Since 2000 Wodo nga Senior Seco ndary College has made incorporation of Information and Communication Technologies into all aspects of the school's operation with the aim of improving outcomes for students a major priority.
As part of this priority a significant investment has been made in developing our own Learning Management System and School Information Management System. We found this necessary as propriety systems were both very expensive and did not have the flexibility to meet our evolving school needs.
The college also has a strong cost effective technical support focus and we have a team of technicians that provide technical support to 15 primary schools of varying sizes and three seco ndary schools including our own. Part or all of our systems are operating in seven other schools and we are willing to extend this to other interested schools with the appropriate re-imbursement.
WSSC will inspire the pursuit of dreams in an inclusive, supportive and progressive environment.
To develop WSSC as the first choice in post compulsory education in Wodo nga via a system that is challenging, supportive, progressive, meaningful, and produces quality outcomes in an ICT rich environment.
Focused on needs of senior students
Dedicated staff with up to date professio nal learning.
Features of the College:
Wodo nga Senior Seco ndary College is committed to providing opportunities for all students via:
State of the art Visual Arts, Technology, Performing Arts facilities.
High Achieving Year 12 students.
Programs of Excellence.
One of the broadest range of subject offerings available.
A history of sporting excellence including many state champions.
An extensive student support Pathways program offering guidance and careers counselling.
Outstanding ICT and Technology programs.
Partnerships with a wide range of community organisations.
Hospitality Training restaurant Peppers.
Senior Student Learning Centre and Library Complex.
Wodonga Senior Secondary College特色设施有先进的视觉艺术科技中心、表演艺术设施、先进的信息通信设备(平均每3个学生1台电脑)、12年级学生中心、专业理科实验设施、表演艺术会堂、网络教学资源。