Wanniassa School 更新时间:2025-03-14 12:30
学校地址:[澳大利亚首都领地] Wheeler Crescent,Wanniassa, ACT, 2903
Wanniassa School strives to ensure that all young people develop the skills for making sense of the world and their place in it. Our school believes
Wanniassa School 更新时间:2025-03-14 12:30
学校地址:[澳大利亚首都领地] Wheeler Crescent,Wanniassa, ACT, 2903
Wanniassa School strives to ensure that all young people develop the skills for making sense of the world and their place in it. Our school believes
Wanniassa School strives to ensure that all young people develop the skills for making sense of the world and their place in it. Our school believes that rigorous, co nnected and relevant study of the subject disciplines builds the foundation upon which young people may begin to make informed, optimistic and respo nsible choices a bout their roles and respo nsibilities as citizens of a local, natio nal and global community.
Our school has a strong central platform of developing:
Rich and diverse literacy and numeracy education for all students
Critical thinking
Deep understanding
Intellectual engagement
Research skills
Problem solving skills
Reflective learning
Communication and performance skills
Lifelong learners
Wanniassa School prepares students to be resilient, active, informed and respo nsible citizens by:
Valuing inclusivity
Promoting respectful relatio nships and peaceful means of resolving co nflict
Creating a Health Promoting School
Providing opportunities for students to gain leadership skills and participate in school decision making
Valuing cooperative learning
Developing understanding of the complexity of our diverse Australian society and its underpinning values
Wanniassa School promotes a strong professio nal learning community committed to improving learning outcomes for all students.
Through collaborative planning practices and professio nal learning opportunities, we ensure staff are co ntinuously focused on improved outcomes in learning and teaching.
Wanniassa School strives to ensure that all young people develop the skills for making sense of the world and their plac...