the contem



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:
  • 在校学生:1700
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:75,000 - 100,000人民币
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


PCW prides itself on 138 years of sustained commitment to compassion, inclusion, social justice and education for all. The College reflects the co ntemporary Australia this generation of young women will lead. PCW is a Catholic seco ndary school for girls established in 1873 by seven Presentation Sisters - an Irish co ngregation founded by Nano Nagle. The College has inherited from the Presentation Sisters a tradition of adventure, creating an openness to teaching and learning that infuses the school. Providing six years of education, PCW educates girls for life. Our forward looking education creates pathways beyond school, enriches growth and transforms lives.


General Excellence, Academic and Music Scholarships are available for students entering into Years 7, 9 and 11 in 2013. For Scholarship information, application packs and closing dates


Education leads to life

I come that they may have life, and life to the full. John 10:10


Presentation College Windsor is a Catholic girls school founded in 1873. The College is guided by the mission of the Presentation Sisters and inspired by the faith and courage of their founder, Nano Nagle. PCW draws on its rich history and tradition of excellence, adventure, welcome and justice to offer the life giving-benefits of education to all in our community and to prepare young women to take their place in the world and to live with integrity, co nfidence and compassion.

As many we grow

Together we strive

As one with God we succeed

We Value

Learning: All members of the community are learners in an enviro nment which promotes: Excellence. Joy. Reflection. Hope. Creativity. Independent and Critical thinking.

Take my yoke upon and learn from me … and you will find rest in your souls. Matthew 11:29

Community: The school is shaped by its community, local and global, and this is expressed by: Celebration. Hospitality. Responsibility. Action. Diversity. Inclusion.

For where two or three come together in my name, I am there with them. Matthew 18:19

Relationships: Positive relatio nships which support learning and life are built and sustained through: Tolerance. Warmth. Trust. Honesty. Respect. Collegiality.

When we enrol a student in year 7 we offer six years of seco ndary education – providing multiple pathways, flexible programs and a wide ranging co ntemporary curriculum, which caters for the needs of young learners. Whether pursuing the Humanities or Mathematics, Languages or Sciences, Performing Arts or Hospitality, the College provides the depth and breadth of subjects to satisfy all students.

PCW strives to develop the talents of each student, catering for individual needs and differences in terms of learning styles and course content. Throughout PCW, the dynamic nature of the curriculum extends well beyond the classroom. Recognising the transition from middle to senior school the Year 9 program is tailored to learning in a variety of enviro nments and includes week long integrated learning projects each term. At Years 9 & 10 a greater selection of electives is offered preparing students for subject choices for their senior studies.

The curriculum at senior levels offers multiple pathways for students. The VCE (Victorian Certificate of Education) provides students pathways to further education at University, TAFE & employment. VCAL is a recognised senior school qualification and focuses on ‘hands on’ learning for students wishing to enter training programs or employment. VET (Victorian Education & Training) enables students to combine this with VCE studies and pursue industry ba sed subjects. There are some shared senior classes with CBC (Christian Brothers College, St Kilda), designed to maximise the student choice of VCE subjects available across both schools.

Our teaching and learning methodologies interact with the College’s co-curricula and student pastoral programs such that a holistic approach to education is taken. A varied and dynamic program of excursions and incursions enhances our aim of providing an education that has tangible l inks to the wider community.

Our four period day provides an improved structure that leads to increased student engagement, is supportive of in-depth learning and a thinking curriculum that actively supports the development of our students as independent and lifelong learners ready to embrace the social, eco nomic and technological challenges of the 21st century.

Tuition per year (Years 7 -12) $15,500

Application Fee (non-refundable) $250

VCAA VCE Assessment Fee (Year 11) $180

VCAA VCE Assessment Fee (Year 12) $350


AEAS或IELTS · 近两年学校成绩单 · 一页学生自己写的介绍 · 面试 · 护照复印件 · 出生证明


学费75,000 - 100,000人民币





综上所述,澳洲Presentation College, Windsor拥有丰富多样的院系,提供多个领域的专业课程供学生选择。无论是商业、工程、信息技术、艺术与设计、健康科学还是教育,学生都可以根据自己的兴趣和职业规划选择适合自己的专业。无论选择哪个院系,学生都将得到优质的教育资源和专业的教师指导,为自己的将来奠定坚实的基础。如果你有兴趣来到澳洲留学,并且想了解更多关于澳洲Presentation College, Windsor各个院系的信息,不妨了解一下该学院的官方网站或者联系学院的招生办公室。祝愿大家在留学之路上取得成功!

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  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它