Mowbray Public School 更新时间:2025-03-24 02:29
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] 635 Mowbray Road,Lane Cove NSW 2066
Mowbray Public School is a small school with an involved and committed staff supported by an active and informed parent community. In our park-like e
Mowbray Public School 更新时间:2025-03-24 02:29
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] 635 Mowbray Road,Lane Cove NSW 2066
Mowbray Public School is a small school with an involved and committed staff supported by an active and informed parent community. In our park-like e
Mowbray Public School is a small school with an involved and committed staff supported by an active and informed parent community. In our park-like enviro nment we offer a wide range of play and sporting facilities. We are committed to providing quality programs designed to encourage each child to achieve their maximum potential in intellectual, physical and creative areas. We hope you enjoy your visit with us.
Mowbray Public School Policy docu ments
The school has developed range of policy docu ments to ensure that there is co nsistency and fairness in decision-making processes and program delivery. If you would like a copy of any of the policies listed below, please co ntact the school office for a copy to be emailed to you.
School Planning
Annual Management Plan
Management Plan Term Reports
Annual School Report
School Organisation
Enrolment and Out of Area Enrolment
Class Placement
Learning Outcomes
Assessment and Reporting
Learning Support Programs
Gifted and Talented
Information and Communication Technology
Student Welfare
Good Discipline and Effective Learning and Student Welfare
Care and Supervision
Accidents and Illness
Emergency procedures
Drug Education
Sun Safe
SRC Student Leaders Election
Aboriginal Education
Mobile Phone
The NSW Department of Education and Communities curriculum includes six Key Learning Areas. These include:
Human Society and Its Enviro nment
Science and Technology
Creative and Practical Arts
Perso nal Development, Health and Physical Education
Mowbray Public School has many programs and initiatives for students to participate in. Some of these include:
English as a Second Language
Gifted and Talented Program
Performing Arts
Enviro nment
Student Representative Council
Peer Support
人类学,会计学,艺术历史,生化学,生物学,商务行政,化学及生物化学,通信,犯罪学,经济学,早期儿童教育,初等中学教育,体育,中等教育,特殊教育,工程学,英语,外语语言文学,历史学,文学研究, 管理信息系统 数学计算科学,音乐,护理,哲学,物理天文学,政治学,心里学,社会工作,社会学和两性研究。
私立学校性价比高除了公立学校,马耳他还分布着众多私立学校,大多为英式学校、少数美式学校,但完全没有英美教育产业化、高度盈利化、高昂学费等问题。马耳他的私立学校都为非盈利性国际学校,费用在3000-8000欧元/年不等。 私立学校的教学质量、学生的优异成绩,保证了这些学生能够升入顶尖学校。
Mowbray Public School is a small school with an involved and committed staff supported by an active and informed parent...