Werribee Seco ndary College is a single-campus, co-educational, Year 7 to 12 College, with an enrolment of approximately 1400 students. Since 2000, Werribee Seco ndary College has experienced heavy demand for enrolments at Year 7 and at other levels. To manage this, a ceiling has been placed on the total school enrolment for 2012.
The College is the lo ngest established seco ndary school in the Werribee area, with a proud tradition of academic excellence. The College co ntinues to offer students a high quality education, designed to assist them to develop skills and competencies, and to acquire the knowledge needed to meet future challenges.
Werribee Seco ndary College was accredited with the Council of Internatio nal Schools (CIS) in 2006. The College is proud to announce that from 2013 our students will be the first in a Victorian Government school to have the choice of the Internatio nal Baccalaureate Diploma Programme. Our students will select the senior programme (VCE or IB) which best suits their individual interests and learning styles.
The College established an Internatio nal Students Program in 2000 and attracts overseas internatio nal students. Werribee Seco ndary College has long-standing relatio nships with schools in Singapore and Japan.
Werribee Seco ndary College is proud to have a culturally diverse student body where students work and socialise together in harmony and with respect. Click HERE to view the 2011 Country of Birth data for our College.
The vision for Werribee Seco ndary College is to be "A School of Distinction". To this end, the College is determined to be a special place of learning by implementing the best quality practice in both tradition and innovation in education as evident in Australia and internationally.
The College will provide opportunities for all students to access a broad range of knowledge, skills and competencies, accompanied with the promotion of values and attitudes that will enable students to become more resilient and ready for the dynamic world of post seco ndary education options, both within Australia and overseas. These attributes will be fostered within a climate of community building, promoting a sense of global citizenship.
The College will explore the opportunities afforded through Internatio nal School Accreditation, as well as becoming a provider of the Internatio nal Baccalaureate.
Werribee Seco ndary College is committed to a set of values and attributes co nsistent with the College motto: "Live Worthily".
These values and attributes co nsist of:
- respect,
- responsibility,
- ho nesty and integrity,
- cooperation, and
- perseverance.
The College will promote these values and attributes through:
- the co ntent of what it teaches,
- the process of how it teaches, and
- the implementation of its policies and rules.
威乐比中学为学生提供高质量的教育,旨在培养学生的技能和能力,习得充足的知识,能够面对未来的挑战,学校为有多元文化的学生群体而感到骄傲。学校因其学生的学术成就及教学课程质量而深受赞誉。学校“实现人生价值”的校训,充分体现了其致力于帮助全体学生灵活应对澳大利亚国内外中学教育的宗旨。 威乐比中学的国际学生项目吸引了众多海外学生,并努力的通过国际学校的认证。