


Sunshine College 更新时间:2025-03-24 02:32

学校地址:[维多利亚州] Graham Street, Sunshine VIC 3020

We were born through the amalgamation and restructure of six schools-Sunshine Technical School, Sunshine West High School, Ardeer High School, Sunshin



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:2001
  • 在校学生:300
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:31000元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


We were born through the amalgamation and restructure of six schools-Sunshine Technical School, Sunshine West High School, Ardeer High School, Sunshine North Technical School, Sunshine High School and Tottenham Technical School, with the latter two schools closing and the sites now being operated by Victoria University and Tottenham English Language Centre respectively. Sunshine College opened in 1992 with over 2000 students.

Now Four campuses, three junior campuses for years 7-10 in Ardeer, North Sunshine, West Sunshine and the Senior campus in Graham Street caters for VCE year 11&12, we also run the Harvester Technical College, aimed at developing top-class trades persons to address skill shortages in the trades.

The building is located adjacent to the North Campus in Suffolk Rd and was judged as the Educatio nal Building of 2009 by the World Architecture News organisation ba sed in London.

We also operate the OASIS unit for students on the verge of expulsion from schools across the Western and Northern Regions and we support the Sunshine Teaching Unit that looks after disengaged students from the Western Suburbs on a term ba sed (10 week) placement program.

The College also runs a Deaf Facility from the Ardeer and VCE campuses to support learning outcomes for the hearing impaired.In excess of 50 natio nalities are represented throughout the College.We have identified Literacy, which underpins all the teaching and learning at the school as a key improvement area for the College.Literacy development through our program has gained co nsiderable recognition; Sunshine College has been judged runners up in the Most Innovative School section of the Herald Sun Teacher of the Year Awards.

Students are grouped into 4 levels of competency, ba sed on reading comprehension test results. Students from years 7 to 11 complete 4 periods of literacy a week.This program enhances outcomes for all students including our high achievers.All staff have been provided professio nal development to deliver the program; that is ba sed on the work and research of Dr Carol Christensen from Queensland University.

The College was also runners up in the section of the Herald Sun Teacher of the Year Awards for our work in developing a vocational/pastoral care program titled 慞athways /i> that runs throughout years 7 to 10 as a core subject.

Vocatio nal guidance becomes a major focus in years 9 to 10 where students take part in programs in the city i.e. City Centre, WOW (World of Work) and work experience.

Much of our Beacon Foundation activities are embedded in this subject and includes our Year 10 Charter Signing event where students and members of the community pledge to make sure our students co ntinue o nto further study or work in the coming years.

We have in excess of 95% of our year 12 students going o nto a Tertiary placement.

The College has produced Premier Award winners, a VCE Achiever of the Year, numerous Daffyd Lewis Scholarship winners, exhibited student work in the VCE Top Design Awards, a number of Regio nal Industry and Education awards and the duxes of the College in last years are presently studying Medicine, Commerce, Engineering, Law and Dentistry.

Our student attitudinal Surveys run by the department puts us in the top 10% of Government Seco ndary Schools in the state.

These surveys provide data on school connectedness, peer connectedness, teacher co nnectedness and how safe students feel at school and indicates the strength of the pastoral care program in the school.

Our VCE results are comparable to the local non-government (private) schools and better than the Western Metropolitan average for government schools.

Our NAPLAN results in READING + NUMERACY shows that if you start Year 7 at Sunshine College that when you get to Year 9 you have improved faster than the average Year 9 student in the State. Our Students perform.


申请条件概览 澳洲Sunshine College对每个申请人都有一些基本的要求。首先,您必须具备完整的高中学历,并且成绩良好。其次,您需要提供英语语言能力证明,例如托福或雅思成绩。此外,您还需要提交一份个人陈述和两封推荐信。最后,您需要支付申请费用并完成在线申请表。


数字媒体技术、法学、工商管理、会计学、跨境电子商务、商务英语、广告学(直播方向)、学前教育、应用心理学、市场营销、软件工程、建筑电气与智能化、供应链管理、工程造价、网络与新媒体等专业学费为31000元/学年; 2.电子商务、计算机科学与技术、物联网工程、电子信息工程、人工智能、数据科学与大数据技术、机器人工程、广播电视编导、美术学、数字媒体艺术、音乐学、舞蹈学等专业学费为34000元/学年; 3.电子商务(中外合作)专业学费为43800元/学年; (二)住宿费标准: 1.六期电梯宿舍六人间(上床下桌):2600 元/生·年 2.其他宿舍(除六期电梯宿舍) 四人间(上床下桌):2400 元/生·年 六人间(上床下桌):2160 元/生·年 六人间(上下床):1680 元/生·年 说明:阳光学院是民办大学 通常来说,公办大学由于有国家或地方财政经费支持,学费一般不是很贵,普通类专业通常4000-6000元每年,艺术类专业通常8000-15000元每年,不过公办大学也有中外合作等部分高收费专业,学费通常2-3万元一年甚至更高到十几万;民办大学由于需要自筹资金办学,学费一般都比较贵,通常本科专业15000-25000元每年,专科专业8000-15000元每年,艺术类专业那就更贵了。



数字媒体技术、法学、工商管理、会计学、跨境电子商务、商务英语、广告学(直播方向)、学前教育、应用心理学、市场营销、软件工程、建筑电气与智能化、供应链管理、工程造价、网络与新媒体等专业学费为31000元/学年; 2.电子商务、计算机科学与技术、物联网工程、电子信息工程、人工智能、数据科学与大数据技术、机器人工程、广播电视编导、美术学、数字媒体艺术、音乐学、舞蹈学等向学校咨询是否支持助学贷款以及办理贷款相关流程等事项。



  • <em>SunshineCollege</em>


    We were born through the amalgamation and restructure of six schools-Sunshine Technical School, Sunshine West High Schoo...

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