


St Laurence’s College 更新时间:2025-03-15 01:42

学校地址:[昆士兰州] 82 Stephens Road,South Brisbane, QLD, 4101

St Laurence's College is a Catholic school for boys in the Archdiocese of Brisbane conducted in the tradition of Edmund Rice. The school accepts stude



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1967
  • 在校学生:20000
  • 国际生比:5%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:77690美元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


St Laurence's College is a Catholic school for boys in the Archdiocese of Brisbane co nducted in the tradition of Edmund Rice. The school accepts students from Year 5 to Year 12, drawing from a wide area of Brisbane. The total enrolment of the school is over 1500.

St Laurence's College exists primarily to teach its students a bout the God who loves them and to help them grow in their knowledge and experience of God. The College attempts to have the values of the Gospel and the message of Jesus pervade all that happens.

As a College co nducted in the Edmund Rice tradition, we offer a distinctive educatio nal philosophy. This philosophy is ba sed on a commitment to education as liberation. Blessed Edmund Rice, the founder of the Christian Brothers, attempted to change the system to assist those in need, to protect the weak and to restore social justice. His challenge to us today is to act justly and to live in right relatio nship with God, ourselves, our neighbour and indeed with all of creation.

This site exists as one form of communication with parents to provide information on courses, requirements and progress.There are l inks to the many activities and opportunities that exist in the school.

This website also aims to provide a small window on St Laurence's College for those seeking enrolment. The printed word can o nly achieve that to a limited degree. Perhaps the best view of the school would be obtained by talking with members of the school community, particularly those for whom the school exists: the boys.

St Laurence’s College Vision Statement

St Laurence’s College Vision is to be an authentic, dynamic, relatio nal Catholic educatio nal community.

An authentic Catholic community that celebrates and reflects Edmund Rice’s vision of Presence, Compassion and Liberation by ‘acting justly, loving tenderly and walking humbly with God’ (Micah 6:8)

A dynamic educatio nal community for boys and young men that maximises their potential to be both active co ntributors to and prophetic voices within an ever-changing society

An inclusive community which co ntinuously seeks to create and renew respectful, compassio nate relatio nships by which all can experience what it means to be fully human.

St Laurence’s College Mission Statement


Summo ned by the call of our College motto: facere et docere: To do and to teach, St Laurence’s College strives to implement the Charter for Catholic Schools in the Edmund Rice Tradition so that it is the ‘lived reality’ in the community.

In this way, St Laurence’s College, through nurturing respectful, compassio nate relatio nships aims to:

Foster Christian faith, perso nal worth and belo nging through spiritual growth, reconciliation, compassion and generosity

Educate boys and young men holistically in spiritual, moral, intellectual, emotional, physical, cultural and social dimensions of life

Provide a safe and sustainable enviro nment in which our boys and young men learn and live

Inspire all to live lives of service especially to the poor and marginalised both locally and globally.

St Laurence's College is fortunate to have excellent buildings, grounds and facilities which are co nducive to maintaining an effective learning environment.

Special features at the College include:

Well-equipped classrooms;

Science and computer laboratories;

Primary and Seco ndary Resource Centres;

Specialist rooms for Art, Drama, Dance, Film & Television and Multimedia, Graphics & Technology, Hospitality, Language and Music;

A 1500 seat auditorium;

A 240 seat theatre;

A 25 metre pool;

A multiple purpose sports hall; and

A chapel.

St Laurence's has playing fields at Runcorn, easily accessible to the railway station. Change rooms and a function centre complement eight grass fields.

Camp Laurence, St Laurence's Outdoor Education Centre, is located on five hectares on the western bank of Lake Moogerah. A dining hall, modern kitchen, ablution block and dormitories can accommodate 120 plus students.

In order to provide for the education of the whole person, St Laurence's provides an extensive co-curriculum program beyond the classroom.

Every student has the opportunity and is encouraged to participate in the many Cultural, Musical, Social, Spiritual & Service Learning, and Sporting aspects of College life.

These activities provide for the perso nal growth of the students by developing individual skill, teamwork, leadership, mateship, understanding and self-discipline in an atmosphere of fun and enjoyment. This in turn benefits curriculum performance and school behaviour and helps build a real sense of community.

Tuition per year $16,000

QSA Levy $280


录取要求 对于国际学生,SLC要求托福网考的最低分为100。学生可选择是否提交SAT成绩。SAT成绩的提交与否并不会对申请产生决定性的影响。另外,学校要求一份至少5页纸的学术论文样本(Analytical Paper)以衡量学生的写作水平和思维能力。







罗切斯特大学的优势简介 罗切斯特大学位于美国纽约州罗切斯特市,创建于1850年,是一所享誉国际的私立大学。罗切斯特大学拥有全美顶尖学科,涵盖了艺术、人文、理科、社会科学和工程技术等多个领域,是全美最好的综合性大学之一。罗切斯特大学的主要优势包括卓越的学术环境、独特的教学方法、丰富的课程资源和强大的师资力量。

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  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它