St Ives Park Primary School, a unique school, tucked away in a bushland setting.
At St Ives Park we offer our students a broad range of educatio nal opportunities in a safe, caring and attractive environment. With our highly qualified teaching staff and excellent learning programs our students have every opportunity to achieve their full learning potential.
Our focus at St Ives Park is to develop in our children:
Academic ability
Self ex pression
Motivation to learn
We believe that our Early Literacy Program and Ability Groupings are features of St Ives Park that provide an academic advantage to our students. Our programs deliver the foundation and enthusiasm for a lifetime of learning and are structured to ensure that the individual needs of each student are addressed in a perso nalised manner.
In addition to academic excellence, St Ives Park offers every child opportunities to participate in sport, debating, public speaking, music, dance, technology and academic competitions.
Our ethos and educatio nal approach is complemented by outstanding school facilities.
We love St Ives Park because it is a community school where everyone knows each other. It is an enviroment where the children have a real sense of belonging. The children know every child in the school. The children are so secure and happy that they thrive academically, musically and in sport .
K Family - child in Year 3; 2 children completed K-6 and now at Barker College. November,2009
St Ives Park Primary School is the best kept secret on the North Shore .
We think St Ives Park Primary School offers a truly unique learning environment. It appeals to our family as it is safe, nurturing and nestled in a pleasant bushland enviro nment within which our children are recognised and given outstanding opportunities to participate in school life and develop their leadership qualities.
H Family - children in K and Year 3. May, 2009.
St Ives Park has taken my knee-clinging pre-schooler to a confident, academically accomplished, respo nsible Year 6 student ready for high school. He has become a motivated, self-starting learner who manages his own study deadlines. The exceptio nal progam run in Kindergarten gave him an enthusiasm for learning that has been built upon by the very perso nalised approach to education this school has throughout the grades. With another child thriving in Year 4, St Ives Park brings out the best in our children and co ntinues to be the perfect choice for our family.
S Family - children in Years 4 and 6. May, 2009.
For us St Ives Park is all a bout friendliness, caring and that one big happy family thing where the teachers care for the children and the big kids look out for the little ones. And of course those fantastic canteen specials!
C Family - children in Year 2 and 5. July, 2009.
We transferred to St Ives Park because the boys were bored out of their brains at the previous school and most unhappy. I rang several different schools, but none seemed as if they were going to be much better for our boys.
However, when I co ntacted St Ives Park Primary, Mrs King told me that the first thing they do is test the children thoroughly at the beginning of each year and put them in ability groups for reading and math’s. It was like music to my ears.
Both boys were put in ability groups above their class level and one was grade skipped at the end of Term 1. They are both thriving at St Ives Park, socially and academically, after being most unhappy last year.
The staff are very respo nsive when an issue arises that needs attention, and have been flexible in their approach to problems and possible solutions. Changing schools seemed a big step but it has certainly been the best thing we could have done.
Our Vision
Quality educatio nal outcomes in a caring, supportive and encouraging environment.
Our Mission
To ensure that educatio nal programs at St Ives Park Primary School:
Attain standards which realise the full potential of our students
Meet the educatio nal needs and aspirations of our community.
Prepare students for their future in a changing society.
Promote the participation of the whole school community.
Our Values
The St Ives Park Primary School community believes:
all our students have the ability and need to learn
each child must be valued and recognised as an individual
our students and staff have the right to a safe, happy, caring and stimulating learning and teaching enviro nment
quality education is imperative for all our students
diversity strengthens our school and should be respected
our school prospers when people work together and support each other
informed participation from our community towards our shared values and long term goals is crucial
Our ethos and educatio nal approach is complemented by our wo nderful setting and school facilities. These include:
a fully equipped computer laboratory
computers in every classroom
Interactive Whiteboards in most classrooms (including the library)
Co nnected Classroom in the Year 6 classroom
a well-stocked library
tennis, netball and basketball courts
sports oval and cricket nets
a large covered outdoor learning area (COLA)
extensive shade sails over lunch and hardcourt area
ecoclassroom for outdoor learning programs
State of the art multi purpose hall
our own Eco-Garden
Out of School Hours Care
a newly refurbished accredited healthy Canteen
Uniform Shop
a range of Extra-Curricula Activities
教学质量 致力于提供高质量的教育,以确保每个学生都能得到最佳的学术支持。学校引进了一系列先进的教学方法和课程,包括个性化辅导、小班授课和丰富多样的选修课程,这些措施有效地提高了学生的学业水平。