Keilor Downs College is single campus seco ndary college located on the north-western edge of metropolitan Melbourne. The student population (and the teaching staff) reflect the many different natio nalities present in the surrounding community.
The college is recognised as providing a safe and caring learning enviro nment with significant academic achievement, attracting students from a broad geographic area.
The college has a specific student wellbeing structure and is divided into four vertical Houses. Each House has approximately 350 students from Years 7-12 and a bout 30 teaching and support staff. House management teams support students and teaching staff and co nsist of a House Leader, coordinators, a Teacher assistant and an Activities assistant.
We believe students learn best with a teacher who knows them well and most students are taught by the same group of teachers from their house. Students are assigned to a Home Group within their house and their home group teacher will stay with them for the six years of their seco ndary education, developing a real understanding of their abilities and learning needs.
A range of student leadership programs is provided across all year levels to encourage student participation. The House structure provides great opportunity for student leadership, with House captains and year level representatives elected for each year level, resulting in a youth parliament of forty eight students.
Every day is an Open Day at Keilor Downs College. To find out more, make an appointment for a school tour.
Keilor Downs College provides a challenging academic curriculum and encourages a strong work ethic. All students experience a range of subject offerings in structured and sequential programs developed to enhance and extend capabilities.
Years 7 / 8 provide students with a broad range of learning skills that build independence, learning co nfidence and a positive attitude. This solid foundation includes a focus on literacy and numeracy and includes core studies in each of the Domains identified by the Victorian Essential Learning Standards
At Year 9 students are looking for a greater level of engagement and opportunities to develop their perso nal skills and interests. We focus on providing students with opportunities to become independent learners who can use their initiative, explore, take respo nsibility and engage with the community.
A state of the art flexible learning centre is exclusively utilised for Year 9 students at the college.
The college provides broader elective choices, an integrated program combining core curriculum, research and applied learning outside the school campus Students work on inquiry ba sed projects in RAPPs (Research and Presentation Projects). These programs nurture the mind, foster individuality and enable students to set and meet goals.
Year 10 students are encouraged to explore their opportunities in tertiary education, workplace or applied learning experiences. In addition to the core subjects of English and Maths, the choice ba sed elective program provides pathways to Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE), Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) and Vocatio nal Education & Training (VET) and further study or employment.
Students can pursue avenues that co nnect with Year 11 and 12 studies and course counselling is tailored to student needs and helping them determine their aspirations and goals. This includes Managed Individual Pathways (MIP’s) provides students with career and pathways guidance.
Higher achieving students can fast track their VCE studies through an accelerated access program.
A Year 10 certificate course (10CC) provides students with an applied learning pathway leading to a VCAL course study.
Year 11-12: As young adults our senior students align their studies with perso nal aspirations and goals. A key focus is on developing auto nomy commitment and self-reliance.
Collaborative partnerships between staff, students and their families are strengthened as students are supported in their journey toward tertiary education, further training or employment. The college is sensitive to the stresses of senior year and provides special programs of academic and perso nal support including study camps, educatio nal workshops, holiday revision and exam preparation programs
We are proud to offer one of the largest selections of Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) subject choices in the Western Metropolitan Region. Our senior students’ co nsistently achieve excellent results in VCE, VET and VCAL and our completion rates are very high. On average, over 90% of students who apply to University or TAFE, receive a first round offer. Our high achievers co nsistently attain scores over 90.
The significant range of subjects we offer gives our students access to an array of University courses including Sciences, Arts and Humanities, Engineering, Architecture, Pharmacy and Commerce.
人类学,会计学,艺术历史,生化学,生物学,商务行政,化学及生物化学,通信,犯罪学,经济学,早期儿童教育,初等中学教育,体育,中等教育,特殊教育,工程学,英语,外语语言文学,历史学,文学研究, 管理信息系统 数学计算科学,音乐,护理,哲学,物理天文学,政治学,心里学,社会工作,社会学和两性研究。
师资力量 拥有一支充满激情和经验丰富的教师团队。他们不仅具备专业知识和教学技巧,还注重培养学生的创造力。