


William Light R-12 School 更新时间:2025-03-15 19:58

学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] 21A Errington Street,Plympton, South Australia 5038

Our school is located in Plympton, a residential western metropolitan suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. We are centrally located only 7 kilometers



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1968
  • 在校学生:1000
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:11800澳元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Our school is located in Plympton, a residential western metropolitan suburb of Adelaide, South Australia. We are centrally located o nly 7 kilometers from Adelaide city's Central Business District and 3 km from Adelaide's famous Glenelg beach.

Public Transport options, including buses and trams, make it easy for students, parents and our school commuity to visit us.

We have a relatively intimate student population of around 500 children spread across our Reception to Year 12 classes. 2010 and 2011 forecasts some growth in these numbers, but well within the schools maximum capacities, allowing William Light to co ntinue to boast a family friendly enviro nment with many long term relatio nships forged between students, their families and our staff.

The harmonious, multicultural nature of our student population provides opportunities for rich experiences for all of us. It is lovely to see in the school yard children from all year levels, genders and natio nalities playing and interacting freely with one another. You will no doubt notice this viewing photos across our website.

Our History

William Light School opened in January 1998, formed as a result of the closure of Plympton High School (on this same site), Camden Park Primary and Netley Primary.

Our Purpose

School team members strive to engage students in quality learning that allows each person to achieve their potential as a learner and a citizen in an inclusive environment.

Our Vision

o provide pathways for life long learning

o commit to the provision of a rigorous curriculum

o emphasise quality relatio nships as the foundation for learning

o maintain our school as a centre of excellence

Our Junior School - Reception to Year 5

Focus is on developing the skills and qualities essential for successful lifelong learning.

High level achievement in Literacy and Numeracy across the curriculum, development of higher order thinking skills and social learning are priorities.

Children are supported to achieve in a teaching and learning enviro nment built on respect, rigour, relevance and relatio nships with a network of teacher mentors.

Our Middle School - Years 6 to 9

Structure is to meet the unique and changing needs of young children, where they feel valued and safe in a an enviro nment built on mutual respect and positive relationships.

In this supportive learning environment, students develop a love of learning through a rigorous curriculum that is relevant to their individual needs and interests. Teaching methods reflect individuality and support the developent of independence and excellence.

Our Senior School - Years 10 to 12

We recognise that young adults learn best when their curriculum engages them and builds upon their own prior experiences and perso nal relevance.

We provide rigour in the curriculum to challenge students to reach their potential.

We recognise that the formation of positive relatio nships between our young adults and members of our school community co ntribute greatly to student learning.










  • 美国
  • 英国
  • 澳洲
  • 加拿大
  • 新西兰
  • 日本
  • 韩国
  • 中国香港
  • 新加坡
  • 马来西亚
  • 泰国
  • 其他地区
  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它