Caroline Chisholm School (CCS) is a co-educational, public school for students from Preschool to Year 10, situated in Canberra's south-east Tuggeranong Valley overlooking the Brindabella Mountains. Caroline Chisholm School offers 12 years of co ntinuous learning, assessment plus social and emotio nal programs with the students taking up their final years of study at their regio nal college or CIT.
Caroline Chisholm School comprises three separate, co located campuses - Pre School, Junior campus (Kindergarten - Year 5) and Senior campus, which is comprised of the Middle Years (Years 6-8) and Senior Years (Years 9-10). The Middle Years program enables early adolescent students to gradually transition from primary to seco ndary school. The Middle Years and Senior Years programs at Caroline Chisholm School are unique to our region.
Caroline Chisholm School offers a diverse range of educatio nal experiences including the Academic Challenge Program, Sporting Enrichment, Performing Arts, Learning Support Units, Study Centre and caters for a wide range of student learning styles and needs.
Caroline Chisholm School has a strong sense of community. Our school has been a focal point within our surrounding suburbs since 1974. We take great pride in co ntinuing to offer quality, traditio nal and co ntemporary educatio nal programs to families who are in their first and second generation at the school as well as highly mobile families, including our Defence Force Transition Program.
Caroline Chisholm School is an ACT government P-10 school catering for students Pre School to 10. The senior campus accepts enrolments from a priority enrolment area which covers the suburbs of Fadden, Gilmore, Gowrie, Macarthur, most of Chisholm and some parts of Richardson. The junior campus accepts enrolments from Chisholm; except south and east parts as well as north east Richardson. Enrolments outside these designated areas may be co nsidered at the discretion of our Principal, Wendy Wurfel.
The school is named after Caroline Chisholm who, as an early settler in Australia, was renowned as a philanthropist, reformer, writer and lecturer. She strove to support and open opportunities for young Australians. The spirit of the school is to co ntinue to work to this goal.
The senior campus is structured into a Middle Years and Senior Years. This is designed to provide a supportive enviro nment focused firmly on the student, on building community and on perso nal growth.
Caroline Chisholm School P-10 is a single school facility providing;
The opportunity to enjoy the co ntinuity of 12 years of education in a single setting.
Co nsistent and coherent P-10 curriculum in line with the ACT 'Every chance to learn' curriculum f ramework designed to address the needs of learners and successful transitions between each band of development.
Single leadership structure and participative management strategies to ensure co nsistency and coherence of critical school policies and procedures.
Engaging Academic Curriculum
A dynamic P-10 Curriculum preparing your child for their future
Challenge classes for high achieving students
Programs suitable for your child's stage of development
Unique Middle Years Program preparing students for senior years study and college or work
Smooth transitions between developmental stages
Building your child's capacity to make a difference
Learning Support and Assistance Programs
Teachers from wide specialist backgrounds working together to plan programs
Music and Band Programs on both campuses
Indo nesian language program
Clear Homework Policy
Academic competitions each year
Individual Pastoral Care
Positive and respectful relatio nships are the basis of learning at Caroline Chisholm School
Parental co ntact is a high priority to build working partnerships
Full time Youth Support Worker on the Senior Campus
Full time Counsellor over both campuses
Pastoral Care Coordinator organising individualised programs for students at risk
Restorative Justice Practices implemented across campuses
Discipline Policy that is clear and fairly administered
Clear and diligently followed anti bullying and anti harassment procedures
Middle Years Program includes campus for team building and is l inked to the academic programs
Student leadership and support
Across campus Mentoring Peer tutoring programs
Active Student Representative Councils
Social skilling programs
Buddy systems
Great facilities shared across campuses
Computer network and wide access to Pc's for all students
Interactive whiteboards
Internet access
Integrated ICT into all programs
Specialist rooms for food, music, art, drama, wood and me tal technology
Modern sports gymnasium
Caroline Chisholm School提供从幼儿园到10年级的12年的连续的学学与评估以及与社会和情感课程,学生在最后的学年里会在他们所在地区的大学或CIT进行学习。