Manly Village Public School 更新时间:2025-03-24 08:56
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Darley Road, Manly NSW 2095
As the principal of Manly Village Public School I am immensely proud of our people, our programs and our progress. I believe it is the people at Manly
Manly Village Public School 更新时间:2025-03-24 08:56
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Darley Road, Manly NSW 2095
As the principal of Manly Village Public School I am immensely proud of our people, our programs and our progress. I believe it is the people at Manly
As the principal of Manly Village Public School I am immensely proud of our people, our programs and our progress. I believe it is the people at Manly Village and our shared commitment towards providing an optimal education for all of the children, which helps make it such a special place. I believe the school's strengths are its people - the happy and hardworking students and the talented and dedicated staff who work in partnership with a generous and capable parent community. Thus supporting the adage, 'It takes a village to raise a child.'
As you navigate through the pages of our website, you will discover that we offer a diverse range of quality programs across academic, cultural, social, physical and moral domains, providing our students with a multitude of opportunities and a balanced education within a supportive environment.
It is an exciting time to be at Manly Village Public School as we embrace a range of innovative programs and practices designed to optimise teaching and learning. Our major focus areas for 2012 are literacy, numeracy, 21st century skills and student well being. During 2011 we looked at improving growth rates in literacy, so that they matched 2009 levels. These had been the highest in several years and we were pleased to have achieved an increase in growth rates in 2011.
It has now been 4 years since we celebrated our sesquicentenary (150th birthday). As the first school to be established on the Northern Beaches 150 years ago, we ho noured our long and distinguished history of quality public education, while we simultaneously celebrated the present and looked to the future.
As our motto states, we are ho nour bound - ho nour bound to develop model citizens and to prepare our students for the challenges ahead of them within an ever changing society. This means we co ntinually reflect on current programs and practices so that we are well positio ned to provide students with a relevant and innovative education.
Thank you for visiting our website. Whether you are already a valued member of the Manly Village community, a potential enrolment or whether you are a visitor browsing the site out of curiosity, I hope you find it informative and helpful and that the pages begin to co nvey the warm, positive and welcoming atmosphere which has become an inherent part of the school culture at Manly Village. We warmly welcome families from all over the world who choose to live in Manly, that special place nestled between the surf and the harbour. Please co ntact us if we can be of further assistance or if you would like a perso nal tour of the school.
Manly Village Public School is uniquely situated between Manly Beach and Sydney Harbour. Founded in 1858, we are proud to be one of the oldest government schools in New South Wales. We are a medium-sized school, where students are known to, and supported by dedicated staff.
A range of exciting programs are offered to students, including enrichment and extension for gifted and talented students and programs for students with special needs. At our school it is co nsidered essential that students master literacy, numeracy and life skills in their im portant beginning years at school. An understanding of cultural differences is fostered and we welcome students and their families from many different countries.
Parents are always encouraged to communicate with the teachers and Principal and become involved in the exciting and im portant activities of our school, its P&C and School Council. Parents are valued as partners in the im portant task of giving your child the best possible start in their education.
We trust the information co ntained in this website helps you to understand the school and what it can offer your child. It is also im portant that you read the Sea Sider newsletter for im portant information and regular updates on what is happening at school.
Manly Village Public School is a school community which seeks to provide each student with a high-quality, balanced, stimulating and challenging program in a secure and caring environment.
To develop in students the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in the six key learning areas (KLAs), to enhance their quality of life and co ntribution to society.
To enable students to achieve high standards of learning and develop self-confidence, high self-esteem and a commitment to perso nal excellence ba sed on a positive set of values.
To develop respect for others and an appreciation of Australia’s multicultural heritage and to promote informed citizenship in our democracy and the world community.
To seek to provide equality of educatio nal opportunity for students with special teaching and learning requirements.
To foster parent and community participation in the school and pride in public education.
To ensure effective teaching and learning by developing skilled and committed staff to meet the needs of the education system.
To use technologies that enhance the delivery, quality and effectiveness of teaching, learning and administration.
To ensure the equitable allocation and effective use of resources to facilitate a self managing, respo nsive and dynamic school.
These goals form the basis of the Strategic Plan for our school, which is produced every three years and is ba sed on input from the Dept of Education and Communities (DEC), parents, staff and the Principal.
A Management Plan for the school is produced annually, ba sed on the broad strategies outlined in the Strategic Plan. The school budget is then developed from the Management Plan.
School rules
At Manly Village Public School:
We are polite
We tell the truth
We are respectful to others
We play safely
These rules form the basis of the Discipline Policy, a compo nent of the Student Welfare Policy. These policies assist in guiding behaviour in the classrooms and the playground.
Well appointed classrooms, with computers and internet access
Refurbished grounds with all purpose sports court and handball courts with ‘Plexi-pave’ surface
Large hall with stage
Visual arts, music, audio-visual, computer and pottery rooms
Healthy-food canteen operating five days per week
Strong focus on literacy and numeracy
Emphasis on teaching to suit individual needs
Extension programs for gifted and talented students (GATS)
Additio nal assistance for students with learning difficulties.
Participation in University of NSW English, Maths, Computer and Science competitions
Access to computers, smartboards and the internet in classrooms, technology room, audio visual room and library
Video co nferencing facility
Specialist ESL (english as a second language), library and support teachers, eg. learning assistance
Progressive teachers who readily embrace curriculum innovation, training and changes
Before and After School Care on school premises (operated by Manly Council)
马耳他公立教育优势 被欧盟誉为高品质欧洲学习区,全球教育品质排名前20位 纯正的英式教育,教育体系、教学内容和教学理念沿袭英国传统 注重使用,强调课程与本国国情相联系,重视培养满足欧洲及全球市场需求的高素质人才 英语作为官方语言,且广纳多国国民,提供多元化学习环境 费用低廉。
As the principal of Manly Village Public School I am immensely proud of our people, our programs and our progress. I bel...