McKinnon Seco ndary College is a year 7 to 12 co-educatio nal school with a student population of over 1400. The College was founded in 1954 in the south eastern Melbourne suburb of McKinnon. It has developed a proud reputation for academic excellence and instrumental music performance. The college is co nsistently one of the best-performing non-selective government schools in Victoria.
There are co nsistently more applications for entry to year 7 than places available. In recent years there have been 100 more applications for year seven than places available. Most students who attend McKinnon aspire to university. Over 50% of our students participate in the instrumental music program.
A McKinnon education aims to enhance the intellectual, physical, social and emotio nal development of all students and to develop students’ abilities. We strive to maintain a positive, caring and safe learning enviro nment in which all students are provided with the opportunity to achieve success. Opportunities for success are provided within a challenging, comprehensive curriculum and an extensive co-curricular program.
The College actively promotes a culture that encourages and celebrates the pursuit of excellence, that values and respects individual diversity and that encourages participation by all members of the community. Students are encouraged to take pride in themselves, their community, their uniform, and the College. Student achievements are regularly and formally recognised and celebrated in college publications, at formal assemblies, on this website, and at the annual Presentation Night.
Students study a comprehensive core curriculum in years 7 to 10. The Enhanced Learning Program in Mathematics and Science (ELMS) Program is an enrichment option for selec ted students in years 7 to 10. In years 9 and 10 the core curriculum is complemented by a range of elective units.
Year 9 is enriched by the BYTES program and the MERC building.
Year 10 students explore career and life options in the Get Real programme.
Successful year 10 students are encouraged to select VCE subjects. Students in the Senior School can choose from an extensive range of VCE studies and can participate in the VCE Enhancement Program or undertake selected university enhancement subjects.
Rich tasks such as Tournament of Minds, Survivor, McKinno Picatus and Night Of the Notables are included to increase student motivation and active participation in their education.
Some students undertake university enhancement subjects
The college offers an extensive co-curricular program which promotes leadership, cooperation and teamwork. This program includes academic challenges, performing arts and sport.
A broad and inclusive program includes activities and events such as:
Drama Production, Rock Eisteddfod, RockFest
House Music Festival
House Sporting Carnivals – Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country
Interschool Sport
Music Ensembles
Music Winter Co ncert
Spring Co ncert
Peer Support Program
Science Talent Search
Subject Competitions & Activities
Tournament of Minds
Transition Program
Year Level/Subject Camps/Tours and Excursions
Guitar club
Human Powered Vehicle
Great Victorian Bike Ride
Breakfast Club
Asia Week activities
Book Club and Writer of the Mo nth
Student performance and well being is closely mo nitored and supported by teachers, form teachers, Level Coordinators, Student Managers, Careers Advisors and a full time Student Welfare Counsellor.
Written subject reports are issued twice a year
Parent/teacher information evenings for each year level take place twice a year.
Individual progress reports can be obtained on request and parents are encouraged to co ntact the College as co ncerns arise.
McKinnon Seco ndary College invites you to familiarise yourself with the educatio nal opportunities we provide for your child by co ntacting the College.
The College encourages parents to participate at both formal and informal information evenings, parent/teacher interviews, music performances and drama productions.
Parents have the opportunity to co ntribute to the school council and council sub-committees.
We regard communication as a two way process between the family and the college. Avenues for communication exist in the student diary, fortnightly newsletter, post home newsletter, college website and email.
Telephone enquiries are welcome at all times. (Telephone: 8520 9000, fax: 9578 9253)
Tours of the College are co nducted annually, or on request.
Newsletters are posted o nline and parents may choose to receive email notification of new newsletters.
Email: mailbox@mckinnonsc.vic.edu.au or email individuals
An extensive information technology network supports six computer classrooms (including specialist music and LOTE labs), several pods of PC and Macintosh computers, the MERC and the Resource Centre.
Our music centre includes an auditorium, tutorial rooms, electro nic keyboards.
An assembly hall with a fixed data projector for large assemblies, sport and public events .
A gymnasium incorporating a basketball court, table tennis area and weights room.
The student-developed Korean Garden, with waterfall and traditio nal landscaping, provides a passive recreation area for students.
Our Year 12 students enjoy the use of a modern and fully equipped Study Centre.
Students can access specialist staff in the Careers Resource Centre and Student Welfare Lounge.
A 250-seat lecture theatre.
The McKinnon Exporation and Research Centre, home of the BYTES program for year 9 and LiveSmart program for year 10.
The college facilities, gardens and grounds are co ntinually being upgraded and improved.
We place a strong emphasis on workplace safety for staff and students.
See Recent Building Works, including the renovated assembly hall and the new A block (2009).
Student leadership is promoted through the appointment of:
school captains
house music captains
house sport captains
form captains
an elected Student Representative Council.
IT Leadership
先进的教育设施与资源 澳洲麦克伦高中作为一所高水平的学府,投入了大量资源来改善学生的学习环境和条件。学校建有现代化的教室、图书馆、实验室和运动场等设施,为学生提供了良好的学习和生活条件。这些先进的教育设施不仅提供了高质量的教学环境,还为学生提供了丰富多样的学习资源。学校购买了大量的教学书籍、多媒体教学设备和学习软件,以满足学生的学习需求。此外,澳洲麦克伦高中还与本地的大学、研究机构和企业建立了广泛的合作关系,为学生提供了更多的学习机会和实践经验。强调启发式教育 澳洲麦克伦高中注重培养学生的创造力和独立思考能力,采用了启发式教育的教学方法。教师们鼓励学生提出问题、探索解决问题的方法。