In 2012 we will co ntinue to focus upon literacy and e learning as priority areas within our Annual Implementation Plan.
All Year 7, 8, 11, 12 and Year 10 students completing a VET or VCE subject will have their own perso nal netbook in 2012. With today’s technological revolution upon us, it is very im portant that our students are well equipped to keep abreast with the latest information available at all times.
Noble Park Seco ndary College has been identified as a lead user of the “Ultranet” which is a new o nline learning system for schools. The Ultranet is a state wide secure site that teachers, parents/guardians and students can access via the internet. Our students and teachers will be able to collaborate in the Ultranet using on line tools such as wikis, blogs and discussion forums. Students will be able to access and share valuable o nline learning co ntent across Victoria.
As a College, we are working on a whole school approach on improving student literacy results. In 2012 our staff will be working with Professor John Munro to further enhance our student literacy results. Staff will be working in professio nal learning teams within their Domains throughout 2012.
In 2012 we are pleased to be finally using our new BER Science Centre. As a Science Specialist School, we are co ntinuing to build upon the l inks from specialist organisations that will enhance the learning for our students with the latest up to date information.
In 2012 we are starting a new Year 7/8 Learning Centre which will provide a focus of collaborative learning in a flexible learning space.
We will co ntinue to offer our Victorian Rugby Union Academy program, where we had a great success in 2011, especially with our Under 14 students winning the State Finals. Both our junior and senior students are supported in the program with elite sport coaches from the Victorian Rugby Union as well as qualified PE staff from our College. We are looking forward to great competitions with the Rugby as well as building student leadership skills with our primary feeder schools.
Our College co ntinues to offer a safe and caring environment, as we are proud of the rich relatio nships between staff and students offering innovative and diverse curriculum for Years 7-12 on a standalone campus, which has extensive and attractive grounds.
Noble Park Seco ndary College Mission
Our mission is to value add for all students!
College Values
Respo nsibility
学术要求 想要被伯明翰大学录取,学术成绩是关键。一般情况下,入读本科需要GCE A-level成绩三门课程BBC或同等成绩。某些专业还需要特定科目的A-level成绩。硕士申请者则需要学士学位,成绩不低于2:1。语言要求 英语是全球通用语言,因此伯明翰大学对汉语母语的申请者必须满足英语要求。申请学士学位的学生需要满足IELTS总分6.0分及以上。
师资力量 拥有一支充满激情和经验丰富的教师团队。他们不仅具备专业知识和教学技巧,还注重培养学生的创造力。