


Immanuel Lutheran College

学校地址:[昆士兰州] 126-142 Wises Road,Buderim, QLD, 4556

Immanuel Lutheran College is a P-12 co-educational school located on an idyllic campus on the 'surf side' of Buderim, in the centre of the Sunshine Co



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1979
  • 在校学生:847
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:2500英镑
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Immanuel Lutheran College is a P-12 co-educatio nal school located on an idyllic campus on the 'surf side' of Buderim, in the centre of the Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia.

Founded in 1979, Immanuel is the lo ngest established independent school on the Sunshine Coast. We are suitably proud of our excellent facilities and highly acclaimed academic, pastoral, cultural, service and sporting achievements.

We invite you to browse through our website and find out what perso nifies an Immanuel student. Please co ntact us for further information or to arrange a tour of the College.

At Immanuel Lutheran College, every day is an Open Day.

Immanuel Lutheran College is an independent school which has forged a reputation for excellence that goes well beyond the academic results of our students. Whilst our enviable academic record is fostered and celebrated, our College takes equal pride in focusing on the well-being and development of the 'whole' child, in line with Gospel principles.

Just as a young child starting to walk must learn the im portance of balance, so too must all our students as they take their first steps towards independence. Providing that balance is essential and means placing equal emphasis on each student's academic, cultural, social, spiritual and pastoral development.

The core values of the community play a vital role in this development and Immanuel strives to provide an enviro nment where students are valued as individuals, where they are inspired to learn and where they develop a spirit of service, both to each other and to the wider community.

Our Mt Binga outdoor education program is an excellent example of our inclusive approach. Situated on the picturesque Blackbutt Range, our Mt Binga campus caters for our Year 10 students, following a program that is inspiring and challenging, and which presents myriad opportunities for deep learning, perso nal development, authentic leadership, spiritual awakening and an appreciation for the enviro nment we are called to steward.

We have a proud heritage of nurturing independent thinkers and strive to foster each student within the College community, while ensuring the essential values of respect, care, trust and empathy are hallmarks by which our actions meet our Mission.

Core Values and Beliefs

Centrality of the Gospel

We acknowledge God’s Word as the authority and guide for the community. In it Christ is revealed, providing the centre of all we do under God’s grace.

Worth of the Individual

We believe each person in the community is im portant, their worth attested by Christ and should be able to reach their potential: academically, spiritually, physically, culturally and socio-emotionally.


Our aim is to strive for excellence in an education which is authentic, life-related and future-orientated.

im portance of Relatio nships

We believe that in Christ all are equal, regardless of race, ability, gender or physical nature, and are committed to each other in caring, just, supporting, encouraging and forgiving relationships.


We believe that we are to serve one another and the community.

Respect for the enviro nment

We believe that the natural enviro nment is to be preserved and protected as we interact with it.

Sense of Community

We believe that Immanuel is enriched as we develop school pride and spirit and as we interact with the wider community.

College Motto

The College motto, Walk as Children of the Light, points us in the direction we must be going. We have to more fully come to know Jesus Christ, who is the Light of the World, and to know what it means to be “Children of the Light”. The motto tells us then to be what we are, and thus a major objective of the College is to expose its students to the Light of the World and His plan for them.


  1. 雅思或者托福工具类语言成绩:之所以称之为工具类是因为只有通过这个成绩,学校才会初步认可学生可以在加拿大好好的生活交流和学习,其中雅思成绩要达到6.5分,托福成绩要达到90分,根据具体的科目有些调节:比如说理工类对雅思就要求6.5分,而商科对雅思的要求大部分要达到7.0分。

  2. GRE或GMAT学术类语言成绩:这类成绩的考试相对工具类要难一些,并且在申请过程当中可以作为学生学术背景的提升。理工科需要提供GRE成绩,一般1200分左右,如果申请顶尖,。








  • <em>ImmanuelLutheranCollege</em>


    Immanuel Lutheran College is a P-12 co-educational school located on an idyllic campus on the 'surf side' of Buderim, in...

  • 美国
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  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它