John Purchase Public School
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Purchase Road,Cherrybrook NSW 2126
Our school takes its name from the original landholder of the area. John Purchase, his wife Betsey and son John, ages two years, arrived in Sydney on
John Purchase Public School
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Purchase Road,Cherrybrook NSW 2126
Our school takes its name from the original landholder of the area. John Purchase, his wife Betsey and son John, ages two years, arrived in Sydney on
Our school takes its name from the original landholder of the area. John Purchase, his wife Betsey and son John, ages two years, arrived in Sydney on the "James Pattison", on 17th December, 1838 as bounty immigrants from Somerset in the British Isles.
Whilst John was a sto nemason by trade, he worked as a timber merchant felling trees on land that he bought and leased in Pennant Hills and Thornleigh. A small area of the land near the present Purchase Road was cleared and an orange orchard planted. A nursery was also established.
John became a lay preacher of the Parramatta Wesleyan Circuit and by 1858 had gained a place in the social standing of Parramatta. He was appointed a Foundation Trustee of Parramatta Park, the large estate of crown land on which Government House has stood since the 1790’s.
Experience Excellence, Positive Classrooms, Individual Learning
John Purchase Public School is situated in the Cherrybrook area. The primary school is next to its feeder high school Cherrybrook Technology High School.
John Purchase Public School opened in 1986 and has established a high reputation within the community for its quality teaching programs and outstanding student outcomes.
At the present time it has:
An enrolment of 600 students
A diverse student population with approximately 55% of families from non-English speaking backgrounds
A class organisation that encourages acceleration and in class grouping of students to facilitate their learning
Focus teaching sessions for literacy and numeracy skills each day
Two Gifted and Talented classes
Extensive technology throughout the school for all students
We have proven teachers with positive classrooms and focused individual learning. Our capable and experienced teachers:
encourage successful learning for your children
create positive classrooms where children are happy to come to school and enjoy learning
provide daily school sessions focussing on literacy and numeracy
achieve above average success in the Australian Natio nal Assessment Program 'Literacy and Numeracy Program'
deliver higher level teaching programs including Gifted and Talented, Thinking Skills and Cooperative Learning Programs for all children at classroom level
collaborative plan classroom programs, assessments and student reports to promote co nsistency and quality performance
support positive classrooms emphasising pastoral care programs, peer leadership, peer mentoring and positive discipline
identify individual learning needs that are catered for in the classroom with a range of specially developed school programs to promote and extend each child's learning.
These include: individualised Gifted and Talented programs, Parent Tutor Support, Multi-Lit which is a targeted individual reading program, Reading Recovery teacher, Reciprocal Literacy, Reciprocal Numeracy and Language for Learning, a Support teacher for Learning and access to a private speech pathologist.
We provide strong academic foundations focussed on successful, diverse programs. Our school provides:
small class sizes for Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 students
stimulate each student's thinking with open ended problem solving
integrated Technology Centres with wireless internet access and individual laptop learning
technology skills taught weekly in a computer laboratory
library research and critical thinking skills promoted by an Integrated Technology Centre l inked to all classrooms.
a commitment to academic success for all students to reach their potential
implementation of Quality Teaching strategies for all learning
Basic skills sessions are taught across the school each day
We promote strong student peer relatio nships reflecting respect and tolerance towards each other:
build positive relatio nships through involvement in peer support, buddy classes, anti-bullying and playground and social skills programs
participate in a Students Representative Council and student leadership programs
reflect a very diverse range of Non English Speaking Backgrounds
participate in a range of celebrations that respect the traditions of our Australian heritage
share their successes with their parents at a range of celebratory morning teas held each term
Parents and teachers preparing and supporting children together
At John Purchase we:
co nsult with parents to promote a positive relatio nship aiming to provide the best education for each child
support programs for children including transition from preschool to primary and primary to high school
implement cultural programs including dance, band, choir, sport, excursions, art and gifted and talented programs with parent support
utilise a Support Teacher Learning and the acquisition of the latest resources for students with parent support
offer a workshop program in a range of priority areas to inform and co nsult with parents
actively seek parents' opinions to determine school directions
Students play in shady, native landscaped grounds.
Our school grounds reflect:
co ntributions by parents to the building of a Covered Outdoor Learning Area in the school grounds
a corridor of gums through the playground reflecting the original settlement by Mr John Purchase in the 1850s
cultivation of Australian natives and protected species in the gardens
play areas that are extensive and varied for students, surrounded by landscaped gardens
implementation of recycling, water and energy co nservation strategies in enviro nmental planning
Library which is well resourced including current technology.
School Hall which is used for assemblies, special occasions, dance/sporting activities and visiting performances.
Performance Area which caters for the attendance of all students at assemblies and special functions.
Computer Room providing opportunities for all students in class and team teaching situations.
Interactive Smartboard Technology in 14 class rooms, library and computer room.
Internet and Intranet facilities in all classrooms.
Attractive grounds with extensive grassed and landscaped areas.
Canteen which provides quality service five days a week. Details of the items on offer and prices can be found in the menu at the bottom of this page.
Uniform Shop which provides daily service from 8.30am - 9.30am. See the information sheet at the bottom of this page for details on the items available and other services.
Out of School Hours Care (OOSH) which accommodates up to 90 students on a daily basis.
Cherrybrook Technology High School access for school programs and sharing of play areas.
Band Program
Junior band, co ncert band and senior ensemble band performing in a range of school and district music performances and local eisteddfods
Three dance groups perform at Schools Spectacular, Australian Youth Olympics, Education Week, assemblies, Hills Music Festival, Hornsby and Richmond eisteddfods
All students participating in Artrageous exhibition biannually
Biannual school musical performance with Kindergarten to Year 6 participating
Recorder group and school co ncert
语言要求TOEFL总分不低于100分,阅读、听力、写作和口语单项分别不低于26分、26分、22分和25分; IELTS单项不低于7.0分。 如申请者SAT阅读分数在670分以上或ACT英语30分以上,可无需递交语言成绩。 商学院工商管理学士项目建议申请者TOEFL总分不低于100分,IELTS总分不低于7.0分
ACT/ACT约翰霍普金斯大学要求SAT或ACT+写作成绩 2016年秋季被录取的学生平均分数如下:SAT阅读与写作730-780。
学费$ 60,206
教学质量 致力于提供高质量的教育,以确保每个学生都能得到最佳的学术支持。学校引进了一系列先进的教学方法和课程,包括个性化辅导、小班授课和丰富多样的选修课程,这些措施有效地提高了学生的学业水平。
Our school takes its name from the original landholder of the area. John Purchase, his wife Betsey and son John, ages tw...