Vermont Secondary College 更新时间:2025-03-23 03:02
学校地址:[维多利亚州] P O Box 138,Vermont VIC 3133
Vermont Secondary College was established in 1962 and is located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. It is a large, single campus, co-educational sec
Vermont Secondary College 更新时间:2025-03-23 03:02
学校地址:[维多利亚州] P O Box 138,Vermont VIC 3133
Vermont Secondary College was established in 1962 and is located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. It is a large, single campus, co-educational sec
Vermont Seco ndary College was established in 1962 and is located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. It is a large, single campus, co-educatio nal seco ndary college of 1300 students, some 970+ families and 140 teachers and support staff. The College values of Excellence, Integrity, Responsibility, Respect and Tolerance reflect our College ethos.
The College has experienced co ntinuous growth from the 1980’s until 2002 when enrolments were capped due to restricted space. Approximately 90% of enrolments are from within the Vermont Seco ndary College neighbourhood, which underpins the strong community focus. Demand for enrolment from outside our neighbourhood greatly exceeds available places.
We firmly believe the educatio nal and social needs of children are best served in an enviro nment where families feel part of the school and the decision making processes. Vermont Seco ndary College enjoys an exceptio nally high level of parent support through a cohesive, close knit local community that shares our vision, aims and values.
Our students, staff and parents have a strong sense of the College as a community due to the long tradition of outstanding academic achievement and a comprehensive co-curricular program which encourages students to develop their talents and leadership potential outside of the classroom. The now completed Stage Two rebuild has greatly assisted the College in implementing new programs and allows us to further build upon our positive and productive learning environment.
Vermont Seco ndary College is proud of its proven record of academic achievement while preparing our young citizens for an increasingly diverse range of student learning and career pathways. The College is co nsistently ranked amo ngst the top non-select entry state seco ndary colleges ba sed on our VCE and NAPLAN test results that are co nsistently above State and ‘Like School’ levels of performance.
We place a strong emphasis on knowing and valuing our students while perso nalizing and enriching their learning experiences and are committed to:
promoting the achievement of excellence in a learning enviro nment that is safe and caring, and embraces diversity
the development of lifelong learning skills that motivate and enable all students to achieve their individual goals and make a positive co ntribution to the global community
The College’s comprehensive range of engaging co-curricular activities, including our acclaimed Instrumental Music, Choral and Performing Arts Program supports the growth of students into confident, successful and co ntributing citizens. The College is also a premier sporting school with many students competing at a local, state and natio nal level.
In a caring, well-disciplined atmosphere, the College expects and achieves high standards in all aspects of student leadership, endeavour, behaviour and presentation. Our College values are co nsistently reinforced in student learning, teaching practice and through school management.
Our Grade 6 to Year 7 transition program ensures that students new to the College feel welcome, comfortable and secure in the purpose built Year 7 Learning Centre. This combined with the Year 7 Integrated Studies program and supportive vertical House structure co ntributes significantly to a smooth, safe transition into seco ndary school.
"Vermont Seco ndary College's true worth lies in its ability to help the children grow as people, not just as students" - parent
标化成绩 所有在2023年秋季申请进入威廉姆斯的学生都可以选择是否提交SAT/ACT考试成绩。无论如何,您的申请将在一个彻底的、以学生为中心的、整体的录取过程中进行审查。 注意:SAT科目考试、AP成绩、IB考试、A-levels和语言能力考试的提交多年来一直是威廉姆斯学院的可选项目,并且这种情况将继续存在。英语要求 威廉姆斯学院每年有超过1500名国际学生申请,不要求但欢迎国际学生递交托福和雅思成绩,未设定最低分数要求,但结合历年申请情况,国际学生托福79分。
Vermont Secondary College,位于Vermont South的学校,其目标是培养全面发展的学生。学校的课程设置非常合理,在艺术、音乐和体育活动上提供的课程也非常丰富,同时学校还为学生提供许多教育和职业咨询,以帮助学生做出最好的选择。学校的校园环境优美、文化氛围浓厚,学生们的发展潜力得到了巨大的发挥。 总结 总的来说,墨尔本市区的公立高中在教育质量、师资力量、校园环境、学术课程和校园文化方面都有着自己的特色。
Vermont Secondary College was established in 1962 and is located in the eastern suburbs of Melbourne. It is a large, sin...