


Buckley Park College 更新时间:2025-03-15 13:53

学校地址:[维多利亚州] Cooper Street Essendon,3040 Victoria, Australia

We have captured what we consider important at Buckley Park College in our motto, "Build Your Wings". Here is the idea that each student develops and



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1963
  • 在校学生:1500
  • 国际生比:10%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:38000到50000美元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


We have captured what we co nsider im portant at Buckley Park College in our motto, "Build Your Wings". Here is the idea that each student develops and grows intellectually, physically and emotio nally over their time at the school to the point where they can leave the safety of this enviro nment and fly off into the world much like a young bird does in leaving the nest.

Our year 7 – 12, coeducational, single-campus school provides an intimate enviro nment where boys and girls of all ages can learn to live and work together. We value the sense of community among teachers and students alike. Older students provide valuable role models for the younger and, in turn, they learn a bout the respo nsibilities of adulthood and the skills necessary to co ntribute positively to the community and the work place. All learn a bout socially respo nsible and respectful behaviour, a bout courtesy, a bout the way we should treat each other and a bout accepting respo nsibility for one's actions.

The school is known for its nurturing environment. Our experience is that it doesn't take long before students feel co nfident and comfortable at school. This is a very im portant first step.

We also have high expectations of our students' learning. Around those high expectations, we build structure, teaching practice, organisation and procedures. We expect students to take on the challenge of co ntinuously improving upon their learning and participating in the broad range of programs on offer. This is supported by co ntinuous e valuation and improvement of subjects, courses of study and the way in which teaching and learning occurs. The academic achievements of our students are exemplified by their high VCE results and the tertiary, further education and training pathways they take up after graduation.

We value parents' co nnection with the school and there are many opportunities for parents to be involved at a level with which each is comfortable. We expect and value parent support for school programs and policies in helping to maintain a working, productive environment.

The potential, creativity and spirit of our young people co ntinues to be an inspiration and a source of co nfidence in the future. Their commitment to achieving high academic results while being fine citizens of the school community, the support of parents and the talents and dedication of our staff make Buckley Park College a great place to come to every day.

Internatio nal Students

Buckley Park College is accredited to provide education for Internatio nal Students (CRICOS Provider Code 00861K Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, Victoria) and has a long history of successfully welcoming internatio nal students. Most of our students come from China, Vietnam and Germany though we enjoy welcoming students from other countries as well. Our own community represents a diverse range of ethnic, cultural and religious traditions. Internatio nal students find it easy to form friendships and fit in. We believe that the opportunity to form strong friendships with people from other places in the world enriches the education of our students.

Students are generally o nly accepted into Years 9, 10, 11 or 12. Assistance can be provided with homestay and guardianship arrangements. Overseas students access the full range of programs in the school. They are supported by the Internatio nal Programs Coordinator with all aspects of their transition into the school and their perso nal well-being. Internatio nal Students have access to all student support services including:

Airport reception

Orientation program into the school

Advice on new or second-hand uniforms and books

Student Wellbeing Officer

Qualified First Aid Officer

Educatio nal Psychologist

Careers Guidance

Extra tuition and after school homework clubs.

English as a Second Language (ESL)

Internatio nal Students are supported to improve their spoken and written English through:

Individual assistance within mainstream English classes

Small group tuition for students identified as requiring ESL assistance

Extra individual support for some ESL students

Some overseas students who need even more English tuition choose to attend a local English Language Centre for 10 to 20 weeks before they come to Buckley Park College.


Internatio nal students live in home stay accommodation organised through the school or with a relative. Most home stay providers live locally. The school makes a careful selection of suitable home stay accommodation for students who do not have relatives in Melbourne and closely mo nitors the welfare of students during their stay with their Australian families.

Local Area

Buckley Park College is located in the north-western suburbs of Melbourne 12 km from the city centre of Melbourne and 11 km from Melbourne Internatio nal Airport (Tullamarine).

The suburb of Essendon is a quiet, well-resourced area within the Moo nee Valley City Council area. The local community includes shopping centres, public libraries, sporting facilities, arts centres and many public parks and gardens. It is well served by public transport including trams, buses and trains.








学术方面Buckley Park College的学术成绩一直处于州内最顶尖水平。该校在维多利亚省的ATAR排行榜上连续多年位于前列。为了保证学生学术水平的提升,Buckley Park College设有一支经验丰富的教师团队。该校还充分利用最新科技和设施为学生提供全方位教育。此外,学校非常注重学生的个性化教育,帮助学生根据自己的兴趣和特点选择课。

  • <em>BuckleyParkCollege</em>


    We have captured what we consider important at Buckley Park College in our motto, "Build Your Wings". Here is the idea t...

  • 美国
  • 英国
  • 澳洲
  • 加拿大
  • 新西兰
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 中国香港
  • 新加坡
  • 马来西亚
  • 泰国
  • 其他地区
  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它