When you visit Forest Hill College, the first thing you’ll notice is our fantastic range of facilities. We're surrounded by large sports grounds and co nveniently located in Maho neys Road, Burwood East, ensuring the College is well serviced by public transport.
At Forest Hill College, we believe that education enriches and allows individual growth. As a learning community, we want to provide every student with the challenges and opportunities they need to achieve their full potential. Forest Hill College uses effective structures which nurture our students in a caring and supportive environment, using a curriculum that has been co nstructed to be intellectually challenging and diverse in order to respond to every student's needs. We aim to extend each individual and to encourage learning excellence. With high expectations of our students' aptitude, we encourage them all to go forward in life as responsible, resourceful young adults.
Forest Hill College creates a high level of student involvement by providing a wide variety of experiences. We are committed to promoting leadership skills in a learning enviro nment ba sed on co-operation, self-discipline and co ncern for others. Students are encouraged to take on leadership roles which include Home Group Leader IMPACT (SRC) Representatives, Sports Captains and College Captains.
Our Tribe (House) system encourages the development of leadership skills, teamwork and active participation in sport and the arts. Extracurricular activities include instrumental music, associated bands, Screamfest, the Basketball Marathon and the RACV Challenge, as well as camps and excursions.
Forest Hill College is a supportive and productive learning enviro nment where students needs, backgrounds and interests are catered for in the teaching and learning program. There are four main focus areas through which this occurs: strong leadership; curriculum planning; catering for differentiated needs through the curriculum; and rigorous accountability for improvement.
In co ntinuing to develop its curriculum, Forest Hill College will audit and use the Victorian Essential Learning Standards, Victorian Certificate of Education, Vocatio nal Education and Training and the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning to provide challenging, engaging and relevant curriculum programs that are supported by the time table.
The organisation of the school is ba sed on working and learning together, an initiave delivered by teams of teachers respo nsible for levels within the College. The focus is on designing organisatio nal arrangements to challenge and engage students at all levels.
Technology makes a significant impact on the way students learn and is a key compo nent of curriculum planning. Students will have on-line access and feedback to students and parents will be given on a regular basis. Teachers are co nstantly striving to increase their skills in the use of learning technologies in order to guide students through the maze of technologies available to them.
Learning and teaching programs may be ba sed in classrooms but are not co nfined to them. Multi-purpose areas and spaces, including outdoor areas, are in co nstant use for large and small group activities.
Learning and teaching programs at the College cater for differentiated learning needs. Lo nger class times allow for more sustained and intensive teaching seesions, as well proving the time to allow for investigation and examination of ideas.
Learning experiences are challenging, engaging and involve practical “hands-on” activities wherever possible, providing sequential and integrated study through all program areas. Both extension and intervention opportunities are provided to all students ba sed on need. Support is provided to students through pastoral opportunities and organisation of extra activities and leadership opportunities.
Teachers acknowledge students' progress and scaffold learning ba sed on developmental need with a belief that all students have the right (and ability) to learn and progress.
Teachers draw upon the expertise of others as they work in teams to plan and deliver teaching and learning programs for cohorts of students. They co nstantly reflect, review and analyse results, content, resources and teaching techniques. Working with the community is encouraged, as it allows us to broaden our viewpoint and to provide relevance to teaching and learning activities. All teachers enage in active involvement in perso nal and school-wide professio nal learning with an aim to co ntinuously improve the skills of their teams and themselves.
The school provides parents with written reports and is always searching for ways to involving parents proactively in students' learning and progress.
Students at the College are encouraged to develop individual learning goals with progress towards these being reviewed and reflected upon to inform future learning and co ntinuous improvement. Teachers include a variety of assessment strategies in their programs to provide multiple sources of data a bout student achievement.
中学部(Years 7-10) 中学部的学费相对于小学部来说会有所增加,大致在每年3万澳元至4万澳元之间。
农林 商科 工科 教育与师范 理科 生命科学与医学 社科 职业技术 艺术与人文 学位类型 不限 本科 硕士 博士 专科 研究生文凭 文凭课程。
优越的教学资源 林山中学提供了一流的教学设施和环境,拥有2400名学生和200名教师,涵盖了从高中10年级到12年级所有的课程,培养出了大量的顶尖学子,其中包括400个国家和省份的奖项,以及约200个外国奖项。该校的教师都有高性能的培训,可以计算、计算机科学、金融、生物医学工程、商业等方面提供优质的教育。