Applecross Senior High School was established in 1958. It is located in the pleasant near-riverside suburb of Ardross. The school has established and sustained a reputation for high academic, sporting and cultural achievements, winning many academic exhibitions, awards and competitions, and is often placed among the highest performing public high schools.
Applecross, Ardross, Booragoon, Brentwood, Mt Pleasant and Winthrop are the co ntributory primary schools for Applecross Senior High School.
a bout 70 percent of our students seek with success to enter a university, and others achieve entry to Technical and Further Education (TAFE) or directly to employment. Those achieving university entrance frequently do so with higher than the State entry Tertiary Entrance Rank (TER), and generally co ntinue to successful completion of their qualifications.
The school celebrates its cultural diversity, with approximately 50 percent of its student population from non-European backgrounds.
Well known alumni include media perso nalities Deborah Kennedy and Mara Pritchard, Maritime Museum Director Graeme Henderson, AFL footballer Darren Bennett, and political cartoo nist Dean Alston.
Parent involvement is valued and encouraged through the Parents and Citizens Association, canteen, school committees, and the School Council. Active parent groups support the programs in Art, Music, and Tennis.
Applecross Senior High School has developed this Behaviour Management Policy to ensure that a safe, supportive and caring learning enviro nment is created for all students, while fostering self-discipline, self-motivation and self-respect.
The Policy complies with the values and regulations within
The School Education Act 1999
The Natio nal Safe Schools f ramework
The Outcomes and Standards f ramework
This policy will be reviewed annually.
The Procedures to implement the policy meet the requirements in the School Education Act 1999 for
Access - the right to education for every student
Choice - freedom to choose education providers
Partnerships - parents, students and staff work together
Equity – adjusting assessments and procedures to meet individual students’ circumstances
Decisions, co nsequences and sanctions derived from the policy and procedures, comply with the principles of
Procedural fairness
Rule against bias - impartiality, objectivity and absence of prejudgement
Rule of opportunity to be heard - reaso nable notice and opportunity is given to present participants’ points of view
Rule of evidence - records, both verbal and written, are completed and retained
Purpose Statement and Values
Strong, positive interperso nal relatio nships founded on trust, respect and shared respo nsibility are valued by our students and teachers. We firmly believe that the best learning occurs when teachers, students and parents are in partnership together, have common goals and are mutually respectful.
Under the banner of "Applecross SHS Chooses Respect" our core values are Mutual Respect and Perso nal Best. It is expected that each individual will take respo nsibility and make a positive co ntribution to the school community.
Our values as seen through the eyes of an Applecross SHS student:
At Applecross SHS I am respo nsible for -
Mutual Respect
caring for self and others
caring for the enviro nment
being honest, sincere and seeking the truth
treating others with co nsideration and regard
being accountable for one’s own actions
being understanding of others and their cultures and accepting diversity
Perso nal Best
seeking to accomplish something worthy and admirable
trying hard and pursuing excellence
setting meaningful goals
seeking assistance and support to improve my performance
creating my own success
CampusApplecross Senior High School is located in the pleasant near riverside suburb of Ardross. It is approximately ten kilometres from the Perth central business district. The school’s boundary roads include l inks Road, Ardessie Street, and Leverburgh Street.
Teaching-learning areas include a Performing Arts Centre for Dance, Drama and Music, a purpose-built Visual Arts Centre, a Design and Technology Centre, eleven Science Laboratories, and six Computer Laboratories. All classrooms have been networked for learning with technology and students have o nline access via classroom computers to the Library Resource Centre and the internet.
A large gymnasium and swimming pool is central to the Health and Physical Education program. Other sporting facilities include two ovals, six synpave tennis courts, two basketball courts, and cricket nets.
CanteenThe Canteen is located at the l inks Road side on the ground floor. It is open daily from Mo nday to Friday, except after school.
The Canteen is managed by the Parents and Citizens Association, and sells a variety of healthy foods during recess and lunchtime. Lunch can be ordered from 8.00 to 8.35 am.
GymnasiumThe large gymnasium is an integral part of the Health and Physical Education program. It is used for a variety of indoor sporting activities including: badminton, basketball, dancing, and volleyball.
The gymnasium is forty five metres by thirty metres in area and includes a weights room, change rooms, kitchen facility and stage area. The large stage is ideal for theatre performances.
The facility is often used by community groups and our feeder primary schools.
Health CentreThe Health Centre is located in the Student Services building and caters for the primary health care of students and staff.
The Centre comprises a waiting area, an office, a well equipped treatment room, a spacious bathroom and toilet, and two bed observation rooms.
The School Nurse performs roles including accident and emergency management, and the determination of health protocols for the school.
Parents/guardians are requested to keep the Health Centre informed of any change in their child’s health status.
School LibraryThe Library is an integral part of the school community. It co ntains an extensive young adult fiction and non-fiction collection, journals, magazines, CDs, videotapes and DVDs. A comprehensive professio nal library area has been established and is an im portant asset to the o ngoing professio nal growth of all staff.
The Library is open daily, Mo nday to Friday 8.00 am to 3.45 pm. It is closed at recess and open during lunchtime.
There are twenty six computers in the Library all with access to the internet. Another thirty two computers are available in the laboratory immediately adjacent to the Library.
Swimming Pool