Kingsgrove High School 更新时间:2025-03-23 17:56
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Kingsgrove Rd,Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Our school is a community co-educational secondary school which has a reputation for high expectations of student learning achievement and of co-opera
Kingsgrove High School 更新时间:2025-03-23 17:56
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Kingsgrove Rd,Kingsgrove NSW 2208
Our school is a community co-educational secondary school which has a reputation for high expectations of student learning achievement and of co-opera
Our school is a community co-educatio nal seco ndary school which has a reputation for high expectations of student learning achievement and of co-operative, caring, respectful behaviour. Programs are ba sed on our school's belief in quality learning for all, and on guiding statements developed by students, parents and teachers a bout the qualities we believe a student should have on leaving our school.
Our students face a future characterised by change, rapid technological advancement and significant adjustments to lifestyles and the nature of work.
At Kingsgrove High School we prepare students for the future by providing them, from Years 7 to 12, with a quality education in a broad range of subjects. We cater for the interests and needs of boys and girls of all levels of ability, from varied cultural and language backgrounds.
Our school provides a pleasant, supportive and safe enviro nment where all students are encouraged to achieve their perso nal best.
The quality of programs at Kingsgrove High School has been acknowledged in recent years by four Regio nal or Statewide awards – for Higher School Certificate achievement, for literacy programs, and vocatio nal and school to work transition programs.
Quite simply, it is a great place for students to learn.
Knowing what your child is learning helps you support them throughout their education.
In this section you can find out how public education works and the range of learning opportunities offered for students to challenge their thinking, and make the most of their unique talents.
You can also browse each School Year section to find out more.
Our students face a future characterised by change, rapid technological advancement and significant adjustments to lifestyles and the nature of work. We prepare students for the future by providing students from Years 7-12 with a quality education in a broad range of subjects. We cater for the needs and interests of girls and boys of all levels of ability, from varied cultural and language backgrounds.
The school offers a broad curriculum which leads to the award of both the School Certificate and the Higher School Certificates.
2011 HSC results:
30 separate courses
169 graduating students
Most common performance band was band 4
26% of all bands awarded band 5 and 6 (top 2 bands)
19 students in the HSC ho nour roll
Kingsgrove High is committed to providing every student with the best possible learning experience. Various courses are offered, but o nly operate if sufficient students elect to study them.
The school is co nscious of its role in providing opportunities for artistic ex pression. Enthusiastic participation can be seen in drama, the visual arts and music.
Several musical groups perform regularly for school events. The Creative and Performing Arts Faculty provides opportunities for students to experiment in a range of activities and with different media.
Extra Curricular Activities:
Stage Band
Public Speaking
Chess Club
Student Council
Gifted and Talented
Enviro nment Club
Tutoring in various subject areas
Drama Club
1. 文学与语言艺术:这个专业旨在培养学生对文学和语言艺术的兴趣和理解。学生将学习文学作品的分析和解读,同时也会进行创作实践,培养自己的写作技巧和表达能力。
2. 科学与技术:这个专业涵盖了物理学、化学、生物学、计算机科学等科学和技术领域。学生将通过实验和理论课程来深入了解各种科学原理,并培养解决问题和创新的能力。
3. 数学与统计学:数学是一门重要的基础学科,在各个领域都有广泛的应用。这个专业将帮助学生建立数学思维和解决问题的能力,培养他们在数学和统计学领域的专业知识。
4. 商业与经济学:商业和经济学是现代社会中非常重要的领域,这个专业将帮助学生了解商业运作和经济原理。学生将学习市场营销、会计、金融等相关课程,为将来从事商业和经济领域的工作做好准备。
5. 艺术与设计:这个专业适合对艺术和设计有浓厚兴趣的学生。学生将学习绘画、雕塑、摄影、平面设计等艺术和设计技巧,培养自己的创造力和审美能力。
6. 健康与运动科学:健康和运动科学是一个快速发展的领域,对人们的健康和生活质量起着重要作用。这个专业将帮助学生了解人体结构和功能,以及如何通过运动和健康管理来改善人们的健康状况。
7. 社会科学与人文学科:这个专业涵盖了人类社会发展和人文学科的各个方面。学生将学习历史、政治、心理学、社会学等相关课程,培养他们的分析和批判思维能力。
8. 教育学:教育学专业适合对教育事业有兴趣的学生。学生将学习教育理论和实践,了解教育体系和教育政策,培养自己成为一名合格的教育工作者。
教学质量 致力于提供高质量的教育,以确保每个学生都能得到最佳的学术支持。学校引进了一系列先进的教学方法和课程,包括个性化辅导、小班授课和丰富多样的选修课程,这些措施有效地提高了学生的学业水平。
Our school is a community co-educational secondary school which has a reputation for high expectations of student learni...