


Condell Park High School

学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Third Ave, Condell Park NSW 2200

Condell Park High School (CPHS) is a comprehensive coeducational setting. Our staff is committed to providing equity in opportunity for every student



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1963
  • 在校学生:5000
  • 国际生比:7%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:$13,800
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Co ndell Park High School (CPHS) is a comprehensive coeducatio nal setting. Our staff is committed to providing equity in opportunity for every student to develop skills and values that will prepare them as future leaders and members of our community; both local and global. Achieving this commitment is the shared purpose behind the o ngoing improvement of our environment, resources and most im portantly, our teaching and learning programs. With the Digital Education Revolution, we have seen a huge shift in the type of resources and learning enviro nments required in the near future. Recabling the school to provide appropriate wireless internet access is a legacy preparing for this future. Further to this, we have already seen the benefits of the interactive classroom installed this year with classes able to participate in collegial, video co nference learning with schools across the state as one of the many benefits of this technology. These new features of our learning enviro nment are part of strategic resource acquisition for our students in order to ensure they have the best resources for our teaching and learning community.

NAPLAN Achievements

The 2010 NAPLAN results indicate CPHS has achieved significant value added. Our school’s average scaled growth was better that the state and the region in Reading (47.3 average scaled growth compared to 37.69 for State and 39 for region schools), Writing (38.9 average scaled growth compared to 29.3 for State and 30.2 for region schools) and Numeracy (53.9 average scaled growth compared to 39.1 for State and 42.9 for region schools). Improved academic performance is indicated by higher student representation in the top two bands in Reading (7% increase), Writing (10%) and Numeracy (3%). The ESL cohort also performed exceptio nally well. Reading results indicate 70.6 average scaled growth compared to 53.79 for state and 50.1 for the region, while Writing results indicate 60.9 average scaled growth compared to 34.05% for state and 35.6% for the region.


Active involvement and communication with our parent community is an o ngoing priority for the school. The key to this has been the successful partnership and working relatio nship involving the P and C and our Community Liaison Officers (CLO).

Parents access staff, information and services through the meetings and workshops run by the dedicated CLO team. These have included a range of informative and interactive sessions by government organisations such as the Department of Health, Police and Australian Taxation Office and non-government organisations such as Mission Employment and Career Connections.

Most im portantly, both the CLO Team and the P and C meetings provide a platform to voice and empower parents to seek access to support an understanding of school processes, expectations and requirements.

School Facilities

The school has undergone significant refurbishment to secure up to date resources and facilities for student and teacher use. This includes the installation of 19 fully equipped co nnected classrooms, 17 media rooms, and 1 video co nference room.

New laptops, computers and computer screens have been secured for students and staff creating a hub of ICT enviro nments in all areas of the school.

Our Hospitality Kitchens co ntain commercial facilities for the ultimate vocatio nal education training. Consequently, our VET Hospitality course is one of the most popular choices. Our students go on to participate in retail and commercial settings and return with co nfirmation that the preparation they have had in their classes has served them well in the real working world.

The installation of a fully equipped gym has been embraced by the students. Classes studying health and fitness enjoy the practical application and exploration of the co ntent they are learning. Students who wish to access the facilities for perso nal fitness have the opportunity to do so during Sport.

The co nstruction of brand new cricket pitch and nets was a wo nderful amalgamation of community skills. Spo nsored by Bankstown Sports Club, Co nstruction students were respo nsible for the realisation of the project. Building and Co nstruction students have also installed the new barbeque in the outdoor classroom that is protected by new shade sail cloths that have provided an additio nal area of comfort for students when they are studying or enjoying a break outside.

Values Education

Co ndell Park High School is committed to developing and reinforcing values education. These are central in all interactions between students and teachers and are reinforced in student to student interactions. Values are further emphasised and maintained through classroom activities, assemblies, newsletters and through the school’s policies.

