The future directions of the ASMS will be found through building upon the school's charter on establishment in 2003 and on its growth and development thereafter. The elements of the charter that are fundamental to the future development of the ASMS are described through:
Strategic Foundations
The ASMS is a public senior seco ndary school with a special focus on science and mathematics education. The school exists in partnership with Flinders University to engage in development and research to transform science and mathematics education in South Australia, natio nally and internationally.
Cohesive Culture
The ASMS engages and educates a diverse group of students, irrespective of social, cultural or educatio nal background, around their common interest in science and mathematics. Social cohesion of the school community, where individuality and collaboration are equally valued, is the hallmark of life at the ASMS. Fulfillment of each student's potential is a focus.
Learning Community Design
Learning is achieved in a highly collaborative setting, where interaction amo ngst students and educators is pervasive. The school is perso nalising learning opportunities for its students through inquiry- ba sed pedagogies, applications of leading edge technologies and through engaging with a comprehensive curriculum, presented through an interdisciplinary f ramework by multi-disciplinary teams of educators.
School-wide Approach to Learning
The ASMS community has an unrelenting focus on generating learning. Its focus is on fulfilling the potential of its students through engaging each student in planning, reviewing, reflecting and re-shaping their learning. With special attention given to rigorous, leading edge science and mathematics, inquiry, collaboration, problem solving and authentic assessment drive the teaching and learning activities.
Professio nal Supports
The ASMS maintains an unrelenting focus on the professio nal learning of all staff to strengthen valued outcomes for all learners. Professio nal learning takes many forms, is deeply embedded in the daily activities of staff and is the key driver of innovation, development and transformation in science and mathematics education at the ASMS. Informing professio nal practice with educators across SA, natio nally and internatio nally is a priority for the ASMS. The ASMS strives to co ntinuously improve its capacity for innovation and the provision of a high quality educatio nal environment. As a school we recognize the im portance of health and well being of all staff in achieving our goals.
高水准的教学 澳大利亚中小学的教学质量在全世界位居前列。 澳大利亚中小学教育之所以广受青睐,原因如下:小班制(一个班不超过 30 名学生);接受大学教育的合格教师和特定学科的专职教师授课;通过“天才计划”重点培养成绩优异的学生;通过“优等生计划”提前向优等生讲授大学水平的课程,预先修得学分;为需要额外学习支持的学生量身定制个人学习计划;通过质量保证框架确保学校达标。课程特色 学校更多的是鼓励学生从兴趣爱好入手,规划将来的职业方向,有针对性的选择课程。