


Belconnen High School 更新时间:2025-03-23 18:37

学校地址:[澳大利亚首都领地] Murranji St, Hawker, ACT, 2614

Belconnen High School opened in 1971 and enjoys a rich history such as the school hall being the Tally Room for the 1972 Federal election. We caters f



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1971
  • 在校学生:2000
  • 国际生比:1%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:12,500澳元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Belco nnen High School opened in 1971 and enjoys a rich history such as the school hall being the Tally Room for the 1972 Federal election. We caters for students from years 7 to 10 with our core values of respect, excellence, leadership, pride, cooperation, and having a positive attitude and commitment. The school is situated in the ACT suburb of Hawker and is an integral part of the Hawker Collegiate of Schools. The other members of the Collegiate are Hawker Primary school (years P to 6) and Hawker College (years 11 & 12). The Collegiate provides a unique opportunity for students from years P to 12 within the suburb of Hawker.

Our School Board and P & C work closely with our school community to provide an enviro nment that promotes excellence, celebrates success, nurtures the wellbeing of all students and successfully provides students with the skills and values that will prepare them for the challenges and respo nsibilities of adult citizenship. This has seen the P&C introduce parent forums that provide information for parents and feedback to the school.

Pastoral care is an integral part of the school staffed by Student Services Co-ordinator, Pastoral Care Co-ordinator, year group Co-ordinators, School Counsellor, a Youth Support Worker and a Chaplain. This team ensure a supportive House system and a Student Representative Council (SRC) that is co nnected to the governance of the school.

The school offers a traditio nal comprehensive curriculum that is structured around the Key Learning Areas of English, Mathematics, Science, Science Studies of Society Enviro nment (SoSE), Physical Education, The Arts, Technology and Languages other than English (LOTE). The Languages currently offered at the school are French and Indonesian.

Students are extended and challenged through the highly successful enrichment program (PEP) in the areas of English, Mathematics, SoSE and Physical Education. Students are given the opportunity to study a number of Vocatio nal Education and Training courses and to begin an Australian School ba sed Apprenticeship (ASBA).

Complementary to the traditio nal curriculum the school runs a number of targeted programs designed at co nnecting and engaging students to the school and their learning. Amo ngst these is a highly successful program that caters for students with a diagnosis of high functio ning Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), in particular Asperger's Syndrome that

Belco nnen High School enables the students to be integrated into the school. The program is staffed by both teaching and support staff who designed and facilitate the student's learning through an Individual Learning Plan (ILP). The program successfully transitions the students into a mainstream college for years 11 and 12.

The school enjoys renewed and updated facilities in Science, Mathematics, Information Technology and Physical Education.

At Belco nnen High School our vision is to enable every student to achieve successful learning outcomes and promote the pursuit of excellence in every learning area. Belco nnen High School follows the ACT Curriculum f ramework “Every Chance to Learn”. Belco nnen High School focuses on Literacy and Numeracy across the curriculum. In the classroom the teachers follow the Quality Teaching model which underpins the curriculum f ramework in focusing on Intellectual quality, Quality learning enviro nment and Significance. In 2011 Belco nnen High School began implementing the Australian Curriculum.

The curriculum structure is ba sed around every student studying from the Key Learning Areas (KLAs). This enables a student to have a board understanding and experiences in all areas and a sound understanding for future directions in life.

The KLAs




Studies of Society and the Enviro nment (SOSE)

The Arts


Physical Education and Health

Languages (French or Indonesian)

Students study seven subjects in each semester. In Year 7 students are given an opportunity to explore the Arts and Technology subjects before electing an Arts and Technology subject in Year 8. In Year 9 and 10 students are given further opportunities to elect Art, Technology and Language subjects.

Year 7

As the student transitions into High school they complete studies throughout the year in

- English

- Mathematics

- Science

- Studies of Society and the Enviro nment (SOSE)

- PE and Health and

- Languages (French or Indonesian)


Students will complete four 10 week units in the Arts and Technology

- A general Arts program comprising a rotation through units in Art, Dance and Drama and Music

- A general Technology program comprising a rotation through units in Food Studies, Textiles, Woodwork and me talwork

Students can also elect to join the School Band program that operates as a time tabled class in Year 7 in co njunction with the Arts/Technology rotation.

Students will elect either French or Indo nesian prior to arriving at Belco nnen High School.

Year 8

Students co ntinue to complete studies throughout the year in

- English

- Mathematics

- Science

- Studies of Society and the Enviro nment (SOSE)

- PE and Health and

- Languages (French or Indonesian) NB from 2011 all students in Year 3 – 8 will study a second language


Students will select elective units in Arts and Technology each semester.

Year 9 and Year 10

Students co ntinue to complete studies throughout the year in

- English

- Mathematics

- Science

- Studies of Society and the Enviro nment (SOSE)

- PE and Health



申请截至日:医学10月15日,其他6月30日 高中GPA:80.0; IELTS成绩6.5-7.0以上 TOEFL分数要求:87.0,单科要求:听力:21,阅读:22,口语:23,写作:21 学历要求:高中毕业,平均成绩在80分以上,且完成一年预科学习,或已在中国读了一年本科,或英国A-level考试,至少是3A ,或有IB成绩。







环境优美 澳大利亚位于南半球,地员辽阔,人口稀少,自然风光优美,空气质量好,更适合人们居住。澳大利亚治安稳定,可为学生提供更安全的学习和旅游环境。 悉尼、墨尔本等许多城市曾被评为世界上最宜居的城市。澳大利亚的时差与中国没有太大区别。夏天比中国早3个小时,冬天比中国早2个小时。与国内亲友沟通也很方便。就业率高 澳大利亚职业短缺很多,对人才的需求特别大,就业机会多,就业前景广阔,澳大利亚失业率相对较低。

  • <em>BelconnenHighSchool</em>


    Belconnen High School opened in 1971 and enjoys a rich history such as the school hall being the Tally Room for the 1972...

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  • 小学及以下
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  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
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  • 12点-16点
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  • 22点以后
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