Henley High School 更新时间:2025-03-15 06:38
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] Cudmore Terrace, Henley Beach SA 5022
Henley High School is proud of its academic tradition and its history of meeting the needs of all its students from the Western suburbs of Adelaide an
Henley High School 更新时间:2025-03-15 06:38
学校地址:[南澳大利亚州] Cudmore Terrace, Henley Beach SA 5022
Henley High School is proud of its academic tradition and its history of meeting the needs of all its students from the Western suburbs of Adelaide an
Henley High School is proud of its academic tradition and its history of meeting the needs of all its students from the Western suburbs of Adelaide and from throughout South Australia.
What makes Henley especially special is -
The support for the high achievers - in Mathematics and Science, English and SOSE, in Technology, Engineering and the trades, in Sport, in the Arts, in Hospitality.
A genuine Middle School program, with state of the art facilities, a 1:1 laptop computer program for all students, with small classes, fewer teachers in teaching teams, integrated and negotiated curriculum, innovative teaching, a safe enviro nment and a focus on relationships.
The broad curriculum for senior students from Year 10. This ensures opportunities exist for all to achieve success through and post schooling, in subjects and options of choice - according to capability, interest and relevance.
The accreditation of all school-ba sed and community-ba sed activities of its senior students - towards the SACE, TER and Vocational/TAFE Certificates as relevant.
The programs for disinclined students, those with learning difficulties, including those students in the District's Lyn Wright Supported Learning Centre, and the increasing number of indigenous students, many of whom have successfully applied for enrolment into the Specialist Sport Program.
An Internatio nal Students Program that attracts up to 60 senior students from a broad range of countries and its sister school in Japan who we visit every two years and who visit us each year.
A formal mentoring program that provides career advice, a Perso nal Learning Plan, and supports students and their parents.
Advanced Information Technology that provides a ratio of one laptop per student in the Middle School and one computer per two students in the Senior School, community access to web ba sed school programs and curriculum, a highly regarded web site, intranet that includes apprenticeship and driving tests, interactive whiteboards in classrooms, pod casting equipment, and co ntrol technologies/robotics and multimedia as mandatory curriculum from Year 8.
Its appreciation and valuing of students and staff, including providing o ngoing training and regular celebration and promotion of achievements.
The highly supportive community - its parents, the School Council, our old scholars network, Universities and teacher training organizations, other schools in the western suburbs, employers, businesses.
通过留学中介机构申请亨利中学 留学中介机构是很多留学生选择的申请途径之一。留学中介机构通常与亨利中学有合作关系,可以提供全方位的服务,帮助你完成申请材料准备、选择课程和辅导面试等。他们了解亨利中学的申请流程和要求,能够为你提供专业的建议和帮助,提高你的申请成功率。 选择留学中介机构时,建议你选择有丰富经验和良好口碑的机构。可以通过咨询其他留学生或在留学论坛上了解机构的信誉度和服务质量。
特色课程环保课程 音乐与媒体制作课程 DECA商科课程:市场学,管理学,领导力ESL课程 特色与优势 DECA商科课程:市场学,管理学,领导力 音乐与媒体制作课程 学校环境 课外活动 活动 舞蹈、即兴表演、乐队、合唱、音乐、诗歌、摄影、动漫、年刊、图书、数学与理科竞赛、辩论、经济、商业及其他各类俱乐部 体育 篮球、羽毛球、足球、排球、棒球、垒球等体育运动。
亨利中学一直以高质量教育和个性化教育为自己的办学理念,致力于培养出一批有德、有才、有能力的学生成为社会中坚力量。 亨利中学强调学生个性的培养,注重学生在学业、体育、艺术等领域的发展和成长。
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