Mill Park Seco ndary College is an academic college which emphasises values, and specialises in The Arts and Sport.
We comprise two campuses, the Middle Years Campus in Mill Park caters for Years 7 to 9 and the Senior Campus in Epping caters for Years 10 to12.
Mill Park Seco ndary College is a vibrant school community, with outstanding facilities and a diversity of excellent programs.
Our purpose statement is ?Together we engage, educate and celebrate excellence; developing students who are respectful and responsible.The Mill Park Seco ndary College values Respect, Responsibility, Achievement and Enjoyment.
Mill Park Seco ndary College is a 7 - 12 School offering an Australian-ba sed curriculum. It offers a demanding College program of stimulating and challenging experiences. Mill Park Seco ndary College also offers programs for students whose needs include English as a Second Language. The Learning Centre for Overseas Students services those students who are talented and need support. Integrated into the school program are Computer Studies, German language, arts enrichment, Physical Education, an extensive fine arts program including Music, Dance and Drama.
Mill Park Seco ndary College has highly skilled and experienced teachers who are trained to recognize each student's learning style and adapt their teaching methods so that individual learning is maximized. Maximum class size is 25 students.
In five years time, Mill Park Seco ndary College will co ntinue to be a welcoming and caring community committed to the development of individual potential and celebration of success. A diverse range of programs will be devised that promotes a challenging, exciting and positive student learning enviro nment ba sed on a supportive partnership of students, staff and the wider community.
米尔帕克中学开设丰富的VCE科目,在各个校区为学生营造温馨的学习环境,同时还具备了大型学校所具备的全部教学优势。专业的教学人员与资源,确保本地学生与留学生都能得到有力支持,并获得在所选科目上取得学业成功的最佳机会。 米尔帕克中学欢迎来自世界各地的学生,该校设有面向留学生的英语中心,使其更好地学习英语、了解澳大利亚文化、增进学识。留学生需要先在英语中心上课。