Canberra High School 更新时间:2025-03-24 00:41
学校地址:[澳大利亚首都领地] Bindubi Street Macquarie ACT 2614
We are an ACT Government High School situated in the Belconnen suburb of Macquarie. We cater for students from year 7 to 10.Our aim is to help all stu
Canberra High School 更新时间:2025-03-24 00:41
学校地址:[澳大利亚首都领地] Bindubi Street Macquarie ACT 2614
We are an ACT Government High School situated in the Belconnen suburb of Macquarie. We cater for students from year 7 to 10.Our aim is to help all stu
We are an ACT Government High School situated in the Belco nnen suburb of Macquarie. We cater for students from year 7 to 10.
Our aim is to help all students achieve their potential, building on their abilities and interests while celebrating their cultural backgrounds.
We provide a traditio nal seco ndary school structure underpinned by specialist teachers. The modern curriculum we provide has opportunities for extension and extracurricular activities.
We have been serving the ACT community since 1938 and have a long tradition of excellence. Our students can enrich themselves in academic, creative, sporting and leadership areas.
The values that guide us are: Community Attitude Respect Excellence Safety.
Our school co nducts a number of extension and enrichment programs that target our core value of Excellence. These programs have been structured so that all students can access enrichment activities depending on their perso nal needs and abilities. Our range of extension programs include:
Inspire for Gifted and Talented students
The Elite Sporting Program (ESP) for talented athletes and sports people
Program of Excellence
Canberra High School Afternoon Music Program (CHAMP)
Year 7 Co ncert Band
Extra Curricula Enrichment program for all students - Trialing Semester 1 2010
We offer courses of study in:
The Arts (visual art, drama, music, media)
ICT (Information and Communication Technologies)
LOTE (Languages other than English)
SHAPE (Sport, health and Physical Education)
SOSE (Studies of Society and Environment)
Canberra High School has four houses for sports events. Denman (red), Fisher (blue), Gowrie (green) and Lyons (yellow). Early in first term the students in years 9/10 are asked to nominate to become a house captain. Each house elects two female and two male students to fill the positions of Captain and Vice-captain. They will be expected to take on the respo nsibilities listed below and there will be a house patron (teacher) who will be in the area to assist. In taking on the job of captain a student will remain in this position for all carnivals in the current year.
1.Be a good role model:
Wear house colours
Participate in events
Wear suitable clothing and use blockout
Wear a hat
2.Encourage those in the house to wear the colour code and participate in events
3.Attend the carnivals
4.Arrive early to assist in setting up any equipment
5.Set up house area with flag and ensure the flag is in good co ndition
6.Design a house emblem and motto eg: Dynamic Denman
7.Organise chant/song that can be used by the house during the day (particularly relays)
8.Ensure that the house area is kept tidy
9.Encourage students to sit in the house area
10.Organise the relay teams
11.Work as a team
快捷课程 学历要求:高中毕业(均分70%) 语言要求: 2个学期:雅思要求:6.0 3个学期:雅思要求:5.5;托福IBT:46。本科 学历要求:高中毕业(均分70%,高考成绩达到本二分数线以上) 语言要求:雅思要求:6.0(单项不低于5.5);托福iBT:60。
We are an ACT Government High School situated in the Belconnen suburb of Macquarie. We cater for students from year 7 to...