


Carlingford Public School 更新时间:2025-03-15 01:01

学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Rickard St, Carlingford NSW 2118

Carlingford Public School, a K-6 school with more than a century of history and tradition in providing quality education to the children from the Carl



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:B
  • 建校年份:1967
  • 在校学生:1100
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:$70,178
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Carlingford Public School, a K-6 school with more than a century of history and tradition in providing quality education to the children from the Carlingford and surrounding districts of North Western Sydney.

Carlingford is a caring community school which prides itself on its small school atmosphere while providing outstanding perso nal development and self-esteem programs, comprehensive student welfare policies and holding high expectations for all students. The school has expansive attractive grounds, large, well resourced, inviting classrooms, a school hall, new library and technology centres, allowing outstanding learning opportunities for all students. The core business of the school is to ensure that all students learn to their maximum potential, achieved in a stimulating safe and happy environment.

The dedicated, highly skilled staff at Carlingford Public School are committed to ensuring every child becomes a successful learner. We have a strong focus on the development of literacy and numeracy skills and provide a wide range of extra-curricula activities to extend and enrich student learning. Beyond the classroom, students have the opportunity to participate in extensive Dance, Drama, Band, Technology, Choir, Debating, Public Speaking and Interschool Competitive Sport programs.

Within a happy, caring environment, students are encouraged to aspire to achieve their perso nal best at all times. Student learning outcomes are high in comparison to like school and state benchmarks. In last year's NAPLAN assessment, Carlingford was ranked number 1 from 20 surrounding schools in both Literacy and Numeracy growth. We relentlessly pursue excellence as we seek to equip each child for their life-long journey in learning.

In recognition of the diversity of achievement amo ngst our students, Carlingford provides a wide range of educatio nal experiences that enable us to meet specific learning needs. Gifted students are catered for through a differentiated curriculum where they are given the opportunity to achieve their best through carefully structured programs and strategies. Students with particular learning difficulties receive extra support from staff trained in working with students with special needs. For students to whom English is not their first language specific support programs are provided.

At Carlingford, we endeavour to ensure our students' primary school experiences are happy, productive and rewarding. All students are treated with respect and individual needs are met in a caring, respo nsive approach. The development of positive attitudes, self-esteem, self-discipline and respect of others is fostered through recognition, achievement and appropriate reinforcement.

The wo nderful support and excellent co ntributions in the education of their children by parents and family members makes for a very strong partnership and co ntributes greatly to the high reputation that is enjoyed by our school and students within the wider community. For the benefit of working parents Before and After School Care is available on site.

Key Learning Areas

Knowing what your child is learning helps you support them throughout their education. Find out a bout the curriculum and learning opportunities offered for students to challenge their thinking, and make the most of their unique talents.

Primary learning includes whole-class, group and individual activities designed to develop an inquiring mind and teach basic learning skills needed for schooling and later life.

Literacy and numeracy are the building blocks of learning and that is why English and mathematics take up half of students' learning time in primary school.

Kindergarten to Year 6 focuses on six key learning areas:



Science and Technology

Human Society and Its Enviro nment

Perso nal Development, Health and Physical Education

Creative Arts

Primary school in NSW follows a curriculum ba sed on stages of learning. Each stage is approximately equivalent to two school years. For each learning stage there are skills, knowledge and a level of understanding that each student should develop.

Early Stage 1 refers to Kindergarten

Stage 1 includes Years 1 and 2

Stage 2 includes Years 3 and 4

Stage 3 includes Years 5 and 6

Gifted and talented students are found in all communities regardless of their ethnic, cultural or socio-eco nomic backgrounds. The gifted population includes students who are underachieving and who have disabilities. It is imperative that school communities develop effective, equitable and defensible identification programs that avoid cultural bias and provide developmentally appropriate programs for gifted and talented students.

Gifted students are those whose potential is distinctly above average in one or more of the following areas of ability at school - intellectual, creative, social and physical.

At Carlingford Public School our Gifted and Talented program provides these students with learning opportunities on top of the normal curriculum and differentiated programs embedded within the normal curriculum.

Could your child be Gifted?

Research indicates that approximately 10% of the population is gifted and/or talented in one or more of the domains listed above. Parents often believe that their child could be gifted.

So how do you find out?

If your child is displaying one or more of the following characteristics then further identification procedures need to be undertaken to successfully indentify your child as a gifted and talented student.

? exceptio nal reaso ning abilities

?rapid learning and abstract thinking

?creativity and imagination

?analytical skills and empathy

?excellent humour

?superior insight

?exceptio nal problem-solving abilities

?high degree of social responsibility.

The characteristics above are by no means the o nly o nes that exist and it does not automatically mean that your child is gifted and talented if they display any of those characteristics.

Identifying your child's gifts

There are a variety of ways to identify giftedness in children, including IQ tests, creative tests and behaviour checklists. The following packages are available to help you, your teacher and the school determine whether your child is gifted and to some degree the level of giftedness.

DET Gifted and Talented Policy

Parent information package

Gifted and talented students identification support

Opportunity classes

Selective schools

Accelerated classes

DET Selective high school and opportunity class placement policy

At Carlingford Public School we believe that a strong partnership must exist between parents and the school in order to allow the children the best opportunity to learn to their potential in order to maximise their educatio nal outcome.

We believe that:

children have a right to learn to their potential

learning occurs when children are immersed in a stimulating and secure enviro nment

a planned comprehensive approach will co ntinually improve student learning outcomes

students will take respo nsibility and progress in their learning by taking risks within supportive student-teacher relatio nships

it is im portant to nurture an enviro nment where children are happy and feel valued

by welcoming parents and taking their co ncerns seriously and objectively we provide a positive enviro nment for all families and enhance the relatio nship between home and school

our staff maintain a standard of excellence through o ngoing professio nal learning and by providing sequential, challenging and innovative teaching and learning programs.


卡尔顿学院申请条件 完整的入学申请 通用申请表 或联盟申请表或QuestBridge申请表 成绩单 推荐信 a.高中咨询顾问推荐信 b.两封学术老师推荐信 语言能力考试成绩 a.托福IBT: 100+(含) b.托福PBT: 600+(含) c.托福CPT: 250+(含) S: 7.0+(含) ingo English Test: 120+(含) 非必须提交测试成绩:SAT or ACT。







教育资源 悉尼Carlingford地区的教育资源非常丰富。首先,Carlingford West Public School是该地区的一所知名小学,其师资力量雄厚,教育质量得到社会各界的认可。其次,James Ruse Agricultural High School是悉尼乃至澳大利亚最顶尖的农业高中之一,曾多次获得全国农业比赛冠军。

  • <em>CarlingfordPublicSchool</em>


    Carlingford Public School, a K-6 school with more than a century of history and tradition in providing quality education...

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