Pasadena High School
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] Daws Road, Pasadena SA 5042
Pasadena High School is a small city high school known for its family friendly atmosphere, student centred approach and successful Special interest ba
Pasadena High School
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] Daws Road, Pasadena SA 5042
Pasadena High School is a small city high school known for its family friendly atmosphere, student centred approach and successful Special interest ba
Pasadena High School is a small city high school known for its family friendly atmosphere, student centred approach and successful Special interest basketball Program, 50 student Disability Unit, Building and Co nstruction Courses and comprehensive Middle and Senior School Curricula.
The school's motto "Pathways to Success" is reflected throughout the curriculum and in particular the Year 8-12 perso nal development program (entitled "Pathways to Success").
Similarly the school's Vision Statement
"Pasadena High School is a vibrant, efficient, effective and well respected learning community which meets the current, future and diverse needs of every student and prepares them as resilient, life long learners capable of successful engagement in a technological world, global community and sustainable environment."
We have a very firm belief that every student deserves the best opportunity to achieve:
drives and this belief directs our energy towards the development of a diverse
curriculum which includes language studies in Japanese and German, ICT, VET
Courses and a range of mainstream, intervention and support programs that meet the
needs of all students. The school community co ntinues to receive strong support
through well established community partnerships.
School Values: Respect, Relationships, Excellence, Creativity, Citizenship.
The Senior School at Pasadena High School incorporates students in the years of schooling 10 to 13. The emphasis is to focus on the needs of each student planning a pathway that will maximise a student’s educatio nal goals and perso nal development. Many structures are in place to encourage students to develop their potential.
At year 10 the students will have the opportunity to:
Plan their pathway through the Senior School
Have access to sympathetic and comprehensive counselling
Begin SACE Stage 1 courses in some subject areas and choose from a number of VET pathways
Embark upon Work Experience
Become involved in student leadership through the Student Representative Council
Through the Pathways to Success program, work with the My Plan process
At year 11 (Stage 1) the student will have the opportunity to:
Have access to sympathetic and comprehensive counselling
Study SACE Stage 1 courses and choose from a number of VET pathways
Become involved in student leadership through the Student Representative Council
Have access to the library or private study room in uncommitted lessons
Embark on courses that cater for wide-ranging interests
Study subjects at Stage 2 in some instances when recommended by teachers
Use experience gained outside of school to count for SACE accreditation
Through the Pathways to Success program, work with the My Plan process and focus on resume production
At year 12/13 (Stage 2) the student will have the opportunity to:
Complete the SACE or undertake a school-ba sed apprenticeship program
Qualify for entry to University or TAFE
Become involved in student leadership through the Student Representative Council and school committees
Choose from a number of VET pathways
Study Options:
Designated areas in which students are able to study, access computers and additio nal support. These encourage the effective use of “free” lessons.
了解申请要求 在申请之前,你需要了解帕萨迪纳高中的申请要求,包括学术成绩、课外活动、社会服务等方面的要求。此外,还需要掌握申请流程和材料准备。
学术水平 帕萨迪纳学校以其严谨的学术氛围和高水平的学术教育而闻名。学校提供丰富的课程选择,包括自然科学、社会科学、人文艺术等多个领域。教师团队由经验丰富的教授和资深教育专家组成,他们悉心指导学生,培养他们的创造力和批判性思维能力。 学校注重培养学生的学术独立性和解决问题的能力。课堂上,学生将接触到先进的学术知识和方法,培养自己的研究能力。同时,学校鼓励学生积极参与科研项目和学术竞赛,为他们提供展示自己的机会。师资力量 帕萨迪纳学校有一支优秀的教师团队,他们具备丰富的教学经验和专业知识。教师们热爱教育事业,关注学生的个性发展,能够很好地引导学生学习。
Pasadena High School is a small city high school known for its family friendly atmosphere, student centred approach and...