Davidson High School
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Mimosa Street, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Our Vision: An academic, creative, innovative, sustainable school which strives to develop each student's talents and capabilities while fostering per
Davidson High School
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Mimosa Street, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Our Vision: An academic, creative, innovative, sustainable school which strives to develop each student's talents and capabilities while fostering per
Our Vision: An academic, creative, innovative, sustainable school which strives to develop each student's talents and capabilities while fostering perso nal responsibility, self-confidence, global citizenship and a sense of wellbeing.
Davidson High School, established in 1972, has developed a reputation for excellence in all areas of student endeavour. Its strong academic emphasis is complemented by programs in sport, the performing and creative arts, vocatio nal education, student welfare and cross-cultural education. Involvement with the Inter-Cultural Education Today (ICET) program provides opportunities for students to develop a broad cultural awareness preparing them to be global citizens.
Davidson High School aims to develop creative problem solvers and respo nsible citizens for the twenty-first century.
An o ngoing tradition of success in the Higher School Certificate examinations, sporting competitions, eisteddfods, debating, public speaking and academic challenges has given students a sense of pride in being members of Davidson High School
The teaching staff at Davidson is experienced, caring and dedicated to each child achieving his or her perso nal best. Outside the classroom teachers provide many extra-curricular opportunities so that students may develop talents and gain maximum enjoyment from school.
As the local, comprehensive, co-educatio nal high school Davidson High benefits from a strong sense of community. Parent participation is encouraged and the school is supported by an active P&C and various committees.
With its record of success, latest technology, up-to-date teaching methods, excellent facilities, tranquil setting and a clear sense of purpose, Davidson High School is the smart choice for an outstanding seco ndary education.
We are proud of our school and keen to show you why Davidson is a successful, co nfident and growing high school.
Our beliefs at Davidson:
develop a love of learning
be literate and numerate for the 21st century
feel valued, welcomes and included
co ntribute to a safe and positive learning enviro nment
strive to reach their perso nal best
learn perserverance and build a level of perso nal resilience
enjoy a balanced and healthy lifestyle
co nnect to the wider world
Our values at Davidson:
Ho nesty
英语语言能力要求 所有英语不是第一语言的国际申请者都必须证明他们具备在戴维森充满活力和身临其境的教育环境中蓬勃发展所必需的沟通技巧水平。戴维森将对以下学生免除此要求:来自以英语为官方语言的国家;正在学习高级英语A作为IB文凭的一部分;在SAT的循证阅读和写作部分得分670或更高。 最低分数可以参考如下: DET:120。
专业: 应用与纯科学 商科与管理 卫生与医药 法学类 教育与培训 艺术与设计 个人护理与保健 人文学科 社会科学与传媒 工程与技术 计算机科学和信息技术 旅游及服务业。
Our Vision: An academic, creative, innovative, sustainable school which strives to develop each student's talents and ca...
基本信息 类型:男校宗教背景:天主教建校时间:1942年级:6-12学生人数:249(高中139人)班级平均人数:12高级教师:80%师生比...
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