Co ncordia Lutheran College is a coeducatio nal Christian school catering to the diverse needs of all the members of one family from Kindy to Year 12. It is not elitist or academically selective, but a College for parents who desire the very best for their children. At Co ncordia each individual is valued.
Students experience the best of two worlds. Although the three campuses of our College are of medium size, students benefit from large scale opportunities and broad curriculum offerings across Junior, Middle and Senior College. Our Vision is that students would become life-long learners and proactive citizens of the global community, utilising their God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of others.
As it is Our Purpose to encourage students to develop relatio nships and co nfidence to become resilient young people who care for each other, we create opportunities for students to be self-directed, insightful and creative learners. This is also the case within our boarding community where students are encouraged to be open and respo nsive to others by mentoring younger students.
Co ncordia is an innovative and progressive College that builds upon and values its rich traditions dating back to 1946. Ever since early settlement of the Darling Downs by German pio neering families, Lutheran education, and indeed Co ncordia Lutheran College, has welcomed students from a range of cultural backgrounds, including those from rural and indigenous communities of western and northern Queensland, as well as students from foreign shores.
Since its humble beginnings as a school with an enrolment of 27 students, crests, names, and mottos have changed variously, as we have grown to become one of Toowoomba's most respected and influential coeducational, boarding schools. Yet, the true meaning of the Latin word 'Concordia' - union and harmony - has stood the test of time throughout.
Our new motto: With One Heart… serves to unite the Many Stories bound within this prospectus as a glimpse of the rich educatio nal enviro nment students of Co ncordia experience on a daily basis.
Often visitors to our College remark that "It's the feel!" that makes the first impression such a memorable one. We know it to be a reflection of Our Values which give emphasis to character traits such as respect, compassion, integrity and courage, founded on the belief that gender equity, cultural diversity and stewardship of the earth are essential features of any successful community.
As a coeducatio nal school of the Lutheran Church of Australia, Co ncordia Lutheran College exists to nurture and empower young people to shape and enrich our world through a life of faith and service. We are a Christian community where God's message of grace is proclaimed, and this guides how we teach, live and work together.
Our Philosophy Statement
College Chapel
At Co ncordia each individual is valued. Co nsequently we seek to develop the whole person socially, emotionally, spiritually, physically as well as cognitively, through a broad range of educatio nal opportunities and unique learning environments. Our vision is that students would become life-long learners and proactive citizens of the global community, utilising their God-given gifts and talents for the benefit of others.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to nurture individuals who are; aware of their humanity, open to the influence of the Holy Spirit, and are growing in and living according to a cohesive worldview.
We encourage students to become:
Self-directed and insightful
Discerning and resourceful
Adept and creative
Open and respo nsive
Principled and resilient
Co nfident and caring
Our Values
We value:
The centrality of the Gospel
Faith and Service
Integrity and courage
Respect and compassion
Respo nsibility and accountability
Striving for excellence
Gender Equity
Cultural diversity
Stewardship of the earth
Redlands Campus is blessed with excellent facilities to support the well-rounded education of our students.
In addition to carpeted general classrooms there are:
Special facilities for Art, Science, Technology Studies, Music (including a number of practice rooms), Hospitality (including access to the commercial kitchen which serves meals to boarders).
Computer facilities: Our campus enables student learning by encouraging active and collaborative learning. The learning plazas, equipped with comfortable chairs and cushions provide a flexible learning space and the opportunity for social and intellectual interaction. Our integrated technology provides access to a vast array of tools and devices, eg. wireless network and Internet access, fibre optic connection, virtualisation, laptops, desktops, digital video, still cameras and interactive whiteboards and as such ensure that the classroom is the engine room for inspired and motivated learning.College Chapel which features an excellent pipe organ and data projector facilities.
The administration building - the beautiful, heritage-listed "Redlands" built in 1889.
The multi-purpose gymnasium. This can accommodate four badminton courts, three volleyball courts or one full-sized basketball court. It also acts as an Assembly Hall, and its facilities include an extensive lighting and sound system, a larger than normal stage and dressing rooms.
Indoor heated swimming pool.
Outside sporting facilities include cricket practice wickets, 5 ovals, 9 tennis courts, volleyball courts and multi-purpose courts.
Co nference auditorium E1
Air co nditioning in Art rooms, Literacy and Independent Learning Centre
Purpose built Middle School facilities
Shady grounds
Dining room which provides healthy, nutritious lunches
Application/Enrolment Fee $775
Tuition per year (Years 7-12) $21,000
# Boarding per year $15,000
Boarding Bond - Refundable $1,890
Levies per annum $2,345
Camp – Year 10 Ballon Outdoor Education Centre $300
QSA levy Yr 11&12 $275
Building Fund $250
NOTE: Pay all charges 12mths in advance - $900 discount
Tuition fees include ESL support across all years