Sandringham College 更新时间:2025-03-24 15:18
学校地址:[维多利亚州] Holloway Rd,Sandringham,Victoria 3191
Sandringham College is a three campus Year 7-12 College located in the south eastern Bayside suburbs of Melbourne. In 2011 1315 students, including 40
Sandringham College 更新时间:2025-03-24 15:18
学校地址:[维多利亚州] Holloway Rd,Sandringham,Victoria 3191
Sandringham College is a three campus Year 7-12 College located in the south eastern Bayside suburbs of Melbourne. In 2011 1315 students, including 40
Sandringham College is a three campus Year 7-12 College located in the south eastern Bayside suburbs of Melbourne. In 2011 1315 students, including 40 internatio nal students, are enjoying and benefiting from the rich and engaging curriculum and experiences that the College is renowned for.
Established in 1988, the College combines the achievements of its four founding schools to provide a unique learning enviro nment that truly values and celebrates diversity and to endeavours to ensure that all students feel valued and achieve excellence.
The College purpose and values are reflected in its multi-campus structure, which provides learning enviro nments to suit the changing needs of students in the middle and later years of schooling. The Beaumaris and Sandringham Year 7-10 Campus provide enviro nments designed to increase student co nnectedness and belonging, combined positive staff-student relationships. This is particularly im portant in Year 7 and 8, as young people move from primary to seco ndary schooling and begin to more fully develop their individuality. The Year 7 program includes a particular focus on the development of self-esteem, cooperation and sense of purpose, particularly through the Pastoral Care and Peer Support Programs.
The Victorian Essential Learning Standards ba sed Year 7-10 programs are designed to challenge and extend students, to develop their creativity, sense of community and citizenship. The Year 7-10 the Enhanced Mathematics and Science Program (eMaS), which is designed to challenge and extend mathematical and scientific skills and knowledge. The 3C9 Program provides Year 9 students with challenging community ba sed and cooperative learning experiences which moves the classroom out into the community.
The Senior Campus provides a unique enviro nment which is designed to address the needs and aspirations of Year 11 and 12 students. In preparation for life beyond school, students are encouraged to take increased respo nsibility for their learning and supported in making informed choices a bout post-school education and career pathways. Sandringham provides one of the widest ranges of Victorian Certificate of Education and Vocatio nal Education and Training studies in the state. The College Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Program again highlights the ways in which the College is focused on providing programs that address individual needs and aspirations.
Sandringham students are also able to participate in a wide range of activities beyond the classroom, all of which give students the opportunity to further develop their sense of self, their leadership skills, and their commitment and respo nsibility to others. These activities include:
Student Council
The College Production
Camps and excursions
Community work and participation
The College has four Principal Class Officers: one College Principal, and three Campus Principals.
The Campus Principals are supported by a Campus Coordinator, currently at Leading Teacher level.
In addition to their day-to-day Campus leadership, each Campus Principal leads a portfolio team ba sed around the Annual Implementation Plan:
Student Learning
Engagement and Wellbeing
Student Pathway and Transitions
Each Portfolio Team is made up of Leading Teachers from across the three campuses. In 2011, the College has 16 Leading Teachers who have a broad leadership and school improvement role as well as particular leadership portfolios. Principals and Leading Teachers also meet and work as College and Campus Leadership Teams, with a focus on strategic planning, building quality curriculum and pedagogy and professio nal learning.
The three campuses have a Student Management Team. The two 7-10 Campuses Student Managers are led by the Campus Coordinator with a Staff member who looks after students on a Year Level basis: Year 7, 8, 9 and 10. The Senior Campus has Student Managers who coordinate students on a Program basis - all students are divided into groups according to their curriculum choices: Business, Humanities, Science, VCAL Technology, Performing Arts and Visual Arts. The Senior Campus Student Managers are coordinated by the Students’ Program Leader.
The Student Management Teams are all assisted by a Student Wellbeing Coordinator and a Careers Pathways Leader.
成绩要求 1、托福成绩要求: 100 2、雅思成绩要求: 7 是否需要SAT或ACT成绩:需要 SAT II 成绩要求:部分需要考 PTE研究生分数要求:65 3、SAT成绩要求:SAT 总分:2050-2080;SAT 阅读:540-670;SAT 数学:610-720;SAT 写作:560-690 4、ACT最低分数:ACT 总分 25;ACT 英语 23;ACT 数学 25。
一年的学费大约是在22,266美元左右。每一个专业的学费都各不相同,这个时候主要取决于每一个学生所选择的专业。 申请费用是在75美元。 生活费用: 一年饮食和住宿费用,大约是在8390美元。关于饮食和住宿费用的多少,取决于学生的就餐方式和住宿方式。 一年的书本费用大约是在1200美元左右。一年旅行的费用大约是在1500美元。每年的学杂费大约是在1800美元。
Accounting会计BBABusiness Administration工商管理
Agricultural Business农业业务BSScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Agricultural Communications农业通讯BSScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Agricultural Engineering Technology农业工程技术BSScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Animal Science动物科学BSScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Animation动画BFAArts and Media艺术与媒体
Applied Arts and Sciences应用艺术与科学BAASScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Art艺术BAArts and Media艺术与媒体
Athletic Training运动训练BSHealth Sciences健康科学
Banking and Financial Institutions银行和金融机构BBABusiness Administration工商管理
Bilingual Health Care Studies双语保健研究BAHealth Sciences健康科学
Biology生物学BAScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Biology生物学BSScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Biomedical Sciences生物医学BSScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Chemistry化学BSScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
Communication Studies传播研究BAHumanities and Social Sciences人文与社会科学
Communication Studies传播研究BSHumanities and Social Sciences人文与社会科学
Composite Science复合科学BSScience and Engineering Technology科学与工程技术
学术成绩优秀 Sandringham College一直以来都在澳大利亚的学术排名中名列前茅。学校注重学术特长的培养,学生们可以根据自己的兴趣和能力选择不同的学习课程。学校有一支专业的教师团队,可以帮助学生克服学业上的困难,并提高学生的自信心和学习兴趣。
Sandringham College is a three campus Year 7-12 College located in the south eastern Bayside suburbs of Melbourne. In 20...