Bayside P-12 College
学校地址:[维多利亚州] ALTONA NORTH VIC 3025
Bayside P-12 College is a multi-campus government school providing excellence in teaching and learning for bayside communities in Melbourne's west. Th
Bayside P-12 College
学校地址:[维多利亚州] ALTONA NORTH VIC 3025
Bayside P-12 College is a multi-campus government school providing excellence in teaching and learning for bayside communities in Melbourne's west. Th
Bayside P-12 College is a multi-campus government school providing excellence in teaching and learning for bayside communities in Melbourne's west. The three superbly located campuses provide opportunities for students in middle and later years of schooling:
The Altona North site caters for students from preparatory to year 9 and the Williamstown campus from years seven to nine, ensuring a seamless transition to seco ndary education within their neighbourhoods, in the company of friendship groups; and
The Paisley senior campus caters for students in the final three years of seco ndary education, providing opportunities for successful advancement to further education, training and employment.
The organization of students across the campuses reflects the College's commitment to providing learning and development enviro nments that meet varied intellectual, emotio nal and social needs of young people, as they progress through the various stages of adolescence into adulthood.
Bayside students are enthusiastic and independent learners and informed, respo nsible citizens of their local and global communities. They are confident, have respect for themselves and others, are optimistic in their own lives and co ntribute to the lives that they share.
The programs offered by Bayside P-12 College balance a respect for tradition with innovation and creativity. The curriculum and integrated programs exceed community expectation and are designed to anticipate the interests and needs of students, engaging them in an enthusiastic learning partnership.
Bayside P-12 College takes advantage of the remarkable enviro nment of the area, utilizing the community and natural assets to enhance programs and opportunities for its students. Each of the College campuses reflects our commitment to the enviro nment through beautiful integrated landscaping and an emphasis on sustainable practices. The campuses are enhanced by the celebration of student works in the visual arts. The College community is proud of its emphasis on enviro nmental and social responsibility.
The College has developed strong community co nnections that bring substance to a focus on leadership and engagement, support community-ba sed learning and development experiences, and promote active citizenship. Students are active members of the global community with our sister school partnerships, spo nsorship of development projects and creative use of technology in forging relationships.
Bayside P-12 College staff are committed to the interests of the students and community and to fulfilling their unique position as role models for learning, living and contributing. They are enthusiastic a bout the opportunities to enrich the lives of others and to invest in the future. They develop and deliver programs that are responsive, innovative, pedagogically sound and engaging. Together with students and community, they support an active teaching and learning partnership.
Bayside P-12 学院拥有一流的学习设施,提供卓越的教学和学习。对整个课程有坚定的承诺,重点是科学、技术,包括中学的 STEM 课程,以及艺术、英语和人文学科。
Bayside P-12 College is a multi-campus government school providing excellence in teaching and learning for bayside commu...
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说到college,首先要为college正声。很多同学都把college理解为我们所认知的大专。加拿大的college中不仅开设了Diploma大专文凭课程,几乎每一所college都有Bachelor Degree 学士学位课程,还有post-g...
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