Barrenjoey High School 更新时间:2025-03-15 01:24
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Coonanga Road, Avalon NSW 2107
Barrenjoey is a community, comprehensive high school that is an integral part of a vibrant, cosmopolitan and creative community. Barrenjoey has a uniq
Barrenjoey High School 更新时间:2025-03-15 01:24
学校地址:[新南威尔士州] Coonanga Road, Avalon NSW 2107
Barrenjoey is a community, comprehensive high school that is an integral part of a vibrant, cosmopolitan and creative community. Barrenjoey has a uniq
Barrenjoey is a community, comprehensive high school that is an integral part of a vibrant, cosmopolitan and creative community. Barrenjoey has a unique blend of academic performance, artistic ex pression and social awareness.
We believe that all students are capable of high achievement and all students are supported by our school to, not o nly achieve, but also exceed their potential. With highly qualified, experienced and dedicated staff, Barrenjoey provides a range of opportunities that develop knowledge, skills, positive attitudes and values.
Our school has a friendly, calm, cooperative and learning focused culture where pursuing excellence is supported and valued.
Barrenjoey has a strong commitment to the pursuit of academic excellence, develops student leadership and citizenship and has a range of innovative programs for gifted and talented students and programs to develop respo nsibility and care for others. Barrenjoey students are confident, respectful of each other and of teachers.
Barrenjoey's ANNUAL SCHOOL REPORT provides a comprehensive account of the school's activities, targets and student learning outcomes.
Barrenjoey High School offers an exceptio nally broad curriculum of over 40 courses in the junior and senior years.
Sport is a mandatory requirement of the NSW Department of Education and Training. In 2011 the sports offered in our summer terms will be recreatio nal ba sed sports, while the sports offered in our winter terms will be team ba sed sports (Grade Sport and School House Sport).
·Recreatio nal sports are o nly in Terms 1 and 4 (Yrs 8, 9 & 10). Recreatio nal Sports are Indoor Bowling, Fitness First, Golf, Learn to Surf, Sailing, Skate Boarding, Stand Up Paddle Boarding, Surf Boat Rowing, Surf Survival Certificate, Surfing, Tennis, Touch Football and Power Walking.
·Students will be required to pay sport fees on the day of selection.
·Grade Sport is a priority in Terms 2 & 3 (YRS 9 & 10). Grade Sports are Basketball, Netball, Soccer, Touch Football, Volleyball.
·Barrenjoey HS is involved in Warringah Zone for Grade Sport. The schools we play against are Cromer, Manly, Narrabeen and Pittwater – less time on buses travelling means more time on the field playing!
Don’t forget, participating in Grade Sport earns you 50 Blues Points!
As sport is a mandatory requirement of the NSW DET students may receive o nly one sport pass out per term if required. Any further appointments etc need to be made after Sport. All Sport Pass Outs will be issued and recorded by Miss Delamont at recess in the Senior Study in the Library.
Permanent Sport Pass Outs will o nly be issued to students being coached by professio nals during sport time. They will o nly be available in Terms 1 and 4. All students are required to participate in team sports in Terms 2 & 3.
1.高中GPA均分:3.91 ; 2.雅思要求:6.5; 3.新SAT总分要求:1330-1540 ; 4.ACT总分要求:29-34;1.大学本科毕业,并获得学士学位; 2.GPA至少3.0,尤其是大三与大四的专业课GPA,国际学生无需计算GPA; 3.TOEFL至少90分,或雅思至少7.0,无单项要求,各系或项目要求可能不同。
巴伦乔伊高中(Barrenjoey High School)相信,所有的学生都可以有很高的成就,所以他们为学生提供支持,让他们的表现不仅可以达到并且可以超越他们的潜力。学校职员素质高、经验丰富,并富有奉献精神,因而可帮助学生提高知识技能并形成积极的生活态度与价值观。
Barrenjoey is a community, comprehensive high school that is an integral part of a vibrant, cosmopolitan and creative co...