


Como Secondary College 更新时间:2025-03-24 03:29

学校地址:[西澳大利亚] Bruce Street, Como WA, 6152, Australia

Como Secondary College has an outstanding track record of providing an excellent, affordable education. Our size means that students are not lost in t



  • 学校类型:私立
  • 学校等级:A
  • 建校年份:1992
  • 在校学生:35400
  • 国际生比:20%
  • 授课语言:英语
  • 年均学费:20,000-30,000澳元
  • 年均生活费:
  • 学校特色:


Como Seco ndary College has an outstanding track record of providing an excellent, affordable education. Our size means that students are not lost in the crowd and allows us to bring out their best in a safe, secure environment. At the same time however, we are large enough to provide students with a curriculum that caters for a range of interests, abilities and aspirations.

In the 2010 WACE exams Como o nce again demo nstrated that it is one of the best seco ndary schools in the state. The combination of committed students, dedicated teachers, supportive families and high quality specialist programs produced an excellent set of results. Como Seco ndary College is a top ten public school and has co nsistently been in the list of Top 50 WACE schools. The College has won Top Public School Awards in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010.

Como College delivers excellence in seco ndary education. With a student enrolment of nearly 700, it enjoys quiet, secure and pleasant environs. Como is well-located being within the community of South Perth and is 6 kilometres from the CBD of the City of Perth. Additio nally it is adjacent to Western Australia's largest university, the Curtin University of Technology.

Como Seco ndary College is a school of the Department of Education and Training in Western Australia and as such enjoys the support and quality assurance of a government school.

Our students undertake courses of study in Years 8 to 12 with most of our students coming from the local community. Other students join us from around WA to study one of our four special programs (Science & Technology, Hockey, Golf and Music). In addition, we have a small enrolment of overseas students.

The College has achieved many successes in recent years: Australian Champion Golf School 2004, 2005 and 2006 and 2008; WA Champion Hockey schools (boys and girls) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009; Prize winning co ncert bands in Melbourne, 2005 and 2007, Sydney in 2008 and the Junior Co ncert Band received a rating of "excellent" at the State Co ncert Band Festival; and Robotics WA Champion School 2004, 2005.

Como Seco ndary College is a school with a shared vision for a better future. All members of the school community are encouraged to develop their own perso nal visions of excellence which respect individual differences and the collective needs of the society and the environment.

Como's students should seek knowledge and understanding, develop skills and learn to love what is right, what is true and what is beautiful. They must keep the flame of freedom alive in their souls to enable them to reach individual fulfillment whilst serving the greater community.

Three key values will drive the College forward.

・ CARE - To have care and respect for self, the community and the environment.

・ INQUIRY - To ask difficult questions and search for the elusive answers which will lead to understanding.

・ EMPOWERMENT - To use the knowledge of our strengths to shape our future.


Teachers at Como are committed to students and their learning. They are enthusiastic and active members of the professio nal and wider community who enjoy the company of young people and value the insight and experiences their students bring to class.

As respo nsible and accomplished experts in their field, Como teachers:

・ critically reflect on their practice and demo nstrate their commitment to life long learning;

・ provide a supportive class environment;

・ recognise and build on students' individual and social differences;

・ value and promote intellectual quality;

・ co nstruct a relevant and co nnected curriculum;

・ share and access ideas, information and resources to improve student learning;

Teachers are committed to quality communication with parents and caregivers to ensure their policies and practices are understood.

All of these qualities co ntribute significantly to inspire students and equip them with the necessary knowledge, understanding and skills to become responsible, critical, tolerant and ethical citizens.


Como students are charged with the responsibility:

To be the best they can be.

They must seek knowledge and understanding and develop a broad range of skills.

Through knowing what is right, knowing what is truth, and knowing what is beautiful, they will be empowered through realizing their own perso nal vision for the future.

This in turn will enhance their own quality of life and ensure that they can participate and co ntribute as responsible, critical, tolerant and ethical members of the wider community.


Parents and caregivers are vital participants in the shared vision of Como Seco ndary College.

Many parents are productively engaged in the work of the school and positively support the wide range of programs which include natio nal and overseas tours and school involvement in carnivals and competitions.

As committed parents they regularly take the time to listen and talk with their children, supporting them with the provision of a set time and quiet place for homework, and they keep involved with the learning progress of their children.

Parents and teachers form the team which is dedicated to helping children become knowledgeable, respo nsible and articulate men and women who can make im portant co ntributions to strengthening our democratic society.

The Program

A long tradition of success at state, natio nal and internatio nal levels have established hockey as the on-going success story of Como Seco ndary College which co nsistently attracting students from all corners of Western Australia as well as interstate and internatio nal fee-paying students.

Hockey is one of the major areas of study for students enrolled in this program and alo ngside their remaining academic studies, co ntributes to their seco ndary graduation. Students at the academy receive a diverse hockey experience with the major focus being given to skill development and game strategy. This approach has enabled the academy to become a benchmark for Western Australian school hockey development with some graduates progressing directly into the Australian Institute of Sport Hockey Program.

All our graduates of the academy complete a number of natio nally recognized qualifications:

Certificate II in Sport.

Australian Sports Commission's Natio nal Officiating Accreditation Scheme (Community & Beginner Umpire Accreditation).

Australian Sports Commission’s Natio nal Coaching Accreditation Scheme (Community & Beginner Coach Accreditation).

Sports Medicine Accreditation.

Senior First Aid Certificate.

The Facilities

The practical compo nent of the course is co nducted at the internatio nal standard Perth Hockey Stadium. This stadium was the venue of the 2002 Women’s World Cup and is situated adjacent to the college grounds. Students relish the experience of furthering their skills of hockey, using the very same facilities as our countries natio nal teams, the Kookaburras and Hockeyroos. This facility is also home of the Australian Institute of Sport for Hockey.

A state of the art gymnasium and fitness centre on Como Seco ndary College school grounds provides further training capabilities, focusing on key areas of physical co nditioning and indoor hockey.









学分制 学校设置了大量的课程,包括大学升学考试的必考科目,学生们可以对这些课程进行自由选择并完美组合,实现高效率的学习,更加系统的掌握知识。本校为每位学生的学习都做了“私人定制”,以助力实现每个人的梦想。学期制 学期制将一年的课程分为两个学期来实施。

  • <em>ComoSecondaryCollege</em>


    Como Secondary College has an outstanding track record of providing an excellent, affordable education. Our size means t...

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  • 小学及以下
  • 初中
  • 高中
  • 大专
  • 本科
  • 研究生及以上
  • 随时
  • 6点-9点
  • 9点-12点
  • 12点-16点
  • 16点-18点
  • 22点以后
  • 其它