Kaleen High School 更新时间:2025-03-15 11:09
学校地址:[澳大利亚首都领地] Baldwin Drive,Kaleen ACT 2617
The Kaleen High school plan 2009-2013 articulates the major priorities for improvement across the four domains of school improvement (teaching and lea
Kaleen High School 更新时间:2025-03-15 11:09
学校地址:[澳大利亚首都领地] Baldwin Drive,Kaleen ACT 2617
The Kaleen High school plan 2009-2013 articulates the major priorities for improvement across the four domains of school improvement (teaching and lea
The Kaleen High school plan 2009-2013 articulates the major priorities for improvement across the four domains of school improvement (teaching and learning, leading and managing, student enviro nment and community involvement) as articulated within the ACT's School Improvement f ramework.
The priorities within the school plan have been identified through self-assessment and also incorporate recommendations from the external validation panel report.
They will be the major focus for improvement for the school across its next four year cycle of review. The plan was developed in 2009, with a number of initiatives being implemented in that year.
Annual operating plans will be developed ensuring the school provides the necessary support and educatio nal programs to meet the needs of our students whilst addressing the priorities.
School purpose and vision
Kaleen High School's purpose is to provide a flexible and caring enviro nment for its students, recognising and promoting partnership between home and school. The school actively promotes the im portance of the core learning areas of Literacy and Numeracy.
The schools vision is articulated through its motto "Respect - Diligence - Commitment "
School profile
Kaleen High School was founded in 1978. Kaleen High School is for children aged between 11 and 16 years providing an educatio nal program for students from year 7 to year 10 in mainstream classes and two Learning Support Units (LSU) for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
In 2009, Kaleen High School had 211 students with approximately one percent of the student population being recognised as having Indigenous heritage. Class sizes were kept small to assist teachers in presenting the most appropriate program and in meeting individual student needs.
In 2009, Kaleen High School had approximately 20 percent of the student population identified as having special needs. Kaleen High School provides inclusive programs and many of our special needs students are integrated into the mainstream classrooms to further develop their social and academic skills.
UC High School Kaleen is a fully accessible and inclusive school that caters for a diverse group of students. The Disability Discrimination Act (1991) and the Disability Standards for Education (2005) inform and guide our practices.
Students of all abilities are welcome and we are committed to the o ngoing development and maintenance of a curriculum and a community that is accessible and reflects the curriculum renewal process.
We actively promote and deliver evidence ba sed Professio nal Learning opportunities for all staff members and we strive to achieve good practice in this area. Inclusive Technology is used increasingly to ensure that students have access to the curriculum.
The Individual learning Plan (ILP) process is embedded in our practice and we highly value a student and family centered approach. ILP teams work collaboratively to establish goals, plan interventions and achieve identified learning outcomes. Regular reviews are an im portant part of this process. All students with disabilities are actively encouraged to be involved in this process and are encouraged to access selected mainstream classes according to ILP goals.
At UC High School Kaleen we have a dedicated teacher who coordinates a range of enrichment programs to offer a unique approach which is both rigorous and relevant for students who identify as academically gifted and talented. Some general characteristics of gifted and talented children are listed below.
excellent memory
creative or imaginative, e.g. produces many ideas or is highly original
independent - may prefer to work alone
keen sense of humour
highly motivated, particularly in self-selected tasks
unusual or advanced interests
exceptio nal critical thinking skills or problem-solving ability
superior leadership and interperso nal skills
frequently asks in-depth, probing questions
high degree of social respo nsibility or moral reaso ning
large, advanced vocabulary
superior insight and the ability to draw inferences or is intuitive
advanced reader either in English or in the home language.
learns rapidly and quickly grasps new co ncepts
Without adequate provision such students can readily become disenchanted with the education system, under-perform or even switch off completely. Stretching and challenging the most able students is a priority for us. We recognise that it is vital that students are stretched intellectually and also that the extension activity co ntributes to their own perso nal development. We aim to help them become empowered to think clearly, creatively and independently to think systematically and rigorously a bout relevant modern day issues and to identify assumptions and distinguish between good and poor arguments. We have an Executive Teacher and the School Librarian who specifically support these students.
Activities include:
Tournament of the Minds
Small o ngoing Individual Enrichment groups and specific programs
University of Canberra Accelerated Learning Program
Challenging work experience options
Development of ILP’s (Individual Learning Plan)
Flexibility in program delivery to the meet the individual needs of students
Leadership opportunities
Negotiated extension work in classes
学术能力: 2026届,75%的入读新生在班级排名前10%,所以这就要求申请者需要具备强大的GPA成绩。高中核心课程: 最具竞争力的申请者应该在四年英语、三年或以上数学、2年以上的科学和三年或者以上的社会科学课程背景。标化考试成绩: SAT or ACT考试可选递交,适用于2024秋季到2025秋季,SAT学科考试也是可选。
我们的价值观是“自尊,自强和进取”。我们致力积极正面教育,为学生提供优质的课程,培养学生对个人和学校的自豪感。 与堪培拉大学和金宁德拉湖高中学院的合作使得我们可以提供澳大利亚首都堪培拉教育 系统内最独有连贯性的课程、机会和途径。学校的使命是在安全积极正面的环境中满足每个学生的需求,发挥每位学生的最佳业绩。
The Kaleen High school plan 2009-2013 articulates the major priorities for improvement across the four domains of school...