Our school is a happy and caring community, providing learning opportunities for all students within a positive, safe and supportive learning environment.
Canley Heights PS is a class 2 primary school with an enrolment of approximately 575 students. It is located in south western Sydney on the Cumberland Highway in a low/medium density residential area in the Fairfield local government area.
Our families come from a wide socio-eco nomic backgrounds. The school is supported by the Priority Schools Program (PSP) which targets schools in areas of low SES concentrations.
Just on 90% of our students come from language backgrounds other than English and are supported by significant ESL and Community Language programs as well as Literacy and Numeracy initiatives such as Reading Recovery and the Language, Literacy and Learning program.
Our school is a happy and caring school community, providing quality learning opportunities for all students within a positive, safe and supportive learning environment.
Our school's purpose is to provide our students with all the academic, cultural, and social skills they will need for co ntinued life long learning and to become citizens able to co ntribute positively to Australian society.
Canley Heights PS is known for:
* quality early learning (including Pre-school), literacy, numeracy and technology programs
* individual learning and achievement for all students, including gifted and talented students, students with learning difficulties and students with English as a second language
* good discipline and supportive student welfare programs
* stimulating learning enviro nments including air-co nditioned classrooms
* participation and excellence in the performing and creative arts, community language programs, public speaking and debating
* exemplary sporting programs, including PSSA premierships and an active after school program available to all students
* active parent participation and support
All students at Canley Heights Public School are expected to follow the CHPS School Rules:
I am respectful
I am respo nsible
I am safe
I am prepared
Behaviour that infringes on the safety of others, such as harassment, bullying and illegal or anti-social behaviour of any kind, will not be tolerated.
Playground Rules
All students at Canley Heights Public School are expected to:
play o nly in the areas allowed
play o nly when supervised by a teacher
do not play with dangerous equipment or objects
be considerate, kind and safe at all times
show respect to each other, teachers and other adults
listen and follow directions
keep playground areas clean and tidy
go immediately to the teacher on duty if there is a problem