


Lyneham High School 更新时间:2025-03-25 07:59

学校地址:[澳大利亚首都领地] Goodwin Street LYNEHAM 2602 ACT Canberra Australia

Lyneham High School (LHS) is a year 7-10 comprehensive school situated in the inner north area of Canberra, ACT.  Enrolments have been steadily increa



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1977
  • 在校学生:12300
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:14500澳币
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Lyneham High School (LHS) is a year 7-10 comprehensive school situated in the inner north area of Canberra, ACT. Enrolments have been steadily increasing at LHS since 2007 and the school is currently at capacity. The school draws on students from across northern Canberra and the number of students attending the school from outside the priority enrolment area has remained relatively co nstant being approximately 55% of the total student population in 2011. The number of students from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander background and students enrolled in special education classes have also remained consistent. However, the number of students who come from language backgrounds other than English has been steadily increasing. We celebrate and value the diversity and richness that these students bring to our school.

While providing a diverse range of programs, Lyneham's strong reputation centres on three programs which have become flagships for the school and for public education. These are the award winning band and music program, the Lyneham High School Enriched Academic Program (LEAP) for gifted and talented students and the Sporting Excellence at Lyneham (SEAL) program for talented sports students. Lyneham High School has developed a culture where achievement is celebrated and where students can work together with a strong sense of pride in their school.

The Lyneham High School community is committed to Care, Quality and Creativity. We aspire to always exercise Care for our own well-being and the well-being of others, take pride in the Quality of the learning and teaching that happens in our school and operate in an enviro nment that fosters Creativity and innovation.


Lyneham High's education program provides students with a wide range of experiences designed to prepare students to become active participates in our society as well as giving them the skills and knowledge to undertake further study. The School Board endorses the princple that students at Lyneham be afforded the maximum flexibility and choices in their educatio nal program.

Core Subjects




Study of Society and the Envirnoment (SoSE)

Physical Education & Health

Elective Subjects


The Arts




Computer Studies


A primary purpose of assessment is to enhance learning and to enable the reporting ofstudents?achievement. Assessment practices have a powerful impact on learning and teaching.

At LHS Assessment

Is co nducted in all courses studied throughout the year.

Should provide valid information on the actual knowledge, skills and understandingsexpected of students.

Should make a positive co ntribution to student learning.

Should be demo nstrably fair to all students and not discriminate on grounds that areirrelevant to the achievement of the outcome.

Criteria should be explicit so that the basis for judgements is clear and

Should be ba sed on multiple kinds and sources of evidence.

The compo nents of assessment in individual courses, their weightings and due dates arenegotiated with students, and later co nfirmed through in the Course Outlines that are issued bythe end of week two of each semester and posted on t h e cLc for each class. Theseassessment items may include, but are not limited to: tests (given to an individual class or to allclasses studying the same course), written assignments, practical work, homework, group work,oral presentations, bookwork and participation in the classroom. For further information o nhomework see the Lyneham High School Homework Policy.

Along with assessment information, Course Outlines provide a short des cription of the courseof study, the outcomes on which assessment will be conducted, materials required and astatement regarding homework expectations. Both parent and student signatures are sought o nthe docu ments to co nfirm and acknowledge the contents.

Where more than one class is studying the same subject at the same level, moderatio nprocedures are used. This may be through administration of common tests, marking of selecteditems by a number of teachers or exchange of information between the teachers involved.

Other assessment commitments for ACT school students can include:

Natio nal Assessment Program

Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) in Years 7 & 9PISA internatio nal assessment (for 15 year olds)

Trends in Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) internatio nal assessment (Year 8)

Natio nal academic competitions (Science, Maths, Computing, Languages, French etc)










  • <em>LynehamHighSchool</em>


    Lyneham High School (LHS) is a year 7-10 comprehensive school situated in the inner north area of Canberra, ACT. Enrolme...

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  • 6点-9点
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