James Nash State High School is located in the Wide Bay Region and services the communities of Cooloola, Tiaro and Kilkivan shires. Set in bush surroundings on the northern outskirts of Gympie, James Nash High was founded in 1977 and has a growing enrolment which will stabilise at between 850 - 950 students in the second half of this decade.
There is a combination of town and country students coming from a range of socioeco nomic backgrounds and a diversity of life styles, including rural traditional, rural alternative, small acreage subsistence, urban co nservative and urban disadvantaged.
School and classroom policies are designed to provide in the Junior school, an orderly and secure enviro nment with the emphasis on traditio nal standards, values and firm discipline while caring for the welfare and protecting the rights of all students. The junior school curriculum embraces the co ncept of a general education through core and essential learning experiences organised in year level subject offerings.
In the senior school, policies aim at the development of a more auto nomous self-disciplined student who must take more respo nsibility for their own actions and learning. The broad academic curriculum is structured through subject offerings to fulfil the needs of both tertiary-bound and vocatio nally orientated students. It is enriched by the many extra-curricular activities, which focus on the cultural and sporting life of the school together with the need to develop socially respo nsible citizens.
In their roles as directors of learning experiences, teachers are encouraged to use the most appropriate instructio nal tools and a range of teaching strategies to motivate all students to achieve success at their individual level. Teachers also provide care, support and guidance to those students who find adolescence a difficult phase.
The School Canteen is open every day for the co nvenience of, and providing a valuable service for our students. It is also the major fundraiser for the P & C Association.
Staffed by volunteers you will appreciate the fact that a large number of volunteers are needed to staff the canteen roster. Volunteers can be mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles – anybody who feels that they can be of assistance in the canteen. Volunteers are involved in the preparation and serving of food/drinks, however they are not required to handle money.
Volunteering at the Canteen is also an excellent opportunity to become an active member in the school community and meet other parents, teachers and staff involved with your student’s education and witness first hand the activities of a school day.
Please co ntact the School Canteen Convenor, Mrs Kathy Pearce by returning the tear-off section below to the school office/school canteen or if you prefer by telepho ning 54806336.
The School Canteen is managed by the James Nash SHS Ladies Auxiliary, which is a sub-committee of the P & C Association. The Ladies Auxiliary meets at 7.30pm in the Administration Building on the first Wednesday of every mo nth (excluding vacation periods). Whilst the committee is called ‘The Ladies Auxiliary’ it is also open to male members. We are looking for members and everyone is welcome.
1.英语要求:TOEFL总分不低于100分,单项不低于20分,IELTS总分不低于7.0分,无单项分数要求,或PTE总分不低于68分,无单项分数要求。 2.SAT与ACT 南加州大学要求国际学生提供SAT或ACT