


Williamstown High School 更新时间:2025-03-15 06:00

学校地址:[维多利亚州] Pasco Street Williamstown 3016

Williamstown High School was established in 1915 and today it is one of Victoria's oldest and most distinguished secondary schools. Its crest, which f



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1915
  • 在校学生:1500
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:61,450美元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Williamstown High School was established in 1915 and today it is one of Victoria's oldest and most distinguished seco ndary schools. Its crest, which features an anchor and the motto "Hold Fast", speaks eloquently of the school's historical significance, its im portance to the local community, its key values and on-going success at charting a course for life for its diverse and ever evolving student body. Proud of its past, but with an eye firmly on the future, Williamstown High School prepares students so they may become productive adults and respo nsible citizens.

Williamstown High School offers a diverse curriculum and a variety of educatio nal resources with a particular focus on developing each student's potential. Two nearby campuses combine Williamstown High School's tradition and reputation with unique programs and spacious settings and offers quality resources and facilities that o nly established growing schools can

Williamstown High School is one of Melbourne’s oldest government high schools at almost 100 years old, but its birth date is not easy to pinpoint. The school celebrated its golden jubilee in 1965 and its 75th anniversary in 1980, but records show those celebrations may have been late!

According to research by former student Andrew Burbidge, official docu ments show the government took possession of the Williamstown Grammar School in July 1914, and began paying the staff in October that year. The grammar school had opened in 1867 to cater for the needs of the burgeo ning community for at that time the government made no provision for schooling beyond year 8.

The state accepted respo nsibility for seco ndary education in 1904 and the Melbourne Co ntinuation School was opened in 1905 (later to become Melbourne High). Similar schools followed in Bendigo, Geelong and Castlemaine and by 1910 there were 10 such schools in the state, including University High. Another eight co ntinuation schools opened in 1912. Eventually the community of Williamstown was recognised.

Mr Burbidge found a report in the Williamstown Advertiser of October 3 1914 that said “The Grammar School opened on Thursday as an elementary high school.” The borough council and the school council of the time gave the department 3000 pounds, its building and four acres of land in Pasco St, a point noted in A History of State Education in Victoria, published in 1922.

Plans to celebrate the school’s centenary have begun.

Celebrating a great century

From late 2014 and throughout 2015, Williamstown High School will celebrate its first 100 years as a government high school -- and there is much to celebrate. Ours is a vibrant, progressive community and the school has co ntributed much to the wealth and health of Williamstown and neighbouring suburbs.

To make the most of this opportunity, the school wants to hear from all past students and staff. We will be inviting you back to the school to relive what we trust are happy memories, and hoping you can bring something to help us build for the school's next century.

We want the centrepiece of our centenary to be the development of a "Creative and Performing Arts Centre of Excellence", a facility to compliment the school's high achievements in music, media, studio arts and drama. We believe this bold project can be achieved with the help and support of our school alumni.

Register your interest in the school centenary by completing the details here, and bookmark this page to read regular updates of centenary planning. This is a great opportunity for Williamstown High and all who have attended the school.

Our motto – Hold Fast

Williamstown High School has carried the motto “Hold Fast” since its inception. The school’s first headmaster, Mr F. W. Johnson, revealed its origins when the school celebrated its jubilee in 1965.

When the school was being established, Mr Johnson suggested the motto “Don’t Drift” because he was co ncerned a bout the numbers of students drifting away from education. However, the then Victorian Director of Education, Mr Frank Tate, recommended the more positive “Hold Fast”.

This was the time of World War I and all Australians were anxious a bout events in Europe. As tribute to Belgium, which had been invaded by Germany, the school adopted the colours of its flag, red, yellow and black. In 2000, a blue band was added to the crest when WHS merged with Point Gellibrand Girls Seco ndary College.



学费:61,450美元 住宿费:7,900美元 伙食费:7,630美元 活动和住宅费用:320美元 Study Away Fee :1,500美元 总计(预计):78800美元 1美元=6.3561人民币 1人民币 ≈ 0.1573美元。



威廉姆斯学院开设的社会科学方向的本科专业有:人类学anthropology、社会学sociology、政治科学与政府学political science and government、经济学economics等;威廉姆斯学院开设的自然科学方向的本科专业有:天文学astronomy、天体物理学astrophysics、物理学physics、化学。



  • <em>WilliamstownHighSchool</em>


    Williamstown High School was established in 1915 and today it is one of Victoria's oldest and most distinguished seconda...

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