Carine Senior High School
学校地址:[西澳大利亚] Everingham St, CARINE 6020,Western Australia
We are located approximately 15km North of Perth, Western Australia, in the coastal suburb of Carine. The school caters for Years 8, 9 and 10 and offe
Carine Senior High School
学校地址:[西澳大利亚] Everingham St, CARINE 6020,Western Australia
We are located approximately 15km North of Perth, Western Australia, in the coastal suburb of Carine. The school caters for Years 8, 9 and 10 and offe
We are located approximately 15km North of Perth, Western Australia, in the coastal suburb of Carine. The school caters for Years 8, 9 and 10 and offers an extensive range of Tertiary and Non-Tertiary Entrance Subjects in Years 11 and 12, together with several Vocatio nal Education and Training Programs.
Carine is recognised in the community for its high academic and community values. The campus boasts excellent facilities including swimming pool, well-equipped Performing Arts Centre, an extensive Information Technology network as well as a wide proliferation of air-co nditioning in the majority of its buildings to maximise learning capacity in the summer months.
Carine SHS represents the very best that government schools have to offer. The community, students and staff are justifiably proud of its reputation.
Carine Senior High School boasts a full range of facilities, set in attractive grounds. Learning area buildings are co nnected by covered walkways through pleasant gardens.
Each learning area is equipped with specialist rooms and equipment. These include Computer-equipped teaching rooms, Digital Media and Digital Photography Centres, Art Studios, Practical Arts Workshops, Science Laboratories and a Careers Centre. The Library stocks a large range of books, audio-visual resources and computers with access to the internet.
Physical recreation facilities include a Gymnasium, 25 metre Swimming Pool, Basketball courts, two full-sized grassed Sports Ovals, Cricket Nets and Tennis Courts. The School Buses transport students to sporting events and excursions. The Performing Arts Centre accommodates drama, dance and music programs and is used for school assemblies and public performances.
In addition to educatio nal facilities, the school provides a Health Centre staffed by a full-time School Nurse, a Canteen, a Bookshop, a Uniform Shop and a Year Centre. School facilities are used by the community after school hours.
The school has a very strong focus on pastoral care, ba sed around a year system. Each year group has a Year Co-ordinator and Assistant to foster the school ethos. A positive rapport exists between staff and students. The perso nal development and academic progress of students is mo nitored by the Student Services Team.
Counselling in career issues, subject selection, study skills, and social and emotio nal problems is available through the Careers Co-ordinator, the School Psychologist and the School Chaplain. The School Nurse is available for counselling in health matters. These people provide a strong network of support for students.
A high standard of discipline is maintained at Carine. It is valued as a means of providing optimal learning co nditions for all students. The school expects a high standard of courtesy, respect and cooperation.
Problems which arise are prom ptly dealt with by senior teachers and Deputy Principals. Ultimately, withdrawal from class and suspension from school might be used.
Students are encouraged to participate in the variety of opportunities offered by the school. The pursuit of excellence is fostered in all fields of endeavour. Ho nours are awarded to those who achieve highly. These titles are proudly displayed on the student s school windcheater.
In the academic field, approximately 50% of students gain admission to a university, exceeding the state average by some 15%. A further 25% gain admission to a TAFE college.
Students are encouraged to participate in a broad range of sporting activities. Carine has a proud record of achievement at district, state and natio nal levels.
The school's cultural achievements include successful competition in dance, drama, debating, music and art events. Three languages are offered and student cultural exchange programs take place regularly.
Students are encouraged to participate in a range of community service activities.
To nurture the development of the whole person, with particular emphasis on a positive self-concept.
To develop inquiring and flexible minds capable of thinking clearly, logically and critically.
To foster the pursuit of excellence in all fields of endeavour.
To develop abilities which will prepare students for further educational, vocatio nal and recreatio nal pursuits.
To develop high standards of behaviour, courtesy, co nsideration and respect for the rights of all.
To encourage an appreciation of the cultural aspects of society.
To encourage in staff, pride in their profession through enhanced self-esteem and professio nal development.
To develop a positive school environment.
To encourage open communication in the school and between the school and wider community.
申请要求 (1) 申请者必须是高中三年级学生,有良好的学习成绩和良好的学术表现; (2) 如果申请者有过在其他的学习经历,那么必须提供相关文件,以证明其在其他的学习成绩; (3) 申请者必须提供一封申请信,详细说明其学习和社会活动经历; (4) 申请者必须提供其高中教师的推荐信,以及有关考生高中学习成绩的证明;
师资力量 拥有一支充满激情和经验丰富的教师团队。他们不仅具备专业知识和教学技巧,还注重培养学生的创造力。
We are located approximately 15km North of Perth, Western Australia, in the coastal suburb of Carine. The school caters...