The core values of respect and respo nsibility are explicitly modelled and expected at all times to create and foster a harmonious, safe and happy learning environment. The school endeavours to teach all students these values which reflect the values of the broader community, thus preparing students for a smooth transition into the work force and wider society.

A range of whole school events which have respect and respo nsibility as their theme have been carried out throughout the school year. These included our annual refugee week where students presented poetry and stories of individual experiences as refugees to the school assembly.

Crazy Hair Day is another annual event that CPHS students and staff participate in. During this day the entire school community becomes involved in a range of activities aimed at raising mo ney for cancer research.

As reflected in all faculties’ programs and policies, respecting students’ academic and social welfare needs is paramount. All teachers co ntinually model the values of respect and respo nsibility within their classes. Individual learning needs are catered for and the assistance of specialist support staff is eagerly sought and utilised for the benefit of students in need.

The school’s Aboriginal Education Policy is, additionally, integral in each of the faculties’ teaching and learning programs. The school’s aim is to support the needs of our indigenous population, as well as, provide the student body with an understanding of indigenous Australia.

The strategies in place aimed at accomplishing this include the range of learning programs across the curriculum, which focus on developing knowledge and respect for Aboriginal culture. Students are provided with engaging and purposeful activities aimed at developing a sensitivity and deep understanding of Aboriginal history and culture. These co nsist of a range of multimedia and ICT ba sed student research and writing tasks.

Multicultural education perspectives are also incorporated into teaching and learning programs across the curriculum in Stages 4-6. This attention to diversity embeds values of respect and tolerance of others, thus strengthening the positive social interactions in the school.


Students’ welfare is paramount at CPHS. A range of programs implemented at the school are specifically aimed at encouraging effective learning and teaching practices, acknowledging and enhancing the diversity within our school, promoting community participation and creating a caring school environment. o ngoing school programs aimed at student welfare include the following:

Year 7 Transition and Orientation Program

Students from our local Primary Schools are invited to participate in specially prepared lessons. In Term 4, a number of Orientation Days are held for students at risk and for all of our future students.

Year 7 Peer Support Program

Year 11 students mentor Year 7 students in the transition from Primary to High School. This assists the Year 7 students in gaining co nfidence in a new enviro nment and feeling comfortable with senior students.

Welfare Development Program

Targeting students in Years 8 and 9, this program, in co njunction with the Bankstown Police, explores such topics as healthy relatio nships and cyber-bullying.

Motivatio nal Media Program

Targeting Years 7-12, this program centres on developing students’ sense of ownership and respo nsibility for their own learning. The program also focuses on empowering them to make the right decisions. Follow up, theory ba sed lessons, which build on the themes of the media workshops are, additionally, delivered in classes.

Crossroads Program

This program, which specifically has Year 11 as the target group, promotes awareness of health issues, such as drug education, road safety, domestic violence and sexual health.

First Aid Training

As part of the School to Work (STW), Sport, Life and Recreation (SLR) and Perso nal Development, Health and Physical Education (PDHPE), students are trained in Senior First Aid. This is co nducted by Royal Life Saving Australia.

Support Unit Autism

CPHS has a successful Support Unit Autism that is comprised of three classes. Students in this setting are able to work through the curriculum according to their intellectual capabilities while their special needs are co nsidered and catered for.

In addition to the academic and social skills that the students are developing, staff endeavour to expose them to a broad variety of experiences that will prepare them for life in the wider community.

Most im portantly, strong and open communication exists between the staff and the parents. This enables issues to be raised and negotiated in the best interest of the individual student’s needs, as well as, within the group context. Parents are invited to attend school excursions and also meet regularly with the school counsellor to remain updated a bout the progress of their child. Fortnightly case management meetings are also held by the staff to discuss the progress of each of the students and provide opportunity for group planning.

Student Leadership

Student leadership co ntinues to grow in im portance at CPHS. Fostering leadership in all students is a priority as we endeavour to instil within them a sense of respo nsibility and pride in productivity and participation. Opportunities aimed at fostering student leadership include the Peer Reading Tutoring Program, participation on the debating teams, as well as, the student executive structure within the school.

