Moonta Area School 更新时间:2025-03-14 12:16
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] Blanche Terrace,MOONTA SA 5558
We are a truly dynamic, friendly, vibrant and community oriented school located at the top of Yorke Peninsula. This web site will provide you with inf
Moonta Area School 更新时间:2025-03-14 12:16
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] Blanche Terrace,MOONTA SA 5558
We are a truly dynamic, friendly, vibrant and community oriented school located at the top of Yorke Peninsula. This web site will provide you with inf
We are a truly dynamic, friendly, vibrant and community oriented school located at the top of Yorke Peninsula. This web site will provide you with information a bout the school, its programs, newsletters, activities and other relevant information. It won't however be able to answer all your questions. I encourage you to co ntact the school and arrange a meeting at a mutually co nvenient time, so we are able to more fully attend to your questions.
Our school has a long and successful tradition of supporting students from Reception to Year 12, using innovative learning practices to empower students to achieve their full potential as successful and valued members of their community.
Moo nta Area School is fortunate to have the services of a committed, passio nate group of educators, supported by quality hard working student support officers who take great pride in providing a safe and secure learning environment, whilst at the same time providing a full range of dynamic and challenging academic and extracurricular programs.
We have a great group of parents who co ntinue to support Moo nta Area in many valued ways, we always welcome parental support and you may wish to assist us by working in the canteen, clothing pool, Learning Assistance Program (LAP), listening to students read, working at sports day and other school events or being involved in our Parent Club or Governing Council.
The most im portant people in our school are the students. They co ntinue to show that they are "Learning Caring Sharing" people who are willing to take a chance and also work hard to develop knowledge and skills that will support their future opportunities and their ability to participate and relate to our global world.
The school's vision is that Moo nta Area School will deliver flexible learning to reflect individual needs in a changing world.
Because of this at Moo nta Area School you will see:
A focus on lifelong learning
Teams of committed professio nal adults
Well resourced and enviro nmentally respo nsible learning areas
Individual needs being met through flexible learning
Curriculum that is respo nsive to a changing world
Physical, social and emotio nal well being is actively fostered
Positive school, community and industry partnerships in place
Acknowledgement of our heritage.
拥有优秀的师资队伍和完善的课程设置。 课程设置 优秀的课程设置是高水平教育的重要保障之一。东部地区的大学通常设置多元化、富有挑战性的课程,包括人文、社会科学、自然科学等领域。
We are a truly dynamic, friendly, vibrant and community oriented school located at the top of Yorke Peninsula. This web...