Mullauna College is a Government co-educatio nal seco ndary school situated in Mitcham. Its courtyard design and spacious grounds provide attractive learning, recreatio nal and leisure areas.
Mullauna is a Koori word meaning together. Our motto, Success through learning together, reflects our belief that excellence is best achieved when students, teachers and parents are working in partnership to maximise student outcomes and learning experiences.
As a College we respect and acknowledge academic success. Our vision for our students is that they will value learning, and graduate with the knowledge, skills and co nfidence necessary to become independent learners, capable of meeting the challenges of adult life. Each year, the vast majority of our graduates move on to university and other tertiary institutions.
Mullauna is an active learning community, providing students with a challenging curriculum designed to meet the needs of individual students. Our High Achievers Program, English as a Second Language course and Year 9 Skillz Program are examples of targeting the learning experience to best meet the individual needs of our students. The College VET programs offer breadth of pathways and Year 10 students can access VCE subjects. Mullauna also delivers a well-regarded Internatio nal Student Program.
For students coming into the College at Year 7, our close l inks with local primary schools ensure a co ntinuity of positive learning experiences and a smooth transition to seco ndary education .
Mullauna College is a learning community that promotes both intellectual growth and the perso nal development of the individual. The College provides an academic curriculum that encourages all students to aspire to perso nal excellence.
During their years of schooling at Mullauna College, students will undertake studies in the following learning areas:
Visual and Performing Arts
Health, Sport and Physical Education
Languages other than English – German or Indo nesian
Curriculum programs and classroom activities are designed to provide students with opportunities to experience challenge and success in their learning. Mullauna recognises that our students live in a digital world. Therefore, relevant technology is creatively integrated into our programs. Teaching and learning strategies focus on developing higher level thinking and an emphasis is placed on developing students’ co nfidence in their capacity to be independent learners.
Achievements are celebrated at regular assemblies and at an annual College Presentation Evening.
学历要求:中国教育部认证的全日制统招四年本科毕业,有学位证,最好211院校毕业,有相关工作经验和相关专业背景,平均分85分以上的成绩。语言条件:虽然没有雅思或托福成绩的申请者也会被录取,不过一般收到的是有条件的录取通知书。 在通知书有效期内,申请者要拿到合格的雅思或托福成绩,或者先来马来西亚,来上这边的英语语言课程班。
-学费:10年级12,210澳元;11,12年级 13,640澳元 -校服费用:250澳元 -Homestay住家费用:220-250澳元/周