Peer Reading Tutoring Program:

The Peer Reading Tutor Program has been operating for six years in its present form. It is a joint venture program with Padstow TAFE in training Year 10 students as tutors for students in lower years. This means that it is not o nly a volunteer program for the tutors, but also an accredited TAFE course that they are undertaking, successful completion of which gives them a certificate.

The aim of the program is to provide assistance to students in the junior school who have deficits in reading skills. This assistance is given by senior students selec ted from Year 10 and operates every day over the course of the year.

Student Executive

The school’s prefect body co nsists of 14 Year 12 students. The Prefect body meet on a weekly basis to discuss whole school issues, fundraising and upcoming school events. The Prefects are active in co ntributing to the running of the school. They lead the weekly assemblies and host all formal school assemblies, such as Presentation day and Graduation. Year 12 leaders also assist teachers at Parent/Teacher evenings and co ntinue to undertake major respo nsibilities in running our Technology Days and Year 6 Visits.

There are also a total of 16 Student Representative Council (SRC) students who represent each year group. The SRC meet fortnightly to represent the co ncerns and ideas of students from across the school. From these meetings, SRC students practise their leadership skills by addressing issues raised, as well as, initiating and participating in fundraising activities. These fundraising activities include Bandana Day, World Vision Day and involvement in other community ba sed programs.

Vocatio nal Education and Work Readiness

CPHS students co ntinue to be supported in their pursuit of a broad curriculum that reflects equity of opportunity in skill acquisition. The school offers one of the broadest ranges of Vocatio nal Education Training (VET) subjects in the Like School Group (LSG) area.

The VET subjects offered to our senior students include Construction, me tal and Engineering, Information Technology and Hospitality. The benefits of studying these courses are twofold. Firstly, students are achieving work place competencies which co ntribute toward the achievement of the necessary skills required to work in that industry. Therefore, students graduate with a natio nally recognised qualification for advanced entry into their TAFE course. Secondly, through their theoretical studies and Higher School Certificate (HSC) examination, a VET course co ntributes to the student‘s attainment of their HSC and Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR).

The school further endeavours to provide many real life projects for VET students. Our senior Co nstruction classes have been involved in a range of school ba sed projects that allow them to build on subject specific competencies and make a positive co ntribution to their school through first hand experiences. One of a number of projects involved students creating edging on the newly expanded teachers’ car park. Another, involved students laying co ncrete under the new shade sails outside the school library. The Co nstruction class also worked together with the me tal & Engineering class to complete an upgrade to the computer benches in one of the school‘s computing rooms. The me tal and Engineering class was additio nally engaged in the fabrication and installation of new welding bays and benches in the school‘s me tals workshop, which then benefitted students from Year 7 to Year 12.

All Year 10 students further undergo compulsory Work experience in November where they can practise skills learnt at the school level and experience the world of work at first hand. Feedback from employers has been extremely positive. As a result, many students have been able to gain holiday employment through this comprehensive program.

Creative Arts

Students’ interest in undertaking Arts subjects and in participating in Arts related extra-curricular activities has co ntinued to increase. The Quality Teaching (QT) model is embedded in all Music, Art and Drama teaching and learning programs. Students, moreover, showcase their skills throughout the year in Music, Art and Drama at special school events. Showcasing student talents at special events serves to highlight the value of these subjects in terms of high student engagement and increased interperso nal skills.

A wide range of opportunities co ntinue to be provided within the Music curriculum, prioritising performance opportunities. Elective Music is offered throughout Years 9 to 12. Students are increasingly making use of electro nic composing and performance of their own music using software such as Garage Band, Audacity and Acid Express.

The Visual Arts Faculty further offers a broad range of courses and opportunities, allowing students to express themselves creatively and showcase their talents. Two of these are Photography and Visual Design. The co ntent of the Visual Arts and Visual Design courses have been updated and Information Computing Technology (ICT) is embedded throughout the courses.

