Hallam Senior College 更新时间:2025-03-24 02:29
学校地址:[维多利亚州] Frawley Road,Hallam Victoria 3803
The College provides comprehensive programs at Years?10 – 12 through a broad range of VCE studies, VET certificates and VCAL programs all leading to f
Hallam Senior College 更新时间:2025-03-24 02:29
学校地址:[维多利亚州] Frawley Road,Hallam Victoria 3803
The College provides comprehensive programs at Years?10 – 12 through a broad range of VCE studies, VET certificates and VCAL programs all leading to f
The College provides comprehensive programs at Years?10 – 12 through a broad range of VCE studies, VET certificates and VCAL programs all leading to further education, employment and training. The programs are designed around subject groupings to meet particular educatio nal and vocatio nal pathways.
At Hallam Senior College we aim to prepare our young people to co nfidently and successfully embrace the challenges of life. We seek to provide all students with the maximum opportunity for perso nal and academic growth in a supportive environment, one specially designed for students in their later seco ndary years.
The College values relatio nships built on respect and respo nsibility where the relatio nships between people, learning and the enviro nment f rame our actions.
Our College works in partnership with a number of organisations to provide maximum choice and flexibility in program and subject delivery. These include our Alliance schools (Gleneagles Seco ndary College, Endeavour Hills Seco ndary College and Fountain Gate Seco ndary College) our Trade Training Centre schools (6 other local schools) Deakin University, Swinburne University, Chisholm Institute and other Training Organisations.
41 VCE Subjects, 14 VET Certificates, Intermediate & Senior VCAL Programs include:
Business Administration,
Information & Communications Technology,
Science and Engineering,
Traditio nal & Manufacturing Trades:?(Building & Construction, Automotive, Hospitality, Hairdressing),
Sports Academy:?(Australian Rules Football, Rugby League, Soccer, Basketball)
Health & Community Services,
The Arts: (Performing Arts, Visual Arts, Design)
Sub Schools
Sub Schools are formed around groups of Programs. Students are divided into Sub Schools ba sed on their programs/choice.
The Sub Schools are:
Traditio nal Trades and Technologies
Arts and Humanities
Sport and Health Sciences
Science, IT and Commerce
The Sub Schools are the cornerstone of communication and administration for students and their families. Attendance and pastoral care are administered and mo nitored by the sub schools ensuring that students in each sub school have a group of adults who know them well and follow their progress.
Our students
Students are at the centre of our thinking, planning and actions. We aim to ensure that we provide positive learning experiences for every student in a young adult environment.
The relatio nships we forge with students and their families are critical elements of a student’s success at this im portant stage of their learning. We provide additio nal services by way of pathways planning advice, welfare and careers advice.
申请者高中毕业; 高中期间的平均成绩在70分以上; 雅思成绩要求达到6.0分以上; 托福成绩要求达到80分以上; SAT总分达到900-1150分; ACT总分达到20-26分
The College provides comprehensive programs at Years?10 – 12 through a broad range of VCE studies, VET certificates and...
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