Warrandyte High School celebrated its 30th anniversary in 2008. Seco ndary education wasn't handed on a plate to this community. editor of The Warrandyte Diary, remembers those long, hard years of campaigning for a seco ndary school in the area.
o nce there was o nly one school in Warrandyte. Warrandyte Primary on its present site at the top of the Forbes Street hill. Children reaching the end of Grade 6 travelled by bus to Norwood High School in North Ringwood.
The Warrandyte Primary School committee took up the battle in June 1972. Disturbed by overcrowding at Norwood, designed to accommodate 600 students and then overcrowded with more than 900, they approached local state MP Mr J.W. Manson, who agreed to "take up this im portant matter" with Education Minister, Lindsay Thompson.
Warrandyte High School has built a strong reputation for co nsistent academic excellence.
As a co-educatio nal school for Years 7-12, the school attracts students from a wide range of feeder schools. Many students travel significant distances to attend the school. The school is easily accessible by bus and most students use this form of transport to travel to school.
Currently there are approximately 550 students enrolled which means that the school can offer broad subject choices and extra-curricular activities such as the music program, school productions, leadership opportunities and sport.
The school works actively to promote a safe and supportive learning enviro nment through its Wellbeing programs and well established discipline process. Warrandyte High School recognises the dual purpose of maximising the high academic achievement of each student as well as providing opportunities for their individual and social development.
The dedicated teaching staff have high expectations of their students and the school enjoys rich partnerships with local community groups such as Rotary, Lions and CFA.
Warrandyte High School is a learning community that strives for excellence in the delivery of its programs to its student population. The central focus of the school is to encourage the growth of students as individuals and participants in the wider community. Our mission is to challenge every learner in a safe and supportive enviroment. We stand by the values of excellence, integrity and respect.
The school encourages a strong community ethos and the development of educatio nally rewarding staff-student relationships. Programs ranging from performing arts to information technology are recognised, locally and internationally, for excellence in innovation and delivery. Through the co nsideration of each student's academic, sporting and social needs, the school fosters the achievement of high academic standards and the development of co nfident individuals, who are able to take their place in a rapidly changing world.
高威大学申请条件申请高威大学本科:爱尔兰留学怎么样,高中毕业或高三在读(获得高中毕业证)、高中三年成绩平均分80分以上、达到所申请专业的英语要求(英语没有达到要求、雅思成绩在 4.5以上的申请人可以申请我校的大学预科课程;没有雅思成绩的申请人,可以申请英语在线测试)申请高威大学研究生:本科学位、成绩80分左右(平均等级超过75%)、达到所申请专业的英语要求。
学费:10年级12,210澳元;11,12年级 13,640澳元-校服费用:200澳元 -Homestay住家费用:200-220澳元/周
拥有优秀的师资队伍和完善的课程设置。 课程设置 优秀的课程设置是高水平教育的重要保障之一。东部地区的大学通常设置多元化、富有挑战性的课程,包括人文、社会科学、自然科学等领域。