Sport and Extra Curricular Activities

The sporting program at Co ndell Park High School reflects the values of the school. Equity of opportunity and passio nate pursuit of excellence underpin the additio nal activities in which our students engage. CPHS has a long history of success across the range of sporting events. From state representatives in swimming to athletics and Combined High School (CHS) football, the training, participation and competitive levels reached co ntinue to impress upon our school community the significance of team and the value of healthy competition.

CPHS is committed to developing breadth of skill in the student body. This is driven by the awareness that students need to explore and display their talents in a range of fields. The range of extracurricular activities offered by the school reflects the expertise of the staff. Students have undergone training in running Model United Nations Forums. Our Debating and Public Speaking program is comprehensive and provides training and participation in a range of competitive settings in addition to our annual Teacher vs Student debate that comprises part of our Education Week celebrations. The musical and theatrical talents of our creative arts students have led to them performing in a range of settings with some exciting victories as outcomes. Such success has also been matched by our artistic students submitting designs and visual representations that have gained acclaim and acknowledgement in wider circles.

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

Particularly over the past 5 years, various initiatives have been put in place to support ICT learning and integration at the school. The first and second rollout of DER laptops have been enthusiastically adopted by Years 9 and 10 students as staff began implementing various strategies for using laptops and I.C.T. in the classroom. 8 Interactive Whiteboards and 19 media rooms have further been established across the school, and recently, I.C.T. infrastructure was also extended to the installation of fibre optic cable to establish a wireless network for DER laptops. To facilitate faster and more efficient use of this network for computer rooms and staffrooms, new servers have, additionally, been installed.

Most recently, an interactive white board with video co nferencing capabilities was installed. This has been used as an engaging teaching and learning tool by teachers and students. o ngoing training of staff in the area of ICT is provided o nsite at afterschool workshops and at professio nal training seminars. To fulfil syllabus requirements, all faculties have embedded ICT in their teaching programs.

Faculties across the school routinely time table students into the school‘s four computer rooms to complete word processing, computer graphics and internet research tasks. These tasks are heavily scaffolded and are integrated throughout every unit of work, providing students with engaging ICT experiences. Moreover, regular use of web-quests and internet research are also used to improve student‘s ability to extract information and apply their knowledge.

In the Music and Art Faculties, specialty programs are utilised to produce digital photography, graphics, paintings, multimedia and animation. Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) software is utilised in graphics classes to complete all work units in Google Sketch Up and Pro Desktop. Music composition programs are further used to extend students’ capacity to visualise and hear music on-screen.

In Stage 5 Science, data loggers are frequently used in class to carry out experiments. Data is collected digitally and then analysed using spreadsheets. Senior Science classes also took part in o nline discussion forums. Science assignments further require students to create blogs and simulations.

The CPHS community embraces its members and guests to reap the benefits of its nurturing and inclusive environment. The school will co ntinue in its pursuit of excellence and preparation of students to become productive members of society who are lifelong learners and strive to make a difference.







会计学,艺术历史,生化学,生物学,商务行政,化学及生物化学,通信,犯罪学,经济学,早期儿童教育,初等中学教育,体育,中等教育,特殊教育,工程学,英语,外语语言文学,历史学,文学研究, 管理信息系统 数学计算科学,音乐,护理,哲学,物理天文学,政治学,心里学,社会工作,社会学和两性研究。


康德尔公园高中(Condell Park High School)在学业、教育、文化和课外活动方面都有优质的教育成果,学校提供当地最优质的高中教育,提供一系列的课程和特殊的计划,学校的课程设置重点在核心课程和广泛的兴趣类选修课。学校的创新课程,音乐,戏剧,技术和视觉艺术都是很好的选择,同时还有11-12年级的VET课程。

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    Condell Park High School (CPHS) is a comprehensive coeducational setting. Our staff is committed to providing equity in...

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