Salisbury High School
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] 14 Farley Grove,Salisbury North,South Australia 5108
Salisbury High School has a clear aim and that is to see students successfully placed in higher education, training, employment and community service
Salisbury High School
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] 14 Farley Grove,Salisbury North,South Australia 5108
Salisbury High School has a clear aim and that is to see students successfully placed in higher education, training, employment and community service
Salisbury High School has a clear aim and that is to see students successfully placed in higher education, training, employment and community service.
At Salisbury High School we offer a flexible and equitable curriculum, which supports every student to be successful in their chosen pathway.
We are committed to offering students
Core curriculum using the SACSA and the Internatio nal Baccalaureate Middle Years Program
Broad, flexible senior seco ndary curriculum, including VET (Vocatio nal Education and Training)
Perso nal pathway planning (university, vocatio nal and community pathways)
Authentic learning experiences to develop enterprise skills and innovative thinking
Extra curricular activities, including a full range of sports and arts and other accredited courses eg Youth Opportunities
Participation in positive community relatio nships and citizenship
Opportunities to develop leadership skills
Key competencies for work
Internatio nal and global perspectives
Through our pastoral care program, students are asked to think seriously a bout their future as they get ready to select from a wide range of options, which will determine their career pathway.
Young people with high perso nal integrity, a strong sense of self and identity are better able to manage change with co nfidence and success and be active citizens in our community.
To achieve this, we are committed to excellence and to providing students with learning experiences that will challenge, develop and maximise their potential.
We believe that students need to increasingly take more respo nsibility for their learning as they embark on the SACE, and industry credited courses through VET.
We encourage students and parents to take time and research career options.
For example, we encourage parents and students to access Australia's o nline career information service,
This web site is a joint initiative of Commonwealth, State and Territory governments and you can access the following:
Facts a bout
- Occupations
- Salaries
- Courses
- Where you can do courses
- Industries
- Co ntact organisations
In our Middle School, Yr 8 and Yr 9, the emphasis is on a comprehensive curriculum, giving students opportunities to develop their talents, interperso nal skills, teamwork, and organisatio nal skills through the learning areas and cross curriculum enterprise projects.
We are also very excited a bout the improved learning outcomes evident in our Middle School as a result of the implementation of the Middle Years Internatio nal Baccalaureate Program.
Students will be exposed to a series of vocatio nal learning experiences, including workshadowing in years 8 and 9, City Bound Discovery and University visits in year 9, and will have opportunities to l ink their learning to the world of work.
To enable the smooth transition from Middle School to Senior School, a formal Year 10 Graduation is held early in term 3 every year.
South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and Vocatio nal Education and Training (VET) information is also provided to parents and caregivers to assist year 10 students in their subject selection and pathway planning.
Mentoring and one to one support is a regular feature of the senior school and students have access to career advice from a wide range of sources organised by care teachers and the Flexible Learning Centre, the Student Services Team and the Student Employment Officer.
Students in the Senior School can expect to be involved in a range of work experience and structured work placement related to their particular pathway. Many students choose to gain dual accreditation by choosing VET courses within the SACE. We offer a range of these, both at Salisbury High School and in the region, as you will find in this handbook.
Our strong pastoral care system focuses on providing a safe, success oriented enviro nment within a supportive and nurturing structure. Through developing close relatio nships with parents and caregivers, students and care teachers, together we can help young people find their own pathway to success and be the best they can be.
索尔布里中学的使命感,在于为学生创造完美的教育环境,以期他们能在 将来的大学学习中取得更辉煌的成功。在索尔布里,我们把学生的聪明才智、 优秀成绩、创造性独立思考能力、和师生间的互敬互爱看得高于一切。
Salisbury High School has a clear aim and that is to see students successfully placed in higher education, training, emp...
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