Eltham College 更新时间:2025-03-23 17:28
学校地址:[维多利亚州] 1660 Main Rd Research,Melbourne Australia 3095
ELTHAM is a school unlike any other. We’re constantly adapting to the changing needs of young people and their world. We support them on a journey of
Eltham College 更新时间:2025-03-23 17:28
学校地址:[维多利亚州] 1660 Main Rd Research,Melbourne Australia 3095
ELTHAM is a school unlike any other. We’re constantly adapting to the changing needs of young people and their world. We support them on a journey of
ELTHAM is a school unlike any other. We’re co nstantly adapting to the changing needs of young people and their world. We support them on a journey of self-discovery to unlock their talents through one of Victoria’s broadest curriculums. Most im portantly, our teachers guide each young person to become empowered with the self-co nfidence and independence to manage all aspects of their future lives.
We aim for our graduates to step into life after school as pro-active young people equipped with the skills and desire to co ntinue successful learning. And while we’re achieving these serious aims, we’re determined to have fun at the same time! Not o nly do we make learning exciting and relevant to life, we also create a very different and liberating enviro nment where teachers and students share trust and friendship and work together in mutual respect.
We’re an independent, coeducational, Early Learning - Year 12 school. We’re also proud to be non-selective - we welcome students of all backgrounds, talents and abilities.
Nine core values form the foundation of our planning and drive our actions as an organisation:
Working together
We embrace shared leadership, non-hierarchical behaviour, and individual and team empowerment.
We celebrate diversity and recognise each individual for their talents, abilities, passions and aspirations.
We encourage creativity, innovation and risk taking to seek better ways of educating and learning.
We display integrity through openness, trust, negotiation, fairness, ho nesty and respect for all people.
We develop lifelong learners with capacity for self-direction and self-management.
We create a culture that values the principles of Earth Care, People Care and Fair Share.
We value the quest for perso nal bests and setting new standards.
We value community behaviours that encourage people to work together and respect the integrity and individuality of other people and the rights of the community.
We pride ourselves on a vast curriculum. Specially designed programs have been developed to ensure that each young person at ELTHAM has the opportunity to explore and enhance their talents. Teachers work with students to tailor a learning program to suit their needs, abilities, passions and aspirations.
Our teachers dedicate themselves to a section of the school in order to plan exciting learning experiences for each developmental stage .
This section of our web site is devoted to giving you specific information a bout our curriculum and programs.
Learn more a bout our curriculum & programs:
Early/Junior Years ELC-Year 4
Middle Years 5-8
Year 9 City Experience
Senior Years 10-12
Short Courses for Adults
Short Courses for Kids
Post Seco ndary Courses
Application fee $750
Tuition per year (Prep to Yr 7) $18,000
Tuition per year (Year 8) $23,300
Tuition per year (Year 9) $27,000
Tuition per year (Years 10 to 12)$26,000
School Program textbooks and Subject Requirements per year $900,VCAA VCE Assessment Fee The approximate annual cost in Year 10 is $160, Years 11-12 is between $225 to $330. These fees are dependent on the number of subjects taken.
会计, 艺术, 商业管理, 中文, 经济, 地理, 历史, 电脑, 音乐, 法律, 设计, 文学, 资讯,酒店管理及人体健康学等。GCSE课程:艺术、生物、化学、古典学、电脑、戏剧、经济&商务学、地理、地质学、数学、现代语、音乐、物理等。
师资力量Eltham College拥有一支高素质的师资队伍,由经验丰富的教育专家和资深教师组成。学校还定期举行各种培训和研讨会,提高教师的教学水平和专业素养。学校注重教师与学生之间的互动和沟通,鼓励学生自主学习和思考,培养他们的创新能力和团队合作精神。
ELTHAM is a school unlike any other. We’re constantly adapting to the changing needs of young people and their world. W...