


Georges River College – Oatley Senior Campus 更新时间:2025-03-23 14:54

学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Cnr Oatley Ave and Hurstville Rd,Oatley NSW 2223

Oatley is the senior campus of Georges River College.Together with the Oatley Senior Campus, the College consists of three Yr 7 - 10 schools: Peakhurs



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1919
  • 在校学生:2000
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:6000澳币
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Oatley is the senior campus of Georges River College.

Together with the Oatley Senior Campus, the College co nsists of three Yr 7 - 10 schools: Peakhurst High, Penshurst Girls High and Hurstville Boys High.

The senior campus has a strong academic focus with a wide curriculum choice, as students feel more co nfident a bout their chances of focus in the HSC results if they can study their first preference subjects.

The curriculum at Oatley appeals to students of all academic levels as it provides options for the best possible career and post school pathways. 75-minute lessons maximize learning.

Oatley has a co nsistent across-faculty assessment and reporting program with procedures to co ntact parents when any problems occur. Strong teacher development and support programs ensure teacher morale is high and supportive of happy and successful classrooms.

The learning enviro nment Oatley is safe, disciplined, student-centred and caring with proactive welfare programs. STAR search is a program to identify students at risk. A fortnightly tutorial program develops study and social skills and prepares students for life after school. The school has articulated a strong stand against bullying and any form of discrimination.

Attendance and punctuality are closely monitored. We have a corporate ‘mix and match’ style uniform which suits young adults and is firmly enforced. School uniform reflects an attitude to school and identifies Oatley students in the local community.

Although the school focus is learning, we still have time for fun activities, sport, performance and a wide co-curriculum program.

Georges River College is an exciting learning community with 4 years of specialist 7-10 education and welfare in the three middle schools followed by 2 years of preparation for living, studying and working in a co-educatio nal world at Oatley Senior Campus.

Our Senior Campus is co-educatio nal and collegiate, providing a transition between school and university, TAFE or work in an atmosphere appropriate to the perso nal and social developmental needs of older adolescents. Oatley Senior Campus specialises in HSC learning and maximises post school opportunities for our students.

Oatley Campus fosters a positive adult relatio nship between staff and students and the encouragement of respect for others emphasising self-development, self-motivation and self discipline. Individual worth, character education, work ethic and social values are given the highest priority.

Georges River College is now known for its strong academic achievement and professional, vibrant education ba sed on modern teaching and learning methodology in stimulating and challenging educatio nal enviro nments where young people full potential and future ambitions.

"Shoot for the moon because, if you miss, you will end up among the stars"

At Oatley Campus, we talk a great deal a bout stars and how the stars on our school badge represent our students - our stars. Everything we do is aimed at enhancing their education, their school experience and their futures.


本科申请要求 1、语言成绩 雅思:7.0;托福:100+;SAT:需要 2、申请材料 A.申请表;B.高中/大学成绩单(中英文版),成绩单上必须有毕业院校学籍等级管理办公室的公章或者签名;C.相关考试成绩;D.推荐信两封(根据具体专业而提供),由毕业院校的教师或者教授提供,或曾任职的工作单位提供;E.个人陈述和简历;F.有设计类相关基础。







师资力量 拥有一支充满激情和经验丰富的教师团队。他们不仅具备专业知识和教学技巧,还注重培养学生的创造力。

  • 美国
  • 英国
  • 澳洲
  • 加拿大
  • 新西兰
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 中国香港
  • 新加坡
  • 马来西亚
  • 泰国
  • 其他地区
  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它