Morley Senior High School 更新时间:2025-03-23 21:40
学校地址:[西澳大利亚] Bramwell Rd, Noranda WA 6062
Mrs G. Fortune, B.Sc. (Curtin) M.Ed. Admin (Deakin), AIMM, MACE, joined Morley Senior High School as principal in 1998 and is the fifth principal in t
Morley Senior High School 更新时间:2025-03-23 21:40
学校地址:[西澳大利亚] Bramwell Rd, Noranda WA 6062
Mrs G. Fortune, B.Sc. (Curtin) M.Ed. Admin (Deakin), AIMM, MACE, joined Morley Senior High School as principal in 1998 and is the fifth principal in t
Mrs G. Fortune, B.Sc. (Curtin) M.Ed. Admin (Deakin), AIMM, MACE, joined Morley Senior High School as principal in 1998 and is the fifth principal in the school's thirty five year history.
Education at Morley Senior High School is a partnership between staff, parents and students which is symbolised in the school motto - "Together We Achieve".
The school enviro nment is designed to encourage students to realise their full potential in academic and vocatio nal pursuits. Social development and participation in sporting activities are also an im portant part of school life. The school prides itself on providing a caring enviro nment that caters for each person as an individual.
The diversity of the curriculum is one of the strength's of Morley Senior High School. Students can choose from a wide range of both academic and vocatio nally oriented programmes giving them a host of opportunities. As well as the formal curriculum students can also participate in a wide range of extra curricula cultural, sporting and community ba sed programmes which enrich their school experience and better prepare them to become the citizens of the future.
The provision of Student Services within schools is evolving and assuming greater im portance in respo nse to societal pressures such as family breakdown, unemployment, crime, drugs and eco nomic circumstances that impact on students' lives. Many such factors can interfere with students' feeling of well being so that they do not reach their full potential. Student Services at Morley SHS endeavors to meet the needs of students and offers support in terms of academic performance, spiritual requirements, health and welfare as well as psychological counselling on a perso nal and school level.
Evidence suggests from overseas and in Australia that the best preventative action that schools can take is to adopt a whole school approach to addressing issues of violence and bullying. This encompasses all elements of a school's operation and means the active creation of a culture and enviro nment supporting the notion of a "bully free zone".
It can be an integral part of:
school policies and procedures
school organisation and management practices
school priorities and plans
professio nal development
teaching and learning practices
curriculum programmes
whole community input involving parents, students and teachers
The whole school approach needs to tie in also with the whole education system and meet regulations, policies and procedures on issues such as managing student behaviour, duty of care, sexual harassment and other co ntroversial and difficult areas involving gender equity and social justice issues.
The Morley SHS "Whole" Approach to developing a "Bully Free" Zone aims to:
raise student awareness of the abusive nature of bullying and promote understanding of the potential seriousness of its effects
encourage student bystanders (and staff) to act in ways which discourage bullying. "It's okay to report bullying !"
deal with bullies individually to help them to take respo nsibility for their behaviour by:
(a) rehabilitation
(b) strong action for the protection of other students if behaviour is more resistant
support group members involved in bullying by teaching skills to counter peer pressure
teach vulnerable students assertiveness skills and self-protective behaviour to reduce vicitimisation.
Students are encouraged to:
accept respo nsibility for their actions
respect the property of others
show co nsideration and respect for others – in the classroom and in the school grounds
actively discourage bullying
report and incident of bullying to a trusted adult
seek help, advice and/or guidance if they are bullied
The staff at Morley Senior High School believe that any incident of bullying is an incident too many. Staff members know of the sometimes hidden and secretive nature of bullying.
They are encouraged to:
adopt positive classroom management strategies
provide positive role models for students
actively counteract bullying behaviour
respond appropriately to any report incidents of bullying
be obviously present during recess and lunchtimes when they are on duty, as a deterrent to possible incidents of bullying in the grounds of the school
符合招生要求 莫里森大学的招生要求详细列明了申请者必须满足的标准,包括学业成绩、标准化测试成绩、课外活动表现、推荐信和个人陈述等方面。申请者必须符合相关要求,方可有申请资格。提供标准化测试成绩 莫里森大学要求每个申请者都提供标准化测试成绩,如SAT或ACT。这些测试成绩是评估申请者学术能力的重要因素之一。
教学质量 致力于提供高质量的教育,以确保每个学生都能得到最佳的学术支持。学校引进了一系列先进的教学方法和课程,包括个性化辅导、小班授课和丰富多样的选修课程,这些措施有效地提高了学生的学业水平。
Mrs G. Fortune, B.Sc. (Curtin) M.Ed. Admin (Deakin), AIMM, MACE, joined Morley Senior High School as principal in 1998